WWE Night of Champions PPV 9/15 | Prediction Contest Open! | Orton v Bryan | Punk v AXEL/Heyman

Did Dolph just point at Jerry on that 10th elbow drop?
i need a gif of that 
I still say King should be required to wear those WWE polos instead of his bedazzled tees
Why did we need another set of replays of the Punk/Heyman/Ryback thing?

Wish this main event was going to get more time.  So much filler bs on this show.  The only match that has a chance to turn it from a thumbs down to thumbs in the middle is getting cut short.
I wonder if they'll tie in the NXT storyline with Dusty on RAW tomorrow.
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No Rock on that WWE Champion list? Of course HHH is :lol: .

2 current TNA-ers won the poll.
HHH about to bury every single person that didn't vote for him as best WWE champion.
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