WWE Survivor Series PPV 11/22 - Cena vs HHH vs HBK | Undertaker vs Jericho vs Big Show (p11)

Yes, so Og MSG stage tonight?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The Undertaker deserves just as much blame as we often heap on HHH.
Not at all.

Contrary to some reports, it's not Taker's fault that Punk got the strap taken off of him...
There is no truth to rumors indicating that CM Punk was stripped of the World Heavyweight Championship due to a "dress code" violation on WWE's European tour. There is no "dress code" in WWE and workers are not told to dress a certain way.

CM Punk has his fair share of detractors backstage which could have gotten the rumors started. WWE management is still high up on CM Punk.

From what I've been told, there have been plans to get the World Heavyweight Championship back on Undertaker since his return, and the decision was finalized on Sunday.

-- The CM Punk stories were way overblown and were spread around by some severely jaded people. Punk isn't very popular at all amongst quite a few people in the locker room, mostly because they feel like he thinks "he's better than everyone else" and doesn't really socialize after shows with the rest of the roster, so there's been some resentment towards him for being in the main event position he is. The plan for weeks was for Punk to drop the title to the Undertaker, and despite many not agreeing with the decision, it had nothing to do with anything on the European tour.
WWE did exactly what they wanted to do with Punk. He's accomplished now...3 time World Heavyweight champion and had a successful turn as a heel on Smackdown. I would have liked to see him had a longer reign with the belt (they should have never let Hardy have a 1 month reign...just kept it on Punk the entire time)...but that didn't happen. Regardless, Punk is now established with his feuds vs. Hardy and Undertaker.

You gotta remember that Taker was asked by Vince personally to come back early and agreed to do it for the good of the company...he didn't have to come back yet. He got the strap put on him as a reward and because it was the Hell in the Cell PPV...which I have no problem with. Last time he held the belt was when he won it vs. Edge at Wrestlemania 24...and he only held it for a month before they took it off of him. He's the complete opposite of HHH...

@ me again forgetting N&N...terrible on my part. I'll get it done in a few (for sure this time
But the fact of the matter is The Undertaker could have stepped up and done what is right for business. What kind of reward is winning the World Title? An increased workload. That's exactly the opposite of what The Undertaker needs. Plus, the title does nothing to elevate Taker in anyway. He is already firmly established as the biggest star in the WWE. He should have told the powers that be that the right thing for him and business was for Punk to keep the title.

His workload hasn't really increased tho'...notice how many promos he's cut on SD the last few weeks? Don't forget the reason hewas being brought back in the first place was because of the lack of main event faces on SD (with Hardy leaving and Batista still injured at that point)...soputting the belt on Taker isn't a bad business move or detrimental to Punk. It's not like they told him "hey...if you come back earlier, we'llmake you champion again!". He was back before they made that decision...putting the strap on him was out of respect for what he did so I don't seewhy'd he turn that down.

Punk was already over as a heel with "ending Hardy's career"...if it wasn't for the feud with Hardy, I'd agree with you, but theconclusion of that feud cemented Punk's spot in the WWE.

The difference between Taker and HHH is HHH would have won the title his first PPV back, then lost it at the following PPV and then claimed it again atSurvivor Series to boost his #'s up

Taker told management as long as it would be putting the right guy over, he wouldn't mind taking his first L at WM...NEVER in a million years would HGHeven entertain that thought. And that would be the ultimate move for business right there...

Don't think I forgot about N&N fellas, I got y'all after the show.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Can't wait to see what things look like tonight. Don't forget we have the new opening for tonight's show.

Same here. I really hope this is a sign of things to come because there's so much wrong with WWE right now, any change, any thing fresh is a welcome sight.

Week after week I read the thread, and I pretty much agree with all of you when discussing what's wrong with WWE (Lack of creativity, Too many PPVs, toomuch brand crossover, lack of developing talent, etc...). There's a couple of other things though that bother me and I think would help out as well. Theyare minor things but I think could make a major difference.

1) Announcers

Jerry "The King" Lawler. Please, please, please make him go back to a heel announcer. Hearing him and Michael Cole work as two "face"announcers makes Raw's commentary sooooooo corny. If you remember back in the good ole days, J.R. = Face, Lawler = Heel. Jerry agreeing with heels promos,trying to justify when the heel would use a chair or distract the referee was straight comedy and provided good back and forth with him and Jim Ross. Makingthem, hands down the best announce team in the biz. Before you say "well Jim Ross can make anybody look good" that is true, but for as much crap aswe all give Michael Cole (and yeah it's deserved), remember he's the same Michael Cole who was pretty decent on SmackDown! with Tazz (who was kind of a'tweener between heel/face) and had a very good chemistry with JBL (heel). A heel King ripping on a lame Michael Cole would help the announce teamtremendously.

2) Different Sets for different shows.

Ever since WWE went high-definition all three shows use the same entrance stage. Only the ring ropes change color for shows. I think this kind of takes awayfrom "brand separation" Seeing the titontron, you knew it was Raw. Giant fist breaking through the glass was SmackDown!, and the small littleentrance way for ECW was ECW. Now that each show uses the same set I think it kinda makes all three shows look and feel the same, maybe that's just methough.

Eh, maybe those are a bit of a stretch, but for some reason those minor things (as well as the previously mentioned big things) really bother me with WWE rightnow.
I love the new opening. That song is nice. It's a perfect fit.

The Iron Chef Sheik

Sheik breaking out the LJN rubber action figures
New RAW theme + vid is straight.

I miss Maryse.

Packed show at MSG.

EDIT: Captain Charisma
...hadn't seen that name in a while.
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

I miss Maryse.
I noticed her too featured prominently in the new opening video. I can't wait until she gets back.

This crowd is on fire.

Miz vs MVP
I actually like this set up better than the regular one. I am not a fan of the huge ramp and titantron. Wrestlers arrive faster to the ring too.
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Can't wait to see what things look like tonight. Don't forget we have the new opening for tonight's show.

Same here. I really hope this is a sign of things to come because there's so much wrong with WWE right now, any change, any thing fresh is a welcome sight.

Week after week I read the thread, and I pretty much agree with all of you when discussing what's wrong with WWE (Lack of creativity, Too many PPVs, too much brand crossover, lack of developing talent, etc...). There's a couple of other things though that bother me and I think would help out as well. They are minor things but I think could make a major difference.

1) Announcers

Jerry "The King" Lawler. Please, please, please make him go back to a heel announcer. Hearing him and Michael Cole work as two "face" announcers makes Raw's commentary sooooooo corny. If you remember back in the good ole days, J.R. = Face, Lawler = Heel. Jerry agreeing with heels promos, trying to justify when the heel would use a chair or distract the referee was straight comedy and provided good back and forth with him and Jim Ross. Making them, hands down the best announce team in the biz. Before you say "well Jim Ross can make anybody look good" that is true, but for as much crap as we all give Michael Cole (and yeah it's deserved), remember he's the same Michael Cole who was pretty decent on SmackDown! with Tazz (who was kind of a 'tweener between heel/face) and had a very good chemistry with JBL (heel). A heel King ripping on a lame Michael Cole would help the announce team tremendously.

2) Different Sets for different shows.

Ever since WWE went high-definition all three shows use the same entrance stage. Only the ring ropes change color for shows. I think this kind of takes away from "brand separation" Seeing the titontron, you knew it was Raw. Giant fist breaking through the glass was SmackDown!, and the small little entrance way for ECW was ECW. Now that each show uses the same set I think it kinda makes all three shows look and feel the same, maybe that's just me though.

Eh, maybe those are a bit of a stretch, but for some reason those minor things (as well as the previously mentioned big things) really bother me with WWE right now.
Vince is reportedly unhappy with all three announce teams right now. JR is still on the shelf for at least three more months. Sean Mooney hasbeen rehired. It will be interesting to see if the announce teams get shook up. I hope so. Bring Striker to RAW!!!!

I never even thought about the same sets, but that is a good point. Having the different sets set the shows apart. I'm sure they could make alterationsto the equipment to give at least Raw and Smackdown a unique look. ECW should go back to coming through the little entrance through the crowd.
Hahahaha, this first 10 minutes of Raw has already been awesome. MSG really brings it.

I seriously cannot believe how much The Miz has improved in every single aspect.

Iron Sheik is God. Him and Santino should interact sometime.
and yes, the king needs to go back to being heel. People forget or dont know how over as a heel he used to be
There are so many guys on the WWE roster. WHY WHY WHY do we have to waste time with Chavo every week?

Santino gonna be a clown here
if vince hates the announce teams why is joey styles doing web work. I love santino even if he is a tool. Hes like that dumb dog you have, but he still makesyou laugh. Also chavo is a better wrestler than mort of the rostor
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