WSW (White Supremacist Watch) Thread

GOP Candidate Corey Stewart’s Spokesperson Called Majority-Black Cities ‘S**tholes’


Corey Stewart, the Republican candidate for Senate in Virginia, has been shunned by his own party over his ties with neo-Confederate groups and his refusal to condemn white supremacist violence. That hasn’t stopped several activists who express similarly extreme views from working for Stewart.

One of Stewart’s spokespersons, Rick Shaftan, tweeted that three majority-black U.S. cities were “****holes” and repeatedly warned against opening businesses in black neighborhoods. Shaftan, along with Stewart’s other spokesperson, previously worked on behalf of an anti-Semite running for House Speaker Paul Ryan’s seat in Wisconsin.

In addition, a Stewart volunteer was a member of a chat group that planned a sequel to the deadly right-wing rally in Charlottesville.
New York Times Stands By New Tech Writer Sarah Jeong After Racist Tweets Surface

Social media reactions flared on Wednesday with images of racist tweets sent from an unverified Twitter account that looked to belong to Sarah Jeong. The tweets surfaced shortly after The Times announced she was joining the paper.

The New York Times is standing by its hiring of tech writer Sarah Jeong despite several derogatory tweets of hers aimed at white people, which were recently unearthed on her Twitter account.

“Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men,” Jeong wrote in July 2014 in one of several old messages that have gone viral.

Social media reactions first flared on Wednesday with images of incendiary tweets from an unverified Twitter account that looked to belong to Jeong. They surfaced shortly after The Times announced she was joining the paper. The Times issued a statement on Thursday declaring that it had reviewed her social media history during the hiring process and was standing by the decision to bring her aboard.

“We hired Sarah Jeong because of the exceptional work she has done … her journalism and the fact that she is a young Asian woman have made her a subject of frequent online harassment. For a period of time she responded to that harassment by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers,” The Times said in a statement. “She regrets it, and The Times does not condone it.”

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The paper said it had “candid conversations” with Jeong during the interview process that included a “thorough vetting” and review of her social media history. The Times said it is “confident that she will be an important voice for the editorial board moving forward.”

Jeong’s Twitter feed is filled with a host of messages that could be construed as racist and offensive. Jeong compared “dumbass f-----g white people” to dogs, said that “old white men” were “lemmings,” opined that white people would “go extinct soon,” and used the hashtag #CancelWhitePeople.

“Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she wrote in 2014 before adding a graph claiming that “whiteness” resulted in being “awful.”

Jeong issued a statement on Thursday that echoed The Times’.

“I engaged in what I thought of at the time as counter-trolling. While it was intended as satire, I deeply regret that I mimicked the language of my harassers. These comments were not aimed at a general audience, because general audiences do not engage in harassment campaigns. I can understand how hurtful these posts are out of context, and would not do it again,” Jeong wrote.

The Times on Wednesday issued a glowing press release announcing that Jeong would join the editorial board, touting her as “staying ahead of every turn on the vast beat that is the internet.” The South Korean-born Jeong, who previously worked at The Verge, was hired as the lead technology writer for the paper.

Verge staffer Elizabeth Lopatto congratulated Jeong on the new gig but added, “Just a shame for all of us her twitter is about to be a lot less fun.” Jeong’s account replied with the emoji of a face wearing a medical mask over its mouth.

Jeong has sent more than 103,000 tweets since joining the social media platform in 2009. Many of the offensive comments are from 2014, and the account has recently been active with commentary on a variety of topical issues – including 3D printers and Proposition 8.

The offensive tweets have been highlighted in coverage by The Daily Caller, National Review, The Federalist and a variety of blogs and websites.

Jeong isn’t the first Gray Lady hire to come under fire for offensive rhetoric on social media.

Back in February, the editorial board fired Quinn Norton hours after touting her as its next lead opinion writer to cover the "power, culture and consequences of technology" when old tweets she'd sent were unearthed. Norton had sent several controversial tweets, once claiming she was “friends with various neo-Nazis” and retweeting a word deemed derogatory to African-Americans.

Once the offensive tweets surfaced, Times editorial page editor James Bennet issued a statement that Norton had been fired. After her termination, Norton called the situation a "context collapse" on Twitter, implying her views had been misinterpreted.

“No harm no foul," Norton wrote on Twitter. "I’m sorry I can’t do the work I wanted to do with them. I wish there had been a way, but ultimately, they need to feel safe with how the net will react to their opinion writers."

Fox News columnist Stephen Miller tweeted on Thursday that he doesn’t care about Jeong's “dumb old tweets but it’s the Times themselves who set this standard,” and he attached an image of Norton.
Uproar After Italian Minister Wants to End Anti-Racism Law


An Italian minister is facing broad condemnation after calling for the abolition of an anti-racism law, with key members of the government including the prime minister distancing themselves from the statements.

Family Minister Lorenzo Fontana, of the far-right League party, on Friday called for abolishing a 1993 law condemning racist violence, hatred and discrimination, saying “globalists” were using it to “disguise their anti-Italian racism as anti-Fascism.”

The president of Italy’s Union of Jewish Communities, Noemi Di Segni criticized the minister’s words, saying the law should be enforced and defended.

Di Segni told The Associated Press that the Jewish community is concerned with the current “radicalization” of governments and populations not only in Italy, but also in Europe.
Berkeley police arrest twenty people and seize 'dozens of weapons' at opposing alt-right and anti-fascist protests

Cops have arrested at least 20 people during a violent clash between alt-right and anti-fascist protests in Berkeley, California, on Sunday.

Officers seized dozens of weapons, including hammers, pepper spray and metal bars, from the protests.

A group of 'extremists' also threw explosives at police. No officers were hurt but three protesters were injured during the event.

Protesters damaged 21 city vehicles; setting one alight and slashing their tires. Vandals also set trash can fires





Laura Ingraham Blasted for Rant About ‘Demographic Changes’ That ‘Most of Us Don’t Like’
“JUST SAY RACIAL SLURS,” tweets Atlantic contributor Jesse Singal in response

Fox News host Laura Ingraham was criticized Wednesday night after warning viewers that “demographic changes” were being “foisted” on the United States and said that “the America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore.”

“In some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like,” said Ingraham.

“From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically, in some ways, the country’s changed,” she added. “Much of this is related to both illegal and — in some cases — legal immigration that, of course, progressives love.”

Also Read:Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Endorsed Laura Ingraham's 'Truthful' Anti-Immigration Monologue

The “demographic changes” coming to change the America “we know and love” didn’t sit well with the left, who accused her of racism — but also drew a broad rebuke from Ingraham’s fellow Republicans.

Late in her monologue, Ingraham called on Congress to “act now” to address immigration issues and insisted, “There is something slipping away in this country and it’s not about race or ethnicity.” She did not identify what non-racial, non-ethnic demographic changes concerned her.

The moment was first noticed by Fox News watcher Andrew Lawrence at Media Matters for America.

Later on in her monologue, Ingraham clarified that she was not talking about “race or ethnicity.”

“There is something slipping away in this country and it’s not about race or ethnicity,” she said. “It’s what was once a common understanding by both parties that American citizenship is a privilege, and one that at a minimum requires respect for the rule of law and loyalty to our constitution.”

This was not the first time Ingraham has faced controversy. In March, she faced an advertiser boycott that saw dozens of sponsors flee her program after she mocked Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg. Ingraham survived, but was forced to apologize to Hogg and took a vacation from the airwaves for a week.

You can watch her latest moment above.
that old white lady clearly has mental issues if she allegedly stepped down from her ceo position from a mental health clinic, when she said she was an immigration attorney :lol:
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