WWE SUMMERSLAM PPV 8/23 - Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk TLC Match, Orton vs Cena, DX Returns (p21)

Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Originally Posted by KingJay718

I prefer Matt over Jeff
I do too. By far. Matt is without a doubt the superior Harvey, but he was always overlooked in favor of his druggie brother, no matter how many times he screwed up.

Oh geeze, I'm really iffy about the Danielson signing. Money is money, but it might not be a good decision for his career in the long run. He won't be used properly.
Matt may be better, but he doesn't have the aura of a champion... I've always liked Jeff better than Matt.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Originally Posted by KingJay718

I prefer Matt over Jeff
I do too. By far. Matt is without a doubt the superior Harvey, but he was always overlooked in favor of his druggie brother, no matter how many times he screwed up.

Oh geeze, I'm really iffy about the Danielson signing. Money is money, but it might not be a good decision for his career in the long run. He won't be used properly.

I was wrong about the fan apparently. I heard somewhere he was actually an Indy wrestler. So I admit I was wrong about that. It kinda makes sense now. The wayOrton left the ring etc.
The TNA street team handed out free Sting masks outside the Staples Center. The goal was obviously to get fans to wear them during Summerslam. TNA was also promoting the October Bound for Glory PPV which will be in Irvine, CA.

Originally Posted by Physicx

where has jules been?

Nightshift + son starting school + new girlfriend = NO time to breathe lol I havent watched wrestling in over a month smh.
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

The TNA street team handed out free Sting masks outside the Staples Center. The goal was obviously to get fans to wear them during Summerslam. TNA was also promoting the October Bound for Glory PPV which will be in Irvine, CA.

During the main event I saw a kid with one of Sting's masks on when jeff was going up the steps.
Solid ppv overall, 2ed this year to Backlash.

Only things I had problems with were GayGay not laylaying down for Ziggler and the DX "comedy". Legacy did look descent in the match, so it was notas bad as it could have been. TLC match was one great spot and a descent match overall. It was too short for my liking, but still was good. Taker'scomeback was great, and I marked out. Still not sure about that plant, it was good acting by the Marine if it was a plant.
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

The TNA street team handed out free Sting masks outside the Staples Center. The goal was obviously to get fans to wear them during Summerslam. TNA was also promoting the October Bound for Glory PPV which will be in Irvine, CA.

seriously? Where in Irvine?
If I go, wearin my Taz shirt
damn watchin the replay of Summerfest. still missed the ziggler/mysterio match waiting for the cena/orton match and punk/hardy match as i fell asleep
Yeah I change my stance about the fan run in.

Once I saw it on the WWE site, it made me realize it was planned.

Is Joe Henning ready though?
Havent watched wrestling in a while. Question for you guys. Has Howard Finkel retired or is he still doin his thing?
Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

They said Joe Henning was the possible run-in.

They're actually reporting that is was Brett DiBiase who ran in.

Cool, thats just what the guys on harcore radio were saying.
Roster so far for SVR:
[table][tr][td]Triple H[/td] [td]John Cena[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Randy Orton[/td] [td]Undertaker[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Chris Jericho[/td] [td]Rey Mysterio[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Edge[/td] [td]Kofi Kingston[/td] [/tr][tr][td]John Morrison[/td] [td]Mickie James[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Maryse[/td] [td]GameStop Exclusive - Stone Cold Steve Austin
[/td] [/tr][/table]

More WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 Info

More WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 Info
yall really impressed with that?! i am not impressed...still looks like 09 from movement to gameplay and cena went to the top and look how far that jumpwas...ehhh
Heat on Michelle McCool:
As seen on this past week's episode of Friday Night SmackDown, Michelle McCool made her to television after suffering a leg injury at a house show a few weeks ago. It can be said that no tears were shed in the TNA locker room over her untimely mishap.

Among people in WWE, McCool has a reputation for being a negative side of a diva and having attitude issues, but in TNA she has heat for stealing AJ Styles' finishing maneuver, the "Styles Clash."

Generally speaking, the proper etiquette among wrestlers is that if you want to blatantly use a maneuver that someone else is using as their signature, you must first ask permission to do so unless they are no longer active. If the maneuver is something that has been used among wrestlers for decades, it is no big deal, but if it something that comes of as the wrestler in question invented it - or at least popularized it - it is proper etiquette to at least ask first. That is very much the case with Styles' "Styles Clash" as he popularized the maneuver several years ago.

McCool is well aware that another wrestler presently active in wrestling is using the very same maneuver as her. The Pro Wrestling Torch has it on good authority that a person in WWE asked McCool herself if she realized she's using a move someone else is using. When asked, McCool replied saying something along the lines of seeing "some wrestler in TNA" use the move and thinking it was cool. The feeling is that she didn't even know who AJ Styles was or what the move was actually called. When word of her reaction got back to people in TNA, it got her even more heat among wrestlers in the locker room.

While no wrestler wants to see others get hurt, suffice it to say, there were no tears shed over her knee injury.
Originally Posted by 22stylez

yall really impressed with that?! i am not impressed...still looks like 09 from movement to gameplay and cena went to the top and look how far that jump was...ehhh
Honestly did you expect them to overhaul the whole game? 09 wasn't bad at all. The gameplay was solid it was just the features that needed tobe fixed.
@ Michelle McCool. Ma is bangin' the Undertaker, now she thinks she's somethin' hott. She better chill before Randy Orton takes a dump in herluggage.

Brett Dibiase is a pretty good wrestler. Hopefully he'll take his brother's place in Legacy, since Teddy Jr is gonna be turned face, so he can promotethat new Marine movie.

For thoe who question Matt Hardy, see his fued with MVP, which was one of the best in a long while, and his run as Matt Hardy Verson 1 in '02-'03.
from pwinsider:

The "fan" who attacked referee Scott Armstrong during the WWE championship bout between champ Randy Orton and John Cena before being dragged out was WWE developmental talent Brett DiBiase.

DiBiase is the 21 year old son of Ted DiBiase Sr. and the brother of current WWE star Ted DiBiase. He was signed to a WWE developmental deal at the start of 2009.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

@ Michelle McCool. Ma is bangin' the Undertaker, now she thinks she's somethin' hott. She better chill before Randy Orton takes a dump in her luggage.
That is my favorite locker room rumor. Ever. It's been refuted so many times, but I will always believe it to be true.

I don't think McCool is banging Undertaker anymore. I remember reading something about them splitting up a while back, but it doesn't change that shestill sucks and has a pigeon face. Styles should disguise himself as one of the Conquistadors and take a dump in her bag, most definitely.

Probably acting, but it looks like IT'S STILL REAL TO HIM TOO:


Heel Punk is a god, and reactions like this prove it.
4wrestling wrote:

from pwinsider:

The "fan" who attacked referee Scott Armstrong during the WWE championship bout between champ Randy Orton and John Cena before being dragged out was WWE developmental talent Brett DiBiase.

DiBiase is the 21 year old son of Ted DiBiase Sr. and the brother of current WWE star Ted DiBiase. He was signed to a WWE developmental deal at the start of 2009.

So it was planned right?
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