WWE SUMMERSLAM PPV 8/23 - Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk TLC Match, Orton vs Cena, DX Returns (p21)

Oct 15, 2000


Get it? Ugh.

Last week Raw once again put on a God awful show. Aside from spending the entire two hours to insult their live Canadian audience, we got some of the dumbestvignettes in history as Shawn Michaels, last seen after his classic WrestleMania match against The Undertaker, had become a chef. HHH found him only afterhitting on an HBK look-a-like. HBK then showed he was a terrible cook and couldn't take anymore as he superkicked his boss and a little girl. We also hadan old woman say 'suck it' .... classic DX comedy. DX returns to bury Rhodes and Dibiase at Summerslam.

The Miz was permanently banned from Raw until he returned as a masked wrestler to regain his spot on Raw just one week later. As a side note, Eugene hasalready been released again.

John Cena and Randy Orton are partners tonight against Jerishow. I don't get why they are partners. Slaughter made this match last week even though he isnot the GM this week. And what good does this do for Jericho and Show? Shouldn't they be setting up for a match at Summerslam which is just 13 days away? (I just looked up that they are facing Cryme Tyme at Summerslam. Can't wait.)

Freddie Prinze Jr. of ________ fame is the host tonight. I know he's a WWE fan, so much so they tried adding him to the writing staff but that didn'twork out. He will host tonight most likely continuing in the trend of awful hosts minus Shaq.

Nothing else has been announced as of yet. I would expect something to get settled Kofi Kingston to defend his US Title (I thought he was the IC Champ until Ilooked it up) at Summerslam. I forget what he did last week, so I have no idea who he'll be facing.

Is MVP vs Jack Swagger tonight, or is that at Summerslam?

Gail Kim became the #1 contender for Mickie James' Divas Title last week. That has a chance to be a good divas match.

Hopefully the DX skits are kept to less than 20 minutes tonight, although I doubt that will happen.
I wonder what Styles wil lsay that TNA has been putting him under the bus as of late. Maybe he was supposed to be Jericho's mystery partner lol
Styles will never leave TNA and he is too young to be retiring so I don't see what the announcement is gonna be. This Raw will be prettyy damn bad. FreddiePrinze hasn't doine anything in years so what will he bring to this. It's no0t even like we can get any promotional thing out of him. At leastwe'll have Floyd Mayweather next week
Going to Raw tonight, will probably be asking for my money back upon completion of said program. I think it has the ability to either be pretty good or superterrible.
WWE has shown interest in him before and I believe he has rejected the offers and says he is happy in TNA. If he went to the WWE he would only really be amidcarder and where he's at in TNA right now is a better spot for him and I think he knows that. I mean look at what's happened to Christian
Yo 4w Summerslam is this Sunday, not 13 days away
and there is awhopping 6 matches scheduled so far with the addition of Kane/Khali today.
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Kane vs. Khali was added to Summerslam. You can't imagine my excitement.
Just threw up in my mouth.
If they're going to put them in the ring, you might as well throw in all the useless giants and make it an over the top battle royale, hell throw inSantino, Horneswoggle, and the King.
Been on vacation for the past two and a half weeks, so I haven't kept up with WWE. I'm assuming I didn't miss much on the monstrosity that is Raw. Was Smackdown any good the past couple weeks?
The main event of Friday's WWE Smackdown show will feature Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and John Morrison vs. C.M. Punk, Tyson Kidd, and David Hart Smith in a six-man tag match.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Yo 4w Summerslam is this Sunday, not 13 days away
and there is a whopping 6 matches scheduled so far with the addition of Kane/Khali today.
Damn, 3rd biggest PPV of the year and I had no idea it was this week. Great build, WWE.
Originally Posted by Maelstroom

The main event of Friday's WWE Smackdown show will feature Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and John Morrison vs. C.M. Punk, Tyson Kidd, and David Hart Smith in a six-man tag match.

Rock needs to come back to face HBK at WM 26.
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

WWE has shown interest in him before and I believe he has rejected the offers and says he is happy in TNA. If he went to the WWE he would only really be a midcarder and where he's at in TNA right now is a better spot for him and I think he knows that. I mean look at what's happened to Christian
Thats a bad example AJ wouldn't be christian he'd be evan bourne more likely.
I'm not watching Raw tonight and I'm sure as hell not ordering Summerslam like I normally do.

The only match I'm really looking forward to is Punk/Hardy TLC.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

WWE has shown interest in him before and I believe he has rejected the offers and says he is happy in TNA. If he went to the WWE he would only really be a midcarder and where he's at in TNA right now is a better spot for him and I think he knows that. I mean look at what's happened to Christian
Thats a bad example AJ wouldn't be christian he'd be evan bourne more likely.

That's my point Christian should be a main eventer on Raw or Smackdown, but was stuck on ECW. They'd probably put Styles straight on Raw and have himburied by HHH and Batista first night
tonight gonna suck. not even weed can make raw better.

by the way my favorite part of last weeks show was the divas match.
Do you guys think it's worth it to pay an extra 25$ to wait in line and get Bret Hart's autograph at the ROH event in NYC along with the 30$ ticket forthe show?

And looking forward to RAW tonight since there's nothing else on.
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