WWE SUMMERSLAM PPV 8/23 - Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk TLC Match, Orton vs Cena, DX Returns (p21)

If Cena could only act in his movies like he did when that "Fan" got the ref his movies would make a ton of money...........Damn he sold that...
What I want to know is who that fan REALLY was.
Originally Posted by LetItRock

What I want to know is who that fan REALLY was.
At first I thought it was Piven... but there was no replay and almost no comment of it right after it happened. I still say this was a workbecause of the way that match was booked.
Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Originally Posted by chino905

Updated gWo Rosters below. If your interested, post in this thread with the wrestler you want or PM me.

Mister916 - Chris Jericho
chino905- Bret Hart
masterhammy23 - The Undertaker
AquaGrape2345 -Kevin Nash
ao17 - Edge
USA Pride4Life - Ted DiBiase
MeanGene- Mean Gene Okerlund
CarpeDiemKJ- Macho Man Randy Savage
gstbmn- Mick Foley
Mblackmon- Booker T
Jules300- Taz
nyzMaGician- Rob Van Dam
TheDeek- John Morrison
Bonafide125- Batista
DC5 06- Randy Orton
JohnnyRedStorm- Jeff Hardy
The Minister- Ric Flair
Quiickz- New Jack
LetItRock- Kurt Angle
HardWork919-D-Lo Brown
22stylez- HHH
I Na Smatic I- Chris Benoit
basketballsavant-Rick Rude
Physicx- Funaki
jdkurt2- Brian Pillman
mjmoney- Hulk Hogan
furiousstylezz- Sabu
maelstroom- Eddie Guerrero
Tennhouse2- Shawn Michaels
Je Ne Sais Quoi- Psycho Sid
Jmal516- The Rock
100PROOF- Gillberg
YardFather- Dolph Ziggler
funkdoctor73- The Brian Kendrick
MambaMVP- John Cena
horchata kid- Jushin "Thunder" Liger
JayADiCt92- Stone Cold Steve Austin
Retrogearsolid- Mr.Perfect
R23J- Goldberg
RBeezy32- Razor Ramon
BayBuryYa- Elijah Burke
ovATyME316- Homicide
Bowzer Blitz- Rick Martel
shaft- Christian Cage
JRAdagreat72- Terry Funk
ElCubanoDel510- Ultimo Dragon

What's this all about?
I don't know, but I kind of want in...

Me too. But Austin is taken. Guess I'll take Punk. If he's taken, Warrior

put me in for taka michinoku
Originally Posted by i like shoes too

please list reasons why you guys are happy hardy is gone?

i dont get it
He has no mic skills.

I hate the wierdo face paint.

He can't work a match. All he can do is throw his body around.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by i like shoes too

please list reasons why you guys are happy hardy is gone?

i dont get it
He has no mic skills.

I hate the wierdo face paint.

He can't work a match. All he can do is throw his body around.
His character is stale.
i didnt see the cena match but im pretty sure it was planned because on the wwe website they mention the fan attack. so can someone please explain to me whathappen with the undertaker and why hardy is gone?
Originally Posted by quiickz

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by i like shoes too

please list reasons why you guys are happy hardy is gone?

i dont get it
He has no mic skills.

I hate the wierdo face paint.

He can't work a match. All he can do is throw his body around.
His character is stale.

I liked his character when Sabu did it.
Originally Posted by horchata kid

Originally Posted by quiickz

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by i like shoes too

please list reasons why you guys are happy hardy is gone?

i dont get it
He has no mic skills.

I hate the wierdo face paint.

He can't work a match. All he can do is throw his body around.
His character is stale.

I liked his character when Sabu did it.
well damn.
Ring of Honor issued the following press release:

Bryan Danielson has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Bryan has been an exemplary talent and a wonderful member of the Ring of Honor locker room and family since the inception of the company. We couldn't be happier for Bryan and all of his successes, many of which Ring of Honor has been proud to witness first hand.

We congratulate Bryan on the beginning of this next journey in his brilliant career, and wish him all the best as he progresses. Many Ring of Honor fans refer to Bryan as the "best in the world" and we look forward to looking on in earnest as he shows everyone watching the wrestling world's biggest stage just why that is.

Bryan will appear as scheduled at all of the September Ring of Honor events. Please join us in Philadelphia, Dayton, Chicago, Boston, and New York as we say thank you and farewell to a truly one-of-a-kind talent.
I understand getting paid. Danielson is one of the best in the world, but he's 5'9" and 185 lbs. That combination just doesn'twork in the WWE.
Originally Posted by Michaelfoooo

Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Originally Posted by chino905

Updated gWo Rosters below. If your interested, post in this thread with the wrestler you want or PM me.

Mister916 - Chris Jericho
chino905- Bret Hart
masterhammy23 - The Undertaker
AquaGrape2345 -Kevin Nash
ao17 - Edge
USA Pride4Life - Ted DiBiase
MeanGene- Mean Gene Okerlund
CarpeDiemKJ- Macho Man Randy Savage
gstbmn- Mick Foley
Mblackmon- Booker T
Jules300- Taz
nyzMaGician- Rob Van Dam
TheDeek- John Morrison
Bonafide125- Batista
DC5 06- Randy Orton
JohnnyRedStorm- Jeff Hardy
The Minister- Ric Flair
Quiickz- New Jack
LetItRock- Kurt Angle
HardWork919-D-Lo Brown
22stylez- HHH
I Na Smatic I- Chris Benoit
basketballsavant-Rick Rude
Physicx- Funaki
jdkurt2- Brian Pillman
mjmoney- Hulk Hogan
furiousstylezz- Sabu
maelstroom- Eddie Guerrero
Tennhouse2- Shawn Michaels
Je Ne Sais Quoi- Psycho Sid
Jmal516- The Rock
100PROOF- Gillberg
YardFather- Dolph Ziggler
funkdoctor73- The Brian Kendrick
MambaMVP- John Cena
horchata kid- Jushin "Thunder" Liger
JayADiCt92- Stone Cold Steve Austin
Retrogearsolid- Mr.Perfect
R23J- Goldberg
RBeezy32- Razor Ramon
BayBuryYa- Elijah Burke
ovATyME316- Homicide
Bowzer Blitz- Rick Martel
shaft- Christian Cage
JRAdagreat72- Terry Funk
ElCubanoDel510- Ultimo Dragon

What's this all about?
I don't know, but I kind of want in...

Me too. But Austin is taken. Guess I'll take Punk. If he's taken, Warrior

put me in for taka michinoku

Originally Posted by Michaelfoooo

Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Originally Posted by chino905

Updated gWo Rosters below. If your interested, post in this thread with the wrestler you want or PM me.

Mister916 - Chris Jericho
chino905- Bret Hart
masterhammy23 - The Undertaker
AquaGrape2345 -Kevin Nash
ao17 - Edge
USA Pride4Life - Ted DiBiase
MeanGene- Mean Gene Okerlund
CarpeDiemKJ- Macho Man Randy Savage
gstbmn- Mick Foley
Mblackmon- Booker T
Jules300- Taz
nyzMaGician- Rob Van Dam
TheDeek- John Morrison
Bonafide125- Batista
DC5 06- Randy Orton
JohnnyRedStorm- Jeff Hardy
The Minister- Ric Flair
Quiickz- New Jack
LetItRock- Kurt Angle
HardWork919-D-Lo Brown
22stylez- HHH
I Na Smatic I- Chris Benoit
basketballsavant-Rick Rude
Physicx- Funaki
jdkurt2- Brian Pillman
mjmoney- Hulk Hogan
furiousstylezz- Sabu
maelstroom- Eddie Guerrero
Tennhouse2- Shawn Michaels
Je Ne Sais Quoi- Psycho Sid
Jmal516- The Rock
100PROOF- Gillberg
YardFather- Dolph Ziggler
funkdoctor73- The Brian Kendrick
MambaMVP- John Cena
horchata kid- Jushin "Thunder" Liger
JayADiCt92- Stone Cold Steve Austin
Retrogearsolid- Mr.Perfect
R23J- Goldberg
RBeezy32- Razor Ramon
BayBuryYa- Elijah Burke
ovATyME316- Homicide
Bowzer Blitz- Rick Martel
shaft- Christian Cage
JRAdagreat72- Terry Funk
ElCubanoDel510- Ultimo Dragon

What's this all about?
I don't know, but I kind of want in...

Me too. But Austin is taken. Guess I'll take Punk. If he's taken, Warrior

put me in for taka michinoku

On second thought, put me in for Raven.
Great ppv... On hardcore radio theyre going to tell if that was a fan or a new member of legacy, still not 100% sure.

Sign of the night.... 8=>
Originally Posted by jcuk3tm0

i didnt see the cena match but im pretty sure it was planned because on the wwe website they mention the fan attack. so can someone please explain to me what happen with the undertaker and why hardy is gone?

I'm guessing we have a new member of Legacy. Hardy's contract is expired.
Oh man, Danielson is gonna get thrown into ECW and you'll never hear from him again.

My wish, Danielson/Punk fued.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Ring of Honor issued the following press release:

Bryan Danielson has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Bryan has been an exemplary talent and a wonderful member of the Ring of Honor locker room and family since the inception of the company. We couldn't be happier for Bryan and all of his successes, many of which Ring of Honor has been proud to witness first hand.

We congratulate Bryan on the beginning of this next journey in his brilliant career, and wish him all the best as he progresses. Many Ring of Honor fans refer to Bryan as the "best in the world" and we look forward to looking on in earnest as he shows everyone watching the wrestling world's biggest stage just why that is.

Bryan will appear as scheduled at all of the September Ring of Honor events. Please join us in Philadelphia, Dayton, Chicago, Boston, and New York as we say thank you and farewell to a truly one-of-a-kind talent.
I understand getting paid. Danielson is one of the best in the world, but he's 5'9" and 185 lbs. That combination just doesn't work in the WWE.

WWE do not #%#@ this up!
I need to see that TLC match. Someone PM me the repeat.
Put Danielson on Smackdown and let him work with Kidd, Rey, Ziggler, Morrison, Punk and Bourne
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by i like shoes too

please list reasons why you guys are happy hardy is gone?

i dont get it
He has no mic skills.

I hate the wierdo face paint.

He can't work a match. All he can do is throw his body around.
Bingo. He's nothing more than a horribly-glorified spot monkey who can't do anything else. Jeff is the worst case of putting the belt onsomeone because he sells merchandise/kids/fat goth females love him in recent memory. Yes, worse than Cena.

Overall, SummerFest was a good PPV. Most of the matches delivered, and I really couldn't complain about any of them except the ECW match which was onlytwenty seconds long, the finish of the WWE Championship match, which looked like it was booked by Vince Russo, and the length of DX's intro and match.Three out of five stars. A longer ECW match would have earned it another star for sure.

And I'm really enjoying calling it SummerFest instead SummerSlam. It just sounds better to me, no joke.
I prefer Matt over Jeff, but I like Jeff Hardy. When focused, he can do other things besides high spots. His feud with Randy Orton in early '08 waspretty good.....until he got busted for drugs. I think Jeff needs a break. He'll be back.

Undertaker and CM Punk will be a really good fued. I can't wait to hear CM on the mic this Friday.
I hate the wierdo face paint.
Whats wrong with face paint? Is it his or all face paint?

If I was a wrestler I have something similar to the Joker/Sting but not quite.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

I prefer Matt over Jeff
I do too. By far. Matt is without a doubt the superior Harvey, but he was always overlooked in favor of his druggie brother, no matter how manytimes he screwed up.

Oh geeze, I'm really iffy about the Danielson signing. Money is money, but it might not be a good decision for his career in the long run. He won't beused properly.
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