WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

so Cena can beat Lesnar clean but not Laurinaitis ....Okay
didn't you know, johnny ace is better than rock and brock in their prime. he told us last week on raw

seriously question though: Did we get an Ace Crusher last night?

There was no Ace Crusher last night.  Laurinaitis basically got no offense in.
After Lilian Garcia botched one of the ring entrances, apparently her and Justin Roberts got into an argument at ringside which resulted in Lilian storming off, leaving the ring and going backstage.
Here you go 4W. Chris Jericho on his vignettes surrounding his return...

"They were looking too deep into it — WAY too deep. It was just supposed to be a creepy thing. My idea was that it was the Mayan calendar in 2012 saying it's the end of the world and I was going back and it's the 'end of the world as you know it'. That means that if one day you are walking down the street and you find a dog, and then the dog lives in your house, then it's the 'end of the world as you know it'. It's the end of the way that you used to live and it's a new world.

"The girl we just put in because she was creepy looking. There was never supposed to be a girl coming in with me — there wasn't a change of plan. It was exactly what it was intended to be — a cryptic little cool thing that led to me coming back and doing what I did."

Read more: http://www.WrestlingInc.c...s-jericho/#ixzz1vWQ26TLb
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Here you go 4W. Chris Jericho on his vignettes surrounding his return...

"They were looking too deep into it — WAY too deep. It was just supposed to be a creepy thing. My idea was that it was the Mayan calendar in 2012 saying it's the end of the world and I was going back and it's the 'end of the world as you know it'. That means that if one day you are walking down the street and you find a dog, and then the dog lives in your house, then it's the 'end of the world as you know it'. It's the end of the way that you used to live and it's a new world.

"The girl we just put in because she was creepy looking. There was never supposed to be a girl coming in with me — there wasn't a change of plan. It was exactly what it was intended to be — a cryptic little cool thing that led to me coming back and doing what I did."

Read more: http://www.WrestlingInc.c...s-jericho/#ixzz1vWQ26TLb

Well, that's pretty damn stupid and lazy in my opinion.
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So former WWE creative member Dan Madigan recently gave an interview about his experience with the WWE produced film See Know Evil. Here's a small excerpt:

"I get a call from Gregory Dark, the director. He says, "We've got a little problem here." I said, "What's the problem?" He goes, "Vince has a suggestion about the movie." I said, "Well, it's his movie." He goes, "Vince wants this scene in the movie where Kane's character pulls out his penis, and he wants it to be three feet long." I thought there was a connection problem, I said "Greg, can you just back up and repeat that last line for me?" He goes, "Yes, Vince wants Kane's penis to be three feet long, and none of the producers are saying anything about it." So I sat there, I go, "Oh, this is not good. This is not good. This is really not good." In the right movie, that's genius, that's absolutely brilliant, but not for this movie."

Oh Vince! You silly goose!
sounds like something @CrankyVince would want
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Jericho's comeback was/is bad.............not quite Warrior in WCW bad but close

I wouldn't describe it as bad. It was just so.. uneventful. It could have been so much more, but it wasn't. Maybe lackluster would be a better way to describing the run. The WWE had this beautiful canvas to paint on and they only used 2 colors and 1 technique.
Him "smashing" the bottle of Jack on Punk's head then slipping on its contents made it worthwhile for me. His subsequent explanation behind his slipping made it even better, somebody posted up the tweet but I cant recall it word for word.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Jericho's comeback was/is bad.............not quite Warrior in WCW bad but close

I wouldn't describe it as bad. It was just so.. uneventful. It could have been so much more, but it wasn't. Maybe lackluster would be a better way to describing the run. The WWE had this beautiful canvas to paint on and they only used 2 colors and 1 technique.

Dude its bad

1. He lost at 5 consecutive PPVs
2. His return in no way answered the questions that were raised in his promo packages
3. He's only really had 2 good promos and his promo work is stuff of legend
4. It took him 3 count em 3 times to get a championship match with Punk(lost at the Rumble, count win the EC, and had to win a stupid battle royale)
5. He's leaving in a few weeks so you know this losing streak is gonna stay just that.............a losing streak
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

apparently Flair is done in TNA...

 At your sig's origin. 

Then again my sig's origin is hardly any less foolish.

actually im taking bout paul pierce... not wack *** ron killings...
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

apparently Flair is done in TNA...
So you mean we won't be blessed with any more of this?
"a nearly nude" old man covored in blood...

A number of readers have asked why Ric Flair has disappeared from television and missed several TNA house shows since appearing in a Gutcheck segment on Impact Wrestling, judging Alex Silva.
Sources close to Flair and TNA have confirmed that the two sides are at a major impasse as there is a ton of heat on Flair for conduct outside the ring. It was described to me by one TNA source as, "being at the point it's not worth keeping Flair around."

There have been a number of incidents involving Flair at local establishments and bars in Orlando since coming to the company. At one point, sources indicate Flair was banned from drinking at the Hard Rock Cafe in Citiwalk due to an incident with him "acting inappropriate", according to one source, leading to venue management banishing him.

There are also stories aplenty within the company of Flair not being able to cover bar tabs and company management getting a call from the hotel and/or bar seeking payment. Most recently something similar went down at the hotel TNA utilizes for their wrestlers and staff, which the company has had a great relationship with for years, that was the final tipping point. At that point, Flair was pulled from several Louisiana house shows and the final TV Tapings before Impact Wrestling goes live on 5/31.

A similar issue led to Flair's meltdown last year on the European tour, where TNA's Craig Jenkins, after several days of fronting Flair money to cover a bar tab, refused to do so again. This led to Flair screaming at Jenkins in front of the entire crew and refusing to get on the TNA tour bus to head to the next date. Flair was left behind, missed a show and then returned to the tour the next day, apologizing to the locker room when he arrived. Publicly, Flair blamed the matter on the company not giving him "advances" like he would get when touring for WWE, citing that he was "used" to that treatment. Those comments upset people within the company because of the perception that the company "wasn't taking care of talents."

There have been a number of forces within TNA that have been against having him as a regular since he came into the company, noting that while he carries a high price tag, he hasn't translated into drawing money or ratings for the company - and now, his work in the ring isn't "Ric Flair level" anymore, but "Ric Flair level behavior" remains.

There are also some in the company that feel that Flair and WWE put them in a "no win situation" when Flair was announced for the WWE Hall of Fame, noting that the company had no choice but to allow him to go in, or else they would look like they were denying Flair and the fans. To be fair, Flair didn't know in advance he was getting inducted but he publicly told fans he would be there "on stage" before a deal was signed that would allow him to appear at Wrestlemania and the Hall of Fame.

Spike TV sources also note that there have also been a number of requests from the network end to keep Flair dressed and not have him "near nude" (i.e., in his wrestling gear) and bleeding at his age on TV.

Flair debuted for TNA on 1/4/10, the first episode of the Hulk Hogan/Eric Bischoff regime. He was made the mentor to AJ Styles and manager of Fortune with the idea of creating a modern day Four Horsemen style group. That led to Flair being part of Immortal and until the Gutcheck Judging role, he had most recently been managing Gunner and running with Eric Bischoff in their feud designed to get Garett Bischoff over.

Since departing WWE, there have been a number of issues with Flair. He signed for a number of appearances with Ring of Honor, then pulled out of them, citing his relationship with WWE (although it was more likely that he realized they weren't going to use Reid Flair following a drug arrest). When Flair didn't pay back an advance given to him, ROH filed a lawsuit against him. Flair also landed in court over money lent to him by Highspots.com and at one point, there was an order of arrest out for him if Flair did not pay the agreed settlement by a certain date. That order was issued because Flair had missed several agreed dates for payment of the settlement. The money was eventually paid and the NWA World title belt, which Highspots.com was holding as collateral, was seen displayed at WWE AXXESS this year, potentially pointing to WWE as having paid the debt and acquiring the title for their own archive.

There was word making rounds over the weekend that Flair was done with TNA, but we have not been able to confirm that.
When contacted today, TNA declined comment on the Flair matter, citing that he was still officially on their roster.
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

 At your sig's origin. 

Then again my sig's origin is hardly any less foolish.

actually im taking bout paul pierce... not wack *** ron killings...
Sorry, not a basketball guy.

Paul Pierce is known as "The Truth" as Shaq nicknamed him after he dropped 50 on LA in LA...
wwe.com has put up a 50 greatest stars of WCW ranking to coincide with the release of the Clash of the Champions dvd

link to anyone interested
WWE.com has posted several exclusive video segments which include CM Punk, The Big Show, Christian and John Laurinaitis after their respective matches and appearances. During these videos, another teaser can be seen for the "Revolution Is Coming."

This time, however, the date of May 28th has been revealed. May 28th will be next week on Monday, Memorial Day.
Lilian Garcia's Mistakes Lead To Incident At PPV

Posted by: Adam Nystrom of WrestlingNewsSource.com on May 21 2012
Source: Wrestling Observer

Lilian Garcia made several announcing mistakes during her portion of Over The Limit, and it appears that savvy fans were not the only ones who took notice.

First, there was her Sheamus introduction where, with no music in the background to take away from the glaring flaw, Garcia billed Sheamus as 227 pounds. Later in the night, she announced Ryback's opponent as Hunico, even though Camacho was the one in the match.

Justin Roberts apparently began to take serious issue with her announcing miscues, and the two were seen to begin an argument in the middle of the show that led to Garcia storming off after the Cody Rhodes vs. Christian match introduction for the Intercontinental Championship.

There is said to be some remaining heat on Garcia following the end of the show.
Originally Posted by hellaones

wwe.com has put up a 50 greatest stars of WCW ranking to coincide with the release of the Clash of the Champions dvd

link to anyone interested

Double J = BURIED

Sting #1
Reading a lot of that 50 stars list, there was some revisionist history, editing, and omissions, but as far as the list rank goes, it's a good list.
It's a given Benoit wouldn't be acknowledged on there, but I did think they wouldn't selectively acknowledge other wrestlers who came to the
WWE later on.

That Jeff Jarrett burial pretty much set everything in motion
Sorry, but that list is *!%%$#% ******ed.

"Stunning" Steve Austin at 15? Above the likes of Raven, Buff Bagwell, AA
Juvi at 49?
No Psicosis?
Kanyon at 45? He is shedding tears in gay heaven.
No Lodi (kidding)
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