Wrestling Thread Tonight at 7PM ET/ WrestleMania 32/ Preshow Starts at 5PM ET

Your scoring is too sawft

Dont disrespect suwoo nation by giving this a 5

Joint was a cool 2.3/10

1 point for the ladder match

1 point for the divas match

.7 for the New day rub with SCSA

-.4 bc Shane jumped off the cell and Taker was too ***** to help him take the bump + bc the spot was pointless

HBK look AMAAZING though. I hope Jericho is sick about that 

Corbin made it a 5

Or I woulda scored lower :wink:
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Mania was entertaining. Booking was horrible as usual so not a big surprise.

Not sure why so many are upset with Taker v Shane, many called it from the jump. They just wanted that top of the cell spot.

Roman :x dude hasn't progressed one bit since last WM.
My city :smokin

Best part was seeing it with my girl. She loved the Woman's title triple threat and that was the match of the show imo. :smokin
Seems a lot of people hated the card and I'll agree that the main event was putrid idk what these people are thinking putting this match last knowing that's what would happen. I still had a great time and will do my best to be in Orlando next year.
The Shane spot was so damn pointless though. It's like hey, we know this match will suck, but let's do this stupid spot to make people think we did a good job tonight. Like no *****, if you're going to do a spot like that, it better be the icing on a match, not the only way to rationalize the match as meaningful.
Seems a lot of people hated the card and I'll agree that the main event was putrid idk what these people are thinking putting this match last knowing that's what would happen. I still had a great time and will do my best to be in Orlando next year.
As much as I hate Roman and don't think he's ready to carry the main strap. I'm happy its over, now they can move forward. They gave him his moment and still didn't work. I think if Roman would have lose, we would have this same situation next WM.
In all seriousness

This Mania was very meh

- Usos/Dudleys I couldn't care less about.

- Kalisto/Ryback was a thing. At least the right person won.

- Divas Tag Match happened.

- Ryder winning the IC Belt was a legit shocker considering he was a last minute add in. Was not expecting that at all. We'll see if he still has the belt tonight though.

- Styles/Jericho was solid, but the wrong guy won. Puzzling decision there.

- Triple Threat was great, She Ric winning was not. Sasha really did her thing man.

- Baron Corbin winning the Battle Royal was really awesome. Great way to debut a NXT guy. Can't wait to see where he goes from here..he has improved so much.

- The Rock/Cena/Wyatts segment + squash match was whatever. Went on for a little too long.

- Shane/Taker was super anticlimactic. Literally nothing of note happened outside of one big spot.

- HHH/Reigns was just uninteresting and uneventful. WM25 level bad.


I'm just gonna watch Zayn/Nakamura again because why not and hope Smarkamania Raw has at least some good debuts and/or returns.

The Brock Ambrose match was so bad you didn't even mention it :lol:
Mania was entertaining. Booking was horrible as usual so not a big surprise.

Not sure why so many are upset with Taker v Shane, many called it from the jump. They just wanted that top of the cell spot.

dude hasn't progressed one bit since last WM.
My city

Best part was seeing it with my girl. She loved the Woman's title triple threat and that was the match of the show imo.
that was the highlight for sure, the rock segment sucked, i wanted some what of a fight.

New Day killing it again,  i absolutely love them and they are a huge reason i continue to watch. they needed to defend their belts last night. 
The Shane spot was so damn pointless though. It's like hey, we know this match will suck, but let's do this stupid spot to make people think we did a good job tonight. Like no *****, if you're going to do a spot like that, it better be the icing on a match, not the only way to rationalize the match as meaningful.
The Shane spot was so damn pointless though. It's like hey, we know this match will suck, but let's do this stupid spot to make people think we did a good job tonight. Like no *****, if you're going to do a spot like that, it better be the icing on a match, not the only way to rationalize the match as meaningful.

It really just felt like Shane had the itch to take another high risk bump. Weird booking and setup throughout. Pretty pointless match. Shane came back and said a lot of things we had been saying about the stale product and changes needing to be made, then lost. That's pretty much a middle finger from Vince :lol:
The Shane spot was so damn pointless though. It's like hey, we know this match will suck, but let's do this stupid spot to make people think we did a good job tonight. Like no *****, if you're going to do a spot like that, it better be the icing on a match, not the only way to rationalize the match as meaningful.
It really just felt like Shane had the itch to take another high risk bump. Weird booking and setup throughout. Pretty pointless match. Shane came back and said a lot of things we had been saying about the stale product and changes needing to be made, then lost. That's pretty much a middle finger from Vince
Yesterday in total was a middle finger to the IWC.

To be fair, if there were better finishes, Ramen winning wouldn't be so bad.
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HBK looked to be in amazing shape. Ladder match and women's triple threat def the matches of the night. Jericho and styles wasn't too bad but the pace of it felt off to me.
I think if I had been watching at home Mania would have just been above average..But being in the building you get a totally different experience for the matches..The only match that I was dying watching was the Main Event..All the other matches at least felt exciting while in the crowd..Anxious to watch it on tv and see how the whole event differs..
I think if I had been watching at home Mania would have just been above average..But being in the building you get a totally different experience for the matches..The only match that I was dying watching was the Main Event..All the other matches at least felt exciting while in the crowd..Anxious to watch it on tv and see how the whole event differs..

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself man :pimp:
I think if I had been watching at home Mania would have just been above average..But being in the building you get a totally different experience for the matches..The only match that I was dying watching was the Main Event..All the other matches at least felt exciting while in the crowd..Anxious to watch it on tv and see how the whole event differs..

Couldn't agree more. The atmosphere inside is incredible and I had a great time regardless. Got stuck in that massive line with case and 22 until my friends told me our section (club section) had its own seperate entrance and we went over there and got right in there was ZERO line. They did a terrible job with getting everyone in they messed up big time.
I think if I had been watching at home Mania would have just been above average..But being in the building you get a totally different experience for the matches..The only match that I was dying watching was the Main Event..All the other matches at least felt exciting while in the crowd..Anxious to watch it on tv and see how the whole event differs..

I'm hella happy for you bro.
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