Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4



I'm not turning on Adam ColeBayBay..Dude is legit in the ring and fun to watch..
I don't know but I love the concept. I was lucky enough to go to Takarazuka and see the review they perform at the famed theater. That was an amazing experience. Being a theater/acting nerd in high school, this definitely peaked my interest.
Is that some sort of theatre/fighting hybrid as well
Hurricane head towards Houston this weekend, so I'm going to do a an Adam Cole and Young Bucks marathon when I get home from work. Bucks because I just want to study some of their psychology(or lack there of according to some) and Cole to make an actual assessment of his work.
Is that some sort of theatre/fighting hybrid as well

It is an all female theatre troupe, broken down into 5 different groups of performers by experience. Started in response to Noh and Kabuki theatre's exclusion of women, Takarazuka even opened a university that has been deemed one of the most competitive acting/theater schools in the world bringing in as many as 5,000 applications every registration year and only letting in 50 new perspective students. While I was their the new students were actually announced the day I saw "the Scarlet Pimpernel" performed with my good friend.

This is the flyer from the performance I saw, starring Kurenai Yuzuru as Percy. She was amazing.

It's not hate. McIntyre looks like a monster next to him.
its like ok you want to make this new faction seem like a big deal so have them lay out people

but atleast put a big guy with them to make it somewhat believable. an enforcer. nobody gonna believe these 3 205 live guys are running roughshot through the roster. well maybe the full sail crowd would believe it. but you get my point

i read the spoilers and its ridiculous

drew mcintyre would wash these guys in a 3 vs 1 match
They're lucky they didn't come to the WWE in 2012, Ryback would have stacked them all up and shell shocked them at the same time
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