WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

These dudes need to start promoting Hogan for the show next week already (if he's going to be there). Should of been done that actually.
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Bray has had 1 match that entertained me since he's been on the main roster.

Honestly I've been more impressed with Harper.
What was the point of King cutting off BNB a couple of weeks ago?
Was watching this doc on the backstage workings of WWE and there are people in the back, who along with Vince, just feed the announcers **** to say

Someone probably just told him to get up and do that for no reason lol
Christian as a heel is a much better role for him.  Especially because WWE needs heels.  He'll never be a title contender, but you can at least throw him in there for good matches with top guys.
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