WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Oct 15, 2000

Tonight is the go home show for Over the Limit this Sunday night.  We'll get to that shortly.  The big news on Raw last week was the return of Paul Heyman.  Heyman returned as the representative of Brock Lesnar, who had been sent home the week before after "breaking" HHH's arm.  Heyman said that Lesnar felt he had been mistreated and abused by WWE management, and thus, he quit.  This of course is a way to keep Lesnar off TV for a while due to the limited dates in his contract.  Heyman is scheduled to be a recurring character on TV through at least the time of the HHH/Lesnar match.  HHH will return tonight from his debilitating broken arm tonight and address the WWE Universe, though it hasn't kept him from his daily job as COO or even needing to wear a brace to hold Floyd Mayweather's title belt over his head.  Interestingly enough, while the HHH/Lesnar match was originally scheduled for Summerslam, many within WWE are getting antsy and want to move the match to as early as next month at No Way Out.  What a mistake that would be.

John Cena was selling his injury and wasn't at Raw last week (although he miraculously was there for a dark match after Raw AND wasn't wearing a sling or selling his injury in any way).  He will be facing John Laurinaitis on Sunday, presumably with a lot of outside interference from Lord Tensai and Sakamoto.  I don't understand the motivation between the Cena/Laurinaitis feud.  Laurinaitis is the GM of both Raw and Smackdown, and Cena is by far his biggest star.  So why is he trying to take him out?

Side note: Keep your eyes peeled for any Cena Divorce signs in the crowd.

Speaking of Lord Tensai, within the past month, he's beaten John Cena and CM Punk relatively clean.  I can't think of anyone who could be less over after wins of this caliber.  He'll probably have another slow pace, boring match tonight where fans make fun of his gimmick.  I can't blame them.

Involved in Tensai's victory over Punk last week was Daniel Bryan, who will be facing Punk for the WWE Title at Over the Limit.  The show closed with D Bry locking the YES Lock on Punk.  This is another feud where I don't know what the motivation is since Bryan got the shot by winning a Beat the Clock match, but if any two wrestlers could build interest in a match, it's these two.  Hopefully we get something good tonight.

The World Title match for Over the Limit was changed last week on Raw.  It was originally scheduled to be Sheamus defending against Alberto Del Rio, but after a tag match and locker room brawl, it is now a fatal fourway with Sheamus, Del Rio, Orton, and Jericho.  This again feels like a match that was thrown together just for the sake of making the match, something that is becoming a major problem in my opinion in WWE.  I'm also getting the feeling that WWE is quickly losing faith in Sheamus.  He's been beaten and laid out with finishers multiple times on TV.  Of course, this could just be WWE's backwards booking to have him go over at the PPV, but I really don't feel it on this one.  Sheamus has not taken off like they hoped he would after the 18 second match at Mania.  I wouldn't be shocked at all to see Orton walk away with the title on Sunday.

The Big Show made fun of John Laurinaitis's voice so he has to apologize tonight.  Great.

A tag team title match was made at the PPV between Kofi/Truth and Ziggler/Swagger so we'll probably get something with them tonight.  Shouldn't Epico and Primo get a rematch?  And we'll probably have the obligatory Brodus Clay and Divas segments as well.

I'll be watching my Sixers, so I'll be starting Raw after the game.

TNA's Sacrifice PPV was last night and was the best TNA PPV in a long, long time, and it was better than most WWE PPV's as well.  If you have some free time, check it out.  It's much better than Superstars or NXT, and I'll almost guarantee much better than Over the Limit this Sunday.

  • Christopher Daniels & Kazarian d Samoa Joe & Magnus to win the TNA Tag Team Titles.  Very good opener.
  • Gail Kim d Brooke Tessmacher to retain the Knockouts Title.  Better than you would expect.
  • Devon d Robbie T & Robbie E to retain the TV Title.  Nothing special.
  • Mr. Anderson d Jeff Hardy.  Botched finished by Earl Hebner, counting to 3 when it wasn't the real finish.  Normal Hardy stuff, and Anderson isn't very good.
  • Crimon d Eric Young in an open challenge.  Crimson also isn't very good.  ODB accepted the challenge but EY took her place.
  • Austin Aries d Bully Ray. Match of the night.  Aries took a crazy bump to the outside on the guard rail.  Perfect big bully vs smaller man match.  Aries won after a brainbuster and locked in the Last Chancery getting Bully to tap immediately.  Bully tried to attack Joseph Park, ESQ during the match from the crowd.
  • Kurt Angle d AJ Styles.  Another excellent match.  Lots of near finishes.  Daniels and Kaz got involved attacking AJ.  Angle won with a heel hook submission.  Daniels and Kaz attacked AJ after the match, but Angle made the save, presumably setting up a tag feud between these four.
  • Robert Roode d Rob Van Dam in a ladder match to retain the TNA Heavyweight Title.  Roode is very good and this was RVD's best match in ages.  Lots of spots on the ladder.  RVD tried to springboard onto the ladder but fell, twisting his knee in the ladder, but thankfully he was alright.  Roode was climbing the ladder and kicked RVD off who fell back of the head first onto a chair.  Good match as they continue the build to the eventual Roode/Storm rematch.

Overall, a very enjoyable PPV with a lot of good wrestling.  Hopefully this puts TNA on the right track.  They have tapings tonight so we'll see.
I have NO interest what so ever in this weeks OTL PPV.... Going to be watching the LAKERS game tonight and probably be switching back and forth to RAW.  
Rangers/Devils > Raw tonight.

I haven't even tuned in to Raw the past few weeks due to the end-of-the-semester-stretch, but after reading 4W's preview for tonight, tonight's show seems like a bore.
4wrestling I think you should change the name to The Over Limit ppv...like The Summerfest
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Was Sacrifice really that good? Was it as good as Extreme Rules?

I hated Extreme Rules so some will say I am biased, but as far as a quality wrestling show, it was much better than Extreme Rules.  It also had finishes that made sense, which is a major plus for me.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Was Sacrifice really that good? Was it as good as Extreme Rules?

No. Bryan/Sheamus Jericho/Punk >> Any match on Sacrifice. With that being said it was good for TNA. Still had awkward moments and some dull matches, but it was better than usual.
Time for me to get more involved in here. Wasn't able to weigh in on Sting debate, Lesnar at Extreme Rules, Tensai, etc.

4w making the thread early like back in the ol' days.
"Speaking of Lord Tensai, within the past month, he's beaten John Cena and CM Punk relatively clean.  I can't think of anyone who could be less over after wins of this caliber.  He'll probably have another slow pace, boring match tonight where fans make fun of his gimmick.  I can't blame them."

 You're right though. But don't forget about Kozlov pinning Undertaker clean, after a damn Powerslam.

NTWT *Spoiler Fail*

Just sending a message to you right now GHIMS. I been healed up for awhile now, so when it's

time for us to go to battle, you're gonna get the best out of me. I beat you the first time like it was

nothing, and I wasn't even at the top of my game that night, so imagine what's gonna happen the next

time we face off.


You got me pretty good at the last show attacking me like that, but you won't be able to do that when 

we're standing face to face in that ring. I'm a fighting champion, and it won't be any different when we

face off, and that's not a good thing for you man. You should have finished me off that night, so you can

have a real chance at victory against hands down the top guy an this roster. Deep down you know that,

and the fans just as well.


I can feel how unsure you are every time you talk GHIMS, but it's ok, if I was in that same position as you,

that suit-wearing, clipboard holding turned wrestler, I'd be afraid of me too. I put you down the first time, 

and the next time we meet up in my ring, it'll be no different. I told you roster cuts are coming up, and you'll

be facing somebody in Super Bowl form while you're heading into training camp. How prepared are you to

get sent home packing to NTCZW GHIMSlater? It doesn't even matter, just know that when the ref's hand

hits the canvas 3 times, that clock just ticked down for you, and I'll be walking out as champ again.


Spoiler [+]
Tennhouse my friend, we had a lovely run together as the best tag team in the business. You have my utmost respect as a competitor and as a person.
I look forward to our competitive match up to determine who will be able to further themselves on the road to NTKotR.
However, seeing as alcoholism is a very dangerous sickness to oneself and others, I must put my all into having your journey end here.

I am only looking out for the safety of our other comrades on this show and to have you go on would just jeopardize everyone's careers. Being that I am righteous and pure, I will be the one to save us all. It pains every time to defeat an opponent in the ring, as everyone here is my friend, but this may provide the biggest shot to my heart in a while. You were my tag team brother.

See you in the ring.
After our match we can have a lovely after party filled with O'douls and other safe non-alcoholic beverages. Dare I say we through some Shirley Temples in the mix?
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

I need more Heyman. Bring him back full time.
He's backstage with the RAW crew so expect him to appear tonight.

Vince needs have Heyman give the writing team some pointers while he's there. 
I'm glad WWE covered themselves with the rematch clause. Many times WWE "rules" are forgotten about by the very people that created them.
Cincinnati area wrestling fans. All 3 of us.

MONDAY, JULY 30, 2012

7:30 PM








MONDAY JULY 30 2012 7:30PM

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Besides the Cody Rhodes vs Big Show match
, what other matches could they be adding cause there's only 5 matches on the OTL card.

WWE needs to give Hunico a push, I was watching his match with Tyson Kidd and both of them are damn solid in the ring.
I hate how he cuts his promos while his music is playing though, can't hear @@++.
Hoping Orton wins the title on Sunday. A series of matches with Jericho and Orton would be excellent.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

I need more Heyman. Bring him back full time.
He's backstage with the RAW crew so expect him to appear tonight.

Vince needs have Heyman give the writing team some pointers while he's there. 
I'm glad WWE covered themselves with the rematch clause. Many times WWE "rules" are forgotten about by the very people that created them.


honestly what heyman did with big show back in 02/03 with his feud with lesnar made me really think show was a threat. they need to have heyman write tensai's storylines.  
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