At this point, I'd rather have HHH beat Orton for the title, make a clause to take the tag titles from the Usos after they beat the Outlaws, beat Big E for the IC title, and close WM by ending the Streak.
Chill with that idea. Bryan vs. Taker at mania would be a horrible booking decision and probably lose-lose for the crowd.
Guys and Gals relax Bryan is taking on undertaker at mania and he's ending the streak. It's gonna headline the show
Pretty sure you're just trolling. But just to entertain this idea for a second. What would the build up be?

Taker is really behind the Wyatts? 

Bryan comes out on Raw and says in his best Sixth Sense reenactment "I See Dead People" and then the Gong hits? 

Seriously, how much sense does that really make. And at this point. I dont think anyone will ever end the streak. 

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At this point, I'd rather have HHH beat Orton for the title, make a clause to take the tag titles from the Usos after they beat the Outlaws, beat Big E for the IC title, and close WM by ending the Streak.

HHH in a gauntlet match against the WM roster.
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Guys and Gals relax Bryan is taking on undertaker at mania and he's ending the streak. It's gonna headline the show
Pretty sure you're just trolling. But just to entertain this idea for a second. What would the build up be?

Taker is really behind the Wyatts? 

Bryan comes out on Raw and says in his best Sixth Sense reenactment "I See Dead People" and then the Gong hits? 

Seriously, how much sense does that really make. And at this point. I dont think anyone will ever end the streak. 

why not go with this?

This can also set up Taker as the heel.

Not sure if WWE would want Taker at WM as a heel but if they are smart, they can go with this.
Taker is too beloved at this point in his career, everybody wants to cheer him. He's not going to work as a heel again.

Working with Bryan would probably be the only situation where Taker will recieve some boos and that would just be a sad sight to see. Hence, lose - lose situation all around
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why not go with this?

This can also set up Taker as the heel.

Not sure if WWE would want Taker at WM as a heel but if they are smart, they can go with this.

Not sure if serious....

It feels as thoug the more the E "buries" Bryant, the more press it gets about it which may not necessarily work in Dazzler's favor
Id rather Ziggler come back as Heel Ziggler by coming out to help Bryan and then giving him a Zig Zag while his backs turned. Have it be Ziggler wasnt getting by the way he was going so he joined the authority because its the only way to get ahead. 

Atleast then we would get a great match that I can believe the fued. 

But at the end of the day Bryan should have a legit title shot/run and anything less than that is pretty disrespectful of the fans that buy tickets and merchandise and support the product
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I could see Roman ending the streak. Not saying he will but he has the credentials. Young, Athletic and tag as the future.
I could see Roman ending the streak. Not saying he will but he has the credentials. Young, Athletic and tag as the future.

I think that will backfire on Reigns. Fans have already been taking notice on him being sole survivor at survivor series and breaking the elimination record last night. Beating the streak will take his dominance to almost comical proportions. Might as well crown him as the GOAT if that were to happen :lol: it's best to just accept that the streak is never ending.
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We get the same rumors every year. Someone is convinced Taker will lose at mania.

Its a lock that Taker will win at WM. But its also a lock that he will most likely put on the match of the night
I think that will backfire on Reigns. Fans have already been taking notice on him being sole survivor at survivor series and breaking the elimination record last night. Beating the streak will take his dominance to almost comical proportions. Might as well crown him as the GOAT if that were to happen :lol: it's best to just accept that the streak is never ending.

Oh I know and nor should it end.
4wrestling 4wrestling

I have something for the 3 losers of the Rumble, real quality stuff :lol:

Let me know who gets it or if you want to know what the other 2 "prizes" are besides the Miz photo
Taker is too beloved at this point in his career, everybody wants to cheer him. He's not going to work as a heel again.

Working with Bryan would probably be the only situation where Taker will recieve some boos and that would just be a sad sight to see. Hence, lose - lose situation all around
How is it a lose lose ? Undertakers character will go out as a heel as his true character really is.

Him going up against Bryan will show how big Bryan really is taking the undertaker crowd to cheer for him .

As far as making the match happen ? It's the wwe they can find a storyline to fit
Pretty sure you're just trolling. But just to entertain this idea for a second. What would the build up be?

Taker is really behind the Wyatts? 

Bryan comes out on Raw and says in his best Sixth Sense reenactment "I See Dead People" and then the Gong hits? 

Seriously, how much sense does that really make. And at this point. I dont think anyone will ever end the streak. 

And no I am not trolling I'm being serious.
We get the same rumors every year. Someone is convinced Taker will lose at mania.

Its a lock that Taker will win at WM. But its also a lock that he will most likely put on the match of the night

With how big Bryan is and the company knows this . They will take take it and run with him hence beating Undertaker at wrestle mania and virtually making him the new mr wrestle mania . undertaker is about to retire his streak is the most coveted thing in the business right now not the wwe world heavyweight belts Bryan beating him and the crowd being behind him will make him larger than life
No reason for dude to be exasperated. He can be his own 'Vince' and create his own card. :lol:

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