WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

Guys you can't be serious not liking that ending. Swagger is a heel. He's supposed to be hated and despised. He just stole a victory after good guy Orton did all that heavy lifting. His new character says Real Americans don't sit back and wait for hand outs. So he took what he wanted.

I don't care Swagger won but I don't think anyone buys him as a main event heel after two weeks when he was a failed jobber a few times before
When have they come down from the rafters?

There's only one EC match?!
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My ideal finish would be, the Shield destroys them and the lights go out and when they come on the Taker is in the ring with the Shield littered

Wishful thinking
Guys you can't be serious not liking that ending. Swagger is a heel. He's supposed to be hated and despised. He just stole a victory after good guy Orton did all that heavy lifting. His new character says Real Americans don't sit back and wait for hand outs. So he took what he wanted.
I don't care Swagger won but I don't think anyone buys him as a main event heel after two weeks when he was a failed jobber a few times before
Exactly.  Swagger needs all the rehab possible.  Getting a fluke victory to set up a title match at Mania isn't the way to do it.
Now this 6-man tag will be the bathroom/snack break. I have more interest in the Divas match.
Wait, this isnt in the chamber? You got 6 men. At a PPV called Elimination Chamber. And it's not in it. I don't get their logic sometimes. 
What's more uncomfortable to wrestle in: Cena's jorts or The Shield's faux bulletproof vests?
My ideal finish would be, the Shield destroys them and the lights go out and when they come on the Taker is in the ring with the Shield littered

Wishful thinking

With what possible story?

I think it's more likely he comes during rock n punk n screws rock lets punk win, then punk gets mad bc he doesnt need help to win - wm match
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