X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

Didn't think it was very good at all.... not sure if i'll see it in theaters for the final cut
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Yo My friend works for Fox got the whole movie downloaded with everything and he is burning it for me right now
with finished cgi?
Some thoughts on the work print..

Spoiler [+]
- The movie really zipped along well. I know the final cut will have more footage, but as it is, a solid origin story.
- So apparently they used the Transformers score for the work print?
- Kudos to Liev Schreiber on the portrayal of Sabretooth. At least some redemption from the original X-Men.
- Professor X Cameo was a nice touch.
- The Weapon XI, Deadpool was a disgrace. All they had to do was apply some CGI scars and give him some guns. But no, instead he has optic blasts, teleportation, adamantium and no speech.
- I liked the way Gambit was introduced. Not too much screen time, but enough to please all of us waiting for the onscreen interpretation.
- Overall, solid super-hero flick. Marginally better than X3, but X2 and X1 are still better.

BTW, I really do hope that the final product will have more background on Weapon X. Really would like to have seen more scenes with them to give the movie more depth.
-Solid flick

-the Deadpool uff up is near unforgivable to me.

-Sabretooth II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sabretooth I
This #!%@ was terrible.

As a diehard comic book fan, I'm appalled at how much of the origin got changed (for instance, who discovered Wolvie after he got the adamantium put inhim).

Deadpool -

Blob -

will.i.am -

Only semi-mark out moment for me was Emma.

Like someone said, it started off pretty good. But went downhill after a certain death scene.

Can someone show me how to use spoiler tags??

And I hate YUKU. I typed "x-men" in the search and this thread didn't even come up.
Damn shame...the only good thing to come out of the movie was the Gambit fight scene...other than that it's another X-Men movie down the drain
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Some thoughts on the work print..

Spoiler [+]
- The movie really zipped along well. I know the final cut will have more footage, but as it is, a solid origin story.
- So apparently they used the Transformers score for the work print?
- Kudos to Liev Schreiber on the portrayal of Sabretooth. At least some redemption from the original X-Men.
- Professor X Cameo was a nice touch.
- The Weapon XI, Deadpool was a disgrace. All they had to do was apply some CGI scars and give him some guns. But no, instead he has optic blasts, teleportation, adamantium and no speech.
- I liked the way Gambit was introduced. Not too much screen time, but enough to please all of us waiting for the onscreen interpretation.
- Overall, solid super-hero flick. Marginally better than X3, but X2 and X1 are still better.

BTW, I really do hope that the final product will have more background on Weapon X. Really would like to have seen more scenes with them to give the movie more depth.

[h1]FBI Now Involved in Wolverine Leak[/h1]
By now you've heard about the leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine copy that's made its way to the net, but what you haven't heard is that the FBI has now been called in to investigate the theft and subsequent release. The copy, which was an early, unfinished version which still had the green screens, wires, and unfinished CGI, apparently also is "forensically marked" so that the authorities can track the person who uploaded the film.

According to BBC News, the stolen copy was downloaded over 100,000 times on Tuesday, but has since been removed.

The studio behind Wolverine stated: "The source of the initial leak and any subsequent postings will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law… The courts have handed down significant criminal sentences for such acts."

Apparently, there is a brief caption at the beginning of the film that reads, 'Rising Sun Pictures' and is dated 2 March, 2009; however, the Australian visual effects company that worked on the film (and is currently working on production of Terminator Salvation), has not been indicted in any way or for any involvement.

Fox released a statement in regards to fan reaction to the leaked film. "We are encouraged by the support of fansites condemning piracy and this illegal posting and pointing out that such theft undermines the enormous efforts of the filmmakers and actors and, above all, hurts fans of the film."

Personally, I think they should find the guy that stole the film and subject him to some true torture…like making him watch nothing but Daredevil for the next 6 months…
Personally, I think they should find the guy that stole the film and subject him to some true torture…like making him watch nothing but Daredevil for the next 6 months…


the FBi aint gonna do *+#! though, and more importantly...isnt there far worse crimes they should be focusing on?
If people go into this movie not banking the whole flick on seeing comic Deadpool, then I think they'll enjoy this movie. Yes, they f'd up DP, I hateFox, yadda, yadda......but aside from that, I though the movie was pretty enjoyable myself.

Now someone needs to leak T:4 asap
I never read the xmen comics or many comics for that matter.... but still it was just ******ed IMO

The main focus of the movie were just Logan and Sabretooth, which yes its a movie about Wolverine, but then why introduce SO many side characters with TINYRoles

At the beginning I thought it was going to be pretty sweet, but that was pretty much all we saw of Wade... should have had a MUCH bigger role in the movie.They tried to hard to fit so many characters into a film that wasn't even 2 hours.

Oh and the whole thing with Dukes or w/e getting an eating disorder and turing into Fat Bastard... as I said I never read the comics... but that was entirelyretarded as well

Fox/Marvel should take some notes from Warner/DC

I think people rather have a movie be "too long" than "too short"
watching it now, I'm half way through and I'm not impressed. I hope they make some changes to the final cut.
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