WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

The adult Cena fans in the front row in shock over Big Show's heel turn 

Cena has been out for a good 60 seconds from the Knockout Punch.  Just noting this for when Cena and Show have a match and Cena completely no sells it.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Yay guys, we're going to get Big Show vs Cena for the next few main events!

because we didn't have enough in 2010.
this was your big draw... even if we didnt even already know the spoilers

to have big show, an already nothing character who's firing fans forgot about 10 min after it happened, turn heel on john cena in an already abysmal match that no one cared for in the first place is just..... i don't even know.
This has to be THE worst match in wrestling history right?

So Big Show's one punch puts out one of the "greatest" wrestlers ever for that long? Just ONE punch? Not a 20 minutes of fighting and damage, just one punch.

AND WITH THAT, I'm officially done with wrestling for a while like I was in the mid 2000's. Shame cause I just payed for and enjoyed WM couple months ago.

See ya.
It was still real to that fan in the front row, dammit.

Imagine how awesome the #3HourRaws will be after watching this PPV.
That was... something.

Who knew you could have a 5 Star Match and a Minus 5 Stars match in the same night?
So we have a possible match of the year candidate and possibly the worst match of the year(TNA still exist I have faith they will top this some how) on the same night?
who paid the $55 so they can get ridiculed?

safe to say 99% picked show in the survey. im sure someone picked batista.
Saw another guy post this about Show's heel turn tonight.  Sums it up pretty well.
"This isn't bad because it was predictable.  This is bad because John Cena is an insufferable douche and the "match" that preceded it."
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