WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

There will be a live Smackdown Tuesday July 3 from Corpus Christi, TX. A show the night before the entire country has a holiday? That show is going to die in the ratings.
Originally Posted by datboi81

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

He's backstage with the RAW crew so expect him to appear tonight.

Vince needs have Heyman give the writing team some pointers while he's there. 
I'm glad WWE covered themselves with the rematch clause. Many times WWE "rules" are forgotten about by the very people that created them.


honestly what heyman did with big show back in 02/03 with his feud with lesnar made me really think show was a threat. they need to have heyman write tensai's storylines.  

We can only wish.  Problem is, Stephanie does not like Heyman, so we know how this will end.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

4w secretly marks for Ryder and Alex Riley.

All I want to say is that there were a lot of you, not just directed at Lobo, that went on and on and on about how both of these guys were going to be huge stars.  Even when A-Ry was getting zero crowd reaction and when the woo woo guy was getting destroyed/embarrassed every single week on TV, you guys said just wait, they're about to be the next big thing.  I specifically remember how everyone said the woo woo guy's comeback after getting thrown off the stage to get his revenge was going to be HUGE.  And then how he was going to get his revenge on Eve after she made him look like a simp week after week and the crowd would go crazy for him.
NTWT spoiler-
ITO, get ready for whats comin'..
Tonight is your last night in the NTKOTR..You had a good opening round, but this is where your run ends..Take pride in knowing that when they write the history books on my illustrious career that you'll be a slightly minor footnote..
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by datboi81

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Vince needs have Heyman give the writing team some pointers while he's there. 
I'm glad WWE covered themselves with the rematch clause. Many times WWE "rules" are forgotten about by the very people that created them.


honestly what heyman did with big show back in 02/03 with his feud with lesnar made me really think show was a threat. they need to have heyman write tensai's storylines.  

We can only wish.  Problem is, Stephanie does not like Heyman, so we know how this will end.

 Vince has learned to do business with people he hated at one point. Steph needs to let it go.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

4w secretly marks for Ryder and Alex Riley.

All I want to say is that there were a lot of you, not just directed at Lobo, that went on and on and on about how both of these guys were going to be huge stars.  Even when A-Ry was getting zero crowd reaction and when the woo woo guy was getting destroyed/embarrassed every single week on TV, you guys said just wait, they're about to be the next big thing. I specifically remember how everyone said the woo woo guy's comeback after getting thrown off the stage to get his revenge was going to be HUGE. And then how he was going to get his revenge on Eve after she made him look like a simp week after week and the crowd would go crazy for him.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

4w secretly marks for Ryder and Alex Riley.

All I want to say is that there were a lot of you, not just directed at Lobo, that went on and on and on about how both of these guys were going to be huge stars.  Even when A-Ry was getting zero crowd reaction and when the woo woo guy was getting destroyed/embarrassed every single week on TV, you guys said just wait, they're about to be the next big thing.  I specifically remember how everyone said the woo woo guy's comeback after getting thrown off the stage to get his revenge was going to be HUGE.  And then how he was going to get his revenge on Eve after she made him look like a simp week after week and the crowd would go crazy for him.

Then you specifically misremember(word to Petitte)..I don't ever recall saying the you you guy was gonna have a huge comeback..
So much on TV tonight - NBA, MLB, Rangers vs Devils, Stern on America's Got Talent, House, and Raw

Hopefully Raw delivers but this ppv will prob be wack
Dear Deek,

I see that you are trying to improve yourself as a person, so after i defeat you to advance in the NTKotr tourney I will gladly take you under my wing and show you the wonders of the loko lifestyle.......And because your my former tag partner ill only give you a warning, but dont ever disrespect my lifestyle with the mention of o'douls ever again or you will feel the full power of the loko high.....

            - TennHouse

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

4w secretly marks for Ryder and Alex Riley.
All I want to say is that there were a lot of you, not just directed at Lobo, that went on and on and on about how both of these guys were going to be huge stars.  Even when A-Ry was getting zero crowd reaction and when the woo woo guy was getting destroyed/embarrassed every single week on TV, you guys said just wait, they're about to be the next big thing.  I specifically remember how everyone said the woo woo guy's comeback after getting thrown off the stage to get his revenge was going to be HUGE.  And then how he was going to get his revenge on Eve after she made him look like a simp week after week and the crowd would go crazy for him.
Then you specifically misremember(word to Petitte)..I don't ever recall saying the you you guy was gonna have a huge comeback..
IDK how you got that 4w was talking about you but I clearly remember people supporting the "big comeback" for Ryder after his episodes with Kane and Eve. I'm with 4w on the Ryder thing...I find it
worthy. It's one of the few times I'm not mad at someone getting buried.

I'll admit I was wrong on A-Ry though. I thought he had "it".
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

All I want to say is that there were a lot of you, not just directed at Lobo, that went on and on and on about how both of these guys were going to be huge stars.  Even when A-Ry was getting zero crowd reaction and when the woo woo guy was getting destroyed/embarrassed every single week on TV, you guys said just wait, they're about to be the next big thing.  I specifically remember how everyone said the woo woo guy's comeback after getting thrown off the stage to get his revenge was going to be HUGE.  And then how he was going to get his revenge on Eve after she made him look like a simp week after week and the crowd would go crazy for him.
Then you specifically misremember(word to Petitte)..I don't ever recall saying the you you guy was gonna have a huge comeback..
IDK how you got that 4w was talking about you but I clearly remember people supporting the "big comeback" for Ryder after his episodes with Kane and Eve. I'm with 4w on the Ryder thing...I find it
worthy. It's one of the few times I'm not mad at someone getting buried.

I'll admit I was wrong on A-Ry though. I thought he had "it".

I was one of the ones that thought Ryder would bust back on the scene with a push. 


Dear Tennhouse,

The loko lifestyle is not a route you want to go through with! I urge you to quit while you are ahead. You are the sole person in the NTWT who ever plays the Booker T Drinking game, even during NXT when he's not commentating. I'd like to keep that evil game from spreading to the rest of us. I am our only hope to stop the alcoholic infection. I will defeat you old friend, not because I choose to, but because I have to. Once this is all behind us with my win tonight, we can hit up Applebees and celebrate your cleansing with a nice Appletini (virgin of course).


Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

All I want to say is that there were a lot of you, not just directed at Lobo, that went on and on and on about how both of these guys were going to be huge stars.  Even when A-Ry was getting zero crowd reaction and when the woo woo guy was getting destroyed/embarrassed every single week on TV, you guys said just wait, they're about to be the next big thing.  I specifically remember how everyone said the woo woo guy's comeback after getting thrown off the stage to get his revenge was going to be HUGE.  And then how he was going to get his revenge on Eve after she made him look like a simp week after week and the crowd would go crazy for him.
Then you specifically misremember(word to Petitte)..I don't ever recall saying the you you guy was gonna have a huge comeback..
IDK how you got that 4w was talking about you but I clearly remember people supporting the "big comeback" for Ryder after his episodes with Kane and Eve. I'm with 4w on the Ryder thing...I find it
worthy. It's one of the few times I'm not mad at someone getting buried.

I'll admit I was wrong on A-Ry though. I thought he had "it".

IDK, maybe when he said EVERYONE..Damn man can't you read..
I think this is the first time HHH is wearing a non dark colored suit with a tie that isn't blue or red
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