Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

its like ok you want to make this new faction seem like a big deal so have them lay out people

but atleast put a big guy with them to make it somewhat believable. an enforcer. nobody gonna believe these 3 205 live guys are running roughshot through the roster. well maybe the full sail crowd would believe it. but you get my point

i read the spoilers and its ridiculous

drew mcintyre would wash these guys in a 3 vs 1 match
Exactly what I thought. I think Bobby Fish has a pretty cool look, but man Kyle O'Reily looks awkward af out there
I totally agree. Not trying to discredit their in ring ability at all but it just doesn't look believable. Particularly the spoiler stuff. :lol: Drew doesn't look like a normal sized human being next to most people much less 3 guys that barely break 6 ft. Then again, there was a considerable height difference here as well…








Meangene45 Meangene45





@green rhino123




generally a fan of the guy in-ring, but Johnny Impact sounds like some weak TV-Y7 action-adventure cartoon on Disney XD. stop it.

Hurricane head towards Houston this weekend, so I'm going to do a an Adam Cole and Young Bucks marathon when I get home from work. Bucks because I just want to study some of their psychology(or lack there of according to some) and Cole to make an actual assessment of his work.

mind sharing your top 3 influences?
how the **** is that little fat filipino butterball in the guantlet for gold? hes one of the top 20 wrestlers in tna??? that fat ***** aint ever won a match in tna what the ****?? deer god
Nah, I'm loaded up with stuff though. It's never flooded bad where I am, and I've been through some bad ones. Now where I work gets awful and I plan on hauling *** at the slightest bit of rain :lol:.

A couple years ago, when I used to work remotely, my supervisor forgot to tell me I didn't have to go into work during a bad storm, so my dumbass was driving on a flooded freeway to an empty office :smh:. Definitely get the f*** out of there if the clouds even start forming :lol:.
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