No reason for dude to be exasperated. He can be his own 'Vince' and create his own card.
[X] Wrestling toys

[X] Harry Potter toys

[X] Lord of the Rings toys

Any girlfriend this guy would have would be too good for him.
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What's the deal with Sting? Same old rumors or is there a legit chance he participates in WM30?

Sting's TNA contract is up, and though there is a chance, I think next years WM is more realistic. I'm on the fence about him anyway, cause though I'd love to see Sting in a WWE ring, this wouldn't be 94 Sting, 97 Sting, or 2001 Sting. Hell, I could even settle for 2007 Sting. But I don't want to see this current Sting, cause I don't know if you've recently seen him in TNA, but man, it's brutal :lol:
Taker is too beloved at this point in his career, everybody wants to cheer him. He's not going to work as a heel again.

Working with Bryan would probably be the only situation where Taker will recieve some boos and that would just be a sad sight to see. Hence, lose - lose situation all around
I'd love to see Sting just one time and this would be an ideal WM since it's 30

I assume Vince wants Hogan and the Warrior involved too; I wouldn't be shocked if they booked that match which would be :lol: :smh:
The only match I can see sting be in is teaming up with Cena against the Wyatts. Throw in warrior too if you want :lol:
No reason for dude to be exasperated. He can be his own 'Vince' and create his own card. :lol:

[X] Wrestling toys
[X] Harry Potter toys
[X] Lord of the Rings toys

Any girlfriend this guy would have would be too good for him.

Dude has a room full of WWE dvds scattered all over the floor :rofl:

Idc if he's got a gf. I'm calling his bluff, he's still a virgin.
WWE has so little individual talent right now. Aside from Reigns, don't see anyone else impressive. DB never did it for me
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