[WSH] ******** @ [NY] Giants : Season Opener : 9.13.2009

giants running game and defensive line will be on point as usual though i am a little concerned about the passing game from both eli and the receivers.

i have confidence that they'll get it together in time though

i think washington will do better than most people believe this year (except homer ******** fans, of course)

looking forward to this season. it's been too long
Whats good with the Chris Paul songs every week?
They (WPGC 95.5) let some new fraud do the ******* songs now since Chris Paul left the station. I can honestly say that Chris Paul did a betterjob than this new clown, and that's really saying something coming from me. Kinda surprised nobody has posted this yet................

^they did, first page, spoiler edition.

Landry and Smoot will be avoiding this monster at all costs
The Skins front line is greatly improved, with the addition of Haynesworth (who will command double teams) that leaves one on one matches ups for Andre Carterand Phillip Daniels. With great interior penetration, expect the Giants to become one dimensional as the running lanes become clogged. The ******** will showno respect the the Giants less than stellar recieving group, so expect alot of man to man press. If DeAngelo Hall (yes that DeAngelo Hall) can keep is cool andconcentrate he can be very effective. If the rest of the D-Line can match the intensity of Haynesworth they can force Eli Manning (who will have to throw themajority of the game) into simple errors like not properly checking off recievers.

I can see this turning into a defensive match up more so than a shoot out. Im taking the ******** in this one 17-7.

Although I do like the Giants, I have to goRedskins here.
I see this being a solid game like last season's opener (even though it was slow at times).

Giants 20-Skins-14
Yes football is back finally

This will be a tight game, The Giants have a strong rushing attack but I don't see that being a problem for the ******** Defense. I see this game as beinga defense struggle, or possibly coming down to a final drive. Whoever defense plays the best, that team will win the game. With that being said...I have togive it to my boys!

********- 23
Giants- 13

Jason Campbell is going to have a contract year type of season, believe it.
Football is finally back, seems like forever since the season ended and I was forced to watch the Mets for the entire summer.
Skins fans, you should watch Portis's interview on ********.com (9-9-09). I'm liking this dude's attitude, especially how he feels about teamsstacking the box against him with no respect to the passing game. He seems to be that confident in Malcolm and Marko, I'm hoping these dudes light up thepassing game.
Haynesworth and Jacobs having a little war of words i see..

well, not really..article way overhyping the situation as always..media asked Haynesworth 5 or 6 straight questions about Jacobs
, dude was having none of it.
xcg11pinoYx wrote:
Haynesworth and Jacobs having a little war of words i see..

well, not really..article way overhyping the situation as always..media asked Haynesworth 5 or 6 straight questions about Jacobs
, dude was having none of it.

Portis said its going to be "bombs over baghdad"...if they dont get back this year and cover the deep ball

Rporter asked Haynesworth "is it tough going against a back like Jacobs you know is going to come straight at you?"

Haynesworth responded- "No, they all fall the same...he is like 250lbs right I was 250 in the 10th grade"

Damn its been a long summer, I'm glad skins football is back in session!
i'll be at work all afternoon, scorecenter app gonna have to keep me updated.

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