WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Congrats to The Miz

Never heard about this story

Number 10: Stalking the Divas

Bryan Alvarez reported in a Summer 2004 edition of his F4W newsletter that one writer had been let go for a rather strange reason. A newcomer to the WWE Creative had been given the contact details of all the divas on the roster since he was handling a few of their storylines at the time. You know, just to get some creative input from time to time, see how they felt about a story…etc. Bizarrely, the writer then proceeded to barrage the women with constant phone calls and emails, creepily phoning them in the middle of the night to ask questions, many of which had nothing to do with wrestling at all. Unsurprisingly, many divas complained at what a nuisance he had become and he was let go shortly afterwards.

More recently, reports surfaced last year that The Miz had heat with a writer over his real-life relationship with Maryse. After Maryse rebuffed his attempts to ask her out, the writer grew insanely jealous of Mike, and proceeded to bury the promising newcomer in meetings every chance he could get, deliberately attempting to make him look bad and sabotage his career. No, that’s not “Awesome.”

If I were one of the writers, I definitely would've saved The Shield/Wyatt Family match for Wrestlemania. That has been a match I have been dying to see, but I felt like it would've been much more beneficial for Wrestlemania (not like that ppv needs help). Bray Wyatt returning  "home" to NOLA in order to lead the Wyatts against the shield seems pretty epic. But none the less, I'm sure that management had to think of something exciting in order to make up for that terrible rumble. Either way, I'm super excited for the match? BTW, has anybody gotten their Wrestlemania tickets yet?
Never heard about this story

Number 10: Stalking the Divas

Bryan Alvarez reported in a Summer 2004 edition of his F4W newsletter that one writer had been let go for a rather strange reason. A newcomer to the WWE Creative had been given the contact details of all the divas on the roster since he was handling a few of their storylines at the time. You know, just to get some creative input from time to time, see how they felt about a story…etc. Bizarrely, the writer then proceeded to barrage the women with constant phone calls and emails, creepily phoning them in the middle of the night to ask questions, many of which had nothing to do with wrestling at all. Unsurprisingly, many divas complained at what a nuisance he had become and he was let go shortly afterwards.

More recently, reports surfaced last year that The Miz had heat with a writer over his real-life relationship with Maryse. After Maryse rebuffed his attempts to ask her out, the writer grew insanely jealous of Mike, and proceeded to bury the promising newcomer in meetings every chance he could get, deliberately attempting to make him look bad and sabotage his career. No, that’s not “Awesome.”


I think Miz's natural lack of personality was the cause of him getting buried..
If I were one of the writers, I definitely would've saved The Shield/Wyatt Family match for Wrestlemania. That has been a match I have been dying to see, but I felt like it would've been much more beneficial for Wrestlemania (not like that ppv needs help). Bray Wyatt returning "home" to NOLA in order to lead the Wyatts against the shield seems pretty epic. But none the less, I'm sure that management had to think of something exciting in order to make up for that terrible rumble. Either way, I'm super excited for the match? BTW, has anybody gotten their Wrestlemania tickets yet?

Printed my tix from home although I wish I had a hard copy of my ticket
Last time someone hosted a WM, it ended with Rocky losing to Cena. Won't be surprised if they do something similar with Hogan, have him job to Cena @ WM 31
I think I kill about 3 and a half hours a day at work just listening to these Review-a-Wai podcasts
Do you go back and watch the show when they review it? I never listen to them because I feel I am cheating if I don't watch the show.

Kurt Bauer and John Pollack did a nice lengthy talk about Big Mabel on this week's episode of the King & Fish. I suggest yall dudes check it out.
I hope they have Hogan come out to "Real American" and not the Jimi Hendrix/NWO music..
Raw is gonna be crazy this upcoming Monday with Hogan and most likely Taker back.
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