X-FACTOR on FOX Vol. WOW this #%% is like watching a trainwreck at the end....

After this performance, how did they let her go?�
�She KILLED this performance�
They done goofed. Nicole was dumb for letting it go to America thinking Rachel had it in the bag. Even Rachel thought she did

I've been watching this show on and off just to see how good it was but honestly to me the ppl are just believing their own hype. X-Factor in on the level of the Sing-Off. It's not even better than The Voice or anywhere near American Idol in it's prime.

All this over production makes the show seem laughable. Plus there's been a lot of terrible song choices and yet the judges are either deluded or lie through their teeth after some performances with their comments.

Hopefully that other girl in Simon's group wins. That other dude who was an alcoholic should've been kicked off months ago cuz to me dude can't sing that good compared to Marcus or the white guy.

After what happened with Drew, I 'm surprised Simon did not go off on Nicole when Rachel got sent home and America.
I watched the video, Nicole Scherzingoarwtpwaj doesn't deserve the hate she's been getting. She didn't wanna send either home, so she let America decide, which i felt was the right decision. I mean, America's the one who's deciding who's winning anyway...

she still sucks though
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by tSamShoX


I did not expect so much hilarity to occur in this video.�

Nicole Scheirejzinegr with the mental breakdown�

Ole girl collapsing on stage�

Black dude blowing kisses to his fans just before the name is announced. �

oh lawd

Yeah man after further review EVERYBODY thought Rachel had it in the bag!

Look at 4:18.. even Marcus was surprised like he knew he was going home. Then fast forward to 4:32
The host was so devastated like "Nicole look what the fu*k you did!!"
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

After this performance, how did they let her go?�
�She KILLED this performance�

This makes me think certain parts of the show is scripted ..... when you listen to the words of the song, to me it comes across as her saying goodbye ..... whoever told her to sing that song knew she was going home...



BTW I think Nicole if she doesn't leave willingly, should be replaced .. every week she has a different "accent" sometimes several "accents" given the contestant she's talking too, its like she has no idea who she really is .. While I like to look at Nicole and believe she does have some idea of what she's doing with her contestant, as a judge she tends to be either just as annoying or sometimes even more so than Paula
^They did two songs on wed. They started singing songs based off themes weekly. This week there was some problem and the songs they were suppose to sing got switched to next week so all of them had to sing their "farewell song" as their 2nd song.

When you're in the bottom 2. You automatically have to sing your farewell song before we get to the judge's deciding who goes home. The farewell song is basically their last effort to convince the judges to keep them. If it goes to deadlock the votes are based off of Wednesday's performances not Thursdays.
This guy is gonna win the whole thing
.  The talent pool isn't outstanding, aside from the Carribean chick & Chris Rene... but this guy's gonna win off his background alone.  Recovering drug addict plus he's a waste collector, most soulful white dude out there .
Best thing to happen to this show and now he is gone.  


watch that bum Chris Renee win.  
For Rachel and Marcus' Survival Song, they sang two songs they already did previously in the show and that were considered their best performances by the judges.

Here is Marcus' performance for the sing off if you want to compare to Rachel's performance posted above.

I think Nicole just did not want the burden for someone to leave by her hands. I am not sure if she wanted Rachel or Marcus. I don't see why some are criticizing her as that it is her job as a judge. What if she really did not know who to pick between the two. What if she thought Marcus was better? It seems as if she thought Marcus would get voted off. Rachel really thought she had it in the bag and she was going to win the whole show.

I laughed when I watched it all go down live as this was airing. Reality TV at its finest. But, I did really feel bad for Rachel. Seems like to me some of these kids are not seeing beyond the show. Astro, Drew, and Rachel all had tantrums or emotional breakdowns being voted off. They just don't have the maturity level to deal with loss.

Chris Rene is ok. He is light-hearted, lovable, and inspirational story of being a recovering crack/cocaine addict. But, as far as talent, especially compared to the others, he lacks it. Not deserving of the $5 million contract. I think she should have been voted off.

Marcus is the best performer all around with his stage presence, but he won't win it. Melanie has the best voice to me, but like someone mentioned, she is safe and not original. If they give Josh the right songs, I think he can do well with adult contemporary and a rock audience.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

That sounds like a hit. I could hear that joint on the radio like..."who is that?"

I dont think he'll win tho. It's either Melanie or Josh.
That girl acted like a little brat when she got eliminated
Shows she didn't deserve to win it. When she was like " Bu-bu-but mommy you promised"
Plus that girl needs to drop some weight to become more marketable.
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