Seeing as I was posting during their run I recall most of us agreeing during their push it was appropriate for where they were. They were in the process of establishing themselves as a unit, beating up Taker, Cena, Orton, Ryback, etc... If they had won all the main belts the complaint would have been too much too soon, you can’t have it both ways. They all had titles respective to where they were at that time on the card, booking determines when titles are defended so you can’t blame the talent... Sometimes we overvalue a title reign and sometimes we underrate them. I’m not gonna feel like Jinder is an all time great cause he won the belt and Scott Hall never did. We have personal preferences...They started as mercenaries, basically super goons for hire. They evolved into “The Hounds of Justice”(...hence the “Big Dog” moniker for Reigns...
) Completely washed the Larry Holmes version of Evolution and then disbanded when no one really expected it. They used the group to basically let people know these three will be long term main event tier talents with multiple title Reigns as their careers progress. I guess being in all of the main events, selling a bunch of merch, and headlining PPVs is no longer seen as being a success as a wrestler...