[WSH] ******** @ [CAR] Panthers : Game 5 : 10.11.2009


Edit :
I've missed about the past 5 minutes cause the Fox feed is REAL choppy...

What happened to Orakpo?
Originally Posted by Hugo

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I've missed about the past 5 minutes cause the Fox feed is REAL choppy...

What happened to Orakpo?

He got a sack..........but then they flagged him for lininng up offsides.

BTW i've lost my HD feed.

ps. Nice stuff by Deangelo
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

smh I feel a safty coming on
Damn it you called it...

Here's a link to the game for those who don't have FOX working : http://www.atdhe.net/8649/watch-washington-********-vs-carolina-panthers
Did they really just call that running play on the goal line? i mean, with a decent offensive line you might be able to get away with it. But they should knowthat there's no way in hell that play was getting out of the end zone.
Zorn has got to go.

I mean we're lucky to get 4 yards in the open field

and he's gonna call a sweep in the in-zone?
Good God, Sellers cannot be serious with that blocking on the safety
Now I see why Portis got in a fight with him.
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