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Think I'm gonna start following NJPW a lot tighter.

Purchased NJPW World and have been enjoying the stories and documentaries on the wrestlers. I'd definitely say I'm more invested in what's going on in Japan than the US. It kind of reminds me of the nineties with tape trading. I was real young back then, but I remember my brother telling me about watching Super J Cup at his best friend's house and all the other Japanese wrestling.
Flair is my goat. When he passes I know wrestling won't be the same

He the goat to me too..Nobody will ever do it better..And I'll, personally, feel like the industry will be different..

But if he does pass I won't feel too terrible cause he lived his life on his terms (for better or worse)..And it's not like he hasn't lived a full life..The man is 68 years old and was a huge star in his profession for, probably, longer than anyone else..
Purchased NJPW World and have been enjoying the stories and documentaries on the wrestlers. I'd definitely say I'm more invested in what's going on in Japan than the US. It kind of reminds me of the nineties with tape trading. I was real young back then, but I remember my brother telling me about watching Super J Cup at his best friend's house and all the other Japanese wrestling.

I was pretty heavy into tape trading back in the day..It was a great way to be exposed to guys from Europe, Mexico, PR, and Japan..
From watching NXT, championships gotta stop interfering in #1 contender matches

Also ends up being triple threat matches :rofl:
Purchased NJPW World and have been enjoying the stories and documentaries on the wrestlers. I'd definitely say I'm more invested in what's going on in Japan than the US. It kind of reminds me of the nineties with tape trading. I was real young back then, but I remember my brother telling me about watching Super J Cup at his best friend's house and all the other Japanese wrestling.

I basically took wrestling off post-attitude through 2011 and that's when I started actually posting in here. Went to my first Raw then Mania a year (Play button) a couple years later and then I started getting nerdy with how i enjoy my wrestling. Loved NXT when it came out and followed it hard with a while and started understanding what makes a great match and why. All the Nakamura love/.gifs in here were the first thing to get me into NJPW then I started checking out random stuff from names mentioned in here (Okada and Ibushi I think were the first couple names then Nakamura vs AJ), then I started ******* with Shibata hard, then his incident happened. Naito got me fully into it, he just has his psychology down so well and plays his character like a bad *** perfectly, he really is my favorite thing in wrestling right now. Finished him vs Omega at G1 today and I'm all in now. WWE isn't giving me anything close to that.

I also fully support Daryl Takahashi. Definitely bought an LIJ shirt off Hot Topic drunk tonight too
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