WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Y'all really expected/wanted them to waste a WM moment on some secondary PPV?​
Bryan will close WM with the title and the roof will blow off. It makes no sense for them to waste it here this close to WM.​
D-Bry not getting the title, let's be real now. Pains me to say it but it ain't happening. 
Vince knows exactly what he's doing

He might have a ****** reign that only lasts a few weeks/months but he's closing WM with the title, if not for anything but to have a positive go home image of 70k people chanting Yes to close WM

It would have been mad pointless to do it here . . . 
I can see D.Bry VS Kane happening tomorrow night, and they'll add the stipulation that if he wins he'll get included in the title match @ Mania since it was clear that he was gonna win @ the chamber.

Either that or have Shovel come out and cost D.Bry his match with Kane, setting up their match @ WM
I wanna order the Network right now!..I just want to watch War Games and Heatwave '98 back to back..
Vince knows exactly what he's doing​
He might have a ****** reign that only lasts a few weeks/months but he's closing WM with the title, if not for anything but to have a positive go home image of 70k people chanting Yes to close WM​
It would have been mad pointless to do it here . . . ​
That's the ideal booking situation. 

But since when has Vince showed any signs of following a logical decision. The booking has been absolute crap the last few months. 

Vince doesn't know what he's doing. Otherwise D-Bry would have the title by now.

Because if it weren't for Michigan St. doing the Yes Chant and that Wyatt program, D-Bry wouldn't even be sniffing the title picture. 

I'm not being a pessimist, I'm just being a realist. 
how bout DB has a match vs kane and some how still wins the title at WM?

Kinda like WM 9 where bret hart lost the title then hogan beat yokozuna right after
Y'all really expected/wanted them to waste a WM moment on some secondary PPV?​

Bryan will close WM with the title and the roof will blow off. It makes no sense for them to waste it here this close to WM.​
That's also expected so no it won't happen
And this is the reason why CM Punk left... This product that the WWE is force feeding us has become stagnant and dull... It's like EA Sports treated Madden when the competition left. No more excitement or anticipation to see what goes down on Raw the night after a PPV because the PPV sucked that bad. Btw, @NewZ05 I saw you in the crowd... Nice way to rep NT!
If HHH and Kane are going to have these Corporate jobs then let them stay out of the ring. Nobody wants to see either of them wrestle again. Especially at WM. And I'm a HHH fan.
I don't.  Everything was predictable to set up for WrestleMania.  I have no problems with it.  Don't make swerves for the sake of making swerves.

Agreed. Thats why this is called the Road to Wrestlemania.
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I'm shocked by the anger in this thread.  I didn't think anyone realistically thought Bryan was winning the title tonight.  It's not like Summerslam or the matches against Orton where there was times that Bryan really should have won the title.  Tonight wasn't the time.
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