WWE Night of Champions PPV 9/15 | Prediction Contest Open! | Orton v Bryan | Punk v AXEL/Heyman

For what's it's worth...
There were major swings in the odds today with Heyman/AXEL and Daniel Bryan becoming favorites.  Both were major underdogs coming into today.
JBL on the 30 sec pin botch: "They get this ref from the mayweather fight?"

That whole match was a botchmania episode good lord
Dat boy A-Ry back on PPV.
Fun fact.

Alberto Del Rio won the World Title from a guy who used to be relevant.  His name was Dolph Ziggler.
I figured there'd be a DQ but I thought Ricardo would swerve. Decent finish I guess, wasn't expecting them to put the belt on RVD.
I hate when guys survive in MMA submissions that you know would make a person tap out within seconds in real life.

What a lame finish.

This PPV blows.
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