[WSH] ******** @ [NY] Giants : Season Opener : 9.13.2009

At least it aint broke...but that boot does suck...I know
Safe to say everyone in the stadium was faked out by the fake-FG.

End the game G-Men.
Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

******* play-calling on offense has been one giant fail
It doesn't help that their O-Line couldn't block a pop warner team.

This team is going to implode during the offseason if they don't make the playoffs (yes we talking about the offseason in week 1).
i'll give you that. but i mean some of the plays and/or audibles by campbell have me thinking what in the world is going on. i'd be sofrustrated if i was a skins fan...hell i AM frustrated just watching campbell play
Originally Posted by VABigPoppa

watching the ******** is the most frustrating thing ever

Seriously, I swear I'm gonna have a heart attack watching the skins play.

Fred Smoot needs to get off my team, cot damn I hate him. That bamma couldn't tackle if his life depended on it. That goes for Hall too. Jason has beenabsolute garbage. I see no improvements on the offense at all.
It sucks even more since everyone in our division won except us.
The only reason Campbell made that audible was cuz he saw that the Giants were bringing the house and he didn't have enough faith in his O-Line to prtoecthim long enough and made Portis take the hit.

And that's why the Skins will get nowhere with Campbell
Congrats G-Men...decieving scoreline...

I'm upset at today's performance....they better come out next week and slaughter the Rams.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Too early to give up on Hixon?
Have you seen the dumb routes assigned by the coordinator all game? Ridiculous to say the least, so predictable.

But aside from that:

Nice seeing Eli distribute the ball to 7 different receivers, all about having a balanced attack with this team.

20-29 for 256 yards 1 td/1 int).

Recieving core did a solid job today, converted on several key 3rd down plays.

D was excellent except for that brief blip at the end.
Good, strong game by the Giants. They pretty much dominated the game despite the cheesy 17 points the ******** were able to put up.

They need to work on their receiving some more. Only thing right now that's iffy

Well this is how we started last year.

15 more games left, lets see if the skins are going to buckle down and play to their potential.

Congrats to the Giants on their win, we will see yall again later this year.
To me Hixon is a glorified special teamer...Sinorice, Hakeem, and Mario need to step up....Smith seems to get it...G-men can't let teams hang around likethat...gotta stomp on their throats
As a Giants fan I am happy we got the win, however we better come stronger against the Cowboys next weekend if we want to win.
Ya'll just need to give the ******** defense a little more credit for keeping them in the game, these games are ALWAYS like this.

Gilbride needs to improve on his play calling, especially in the Red Zone and on 3rd and short. I think everyone knew a draw play was coming on 2 separateoccasions, the Skins even stacked their linebackers down the middle.
I think the ******** will win a lot of games this year. That was a tough matchup for the first week, though.

Zorn was going a little crazy there openly berating Cooley/Campbell. I don't know how I feel about that.
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