X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

Yea we need a real Sabretooth origin ASAP! Question
Spoiler [+]
Isn't he dead now? I mean Wolvie did chop his head off with the Murasame or the Masamune (can't remember which one) in the comic. This would be a great time to explain Sabretooth and his Origin
too many things going on this weekend, i may have to catch next week when the crowd dies down
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Yea we need a real Sabretooth origin ASAP! Question
Spoiler [+]
Isn't he dead now? I mean Wolvie did chop his head off with the Murasame or the Masamune (can't remember which one) in the comic. This would be a great time to explain Sabretooth and his Origin
he healed , his head wasn't completely chopped off. a piece of tissue was still barely connecting his head and neck together...i think
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Yea we need a real Sabretooth origin ASAP! Question
Spoiler [+]
Isn't he dead now? I mean Wolvie did chop his head off with the Murasame or the Masamune (can't remember which one) in the comic. This would be a great time to explain Sabretooth and his Origin
he healed , his head wasn't completely chopped off. a piece of tissue was still barely connecting his head and neck together...i think
ok. I didn't get to read anything after that
Apparently, there is two different ending after the credits.
One with Deadpool and one with Wolverine.
Ending description is in the spoiler but can anyone confirm?

Spoiler [+]
Wolverines after credits ending involves him going or being in Japan.

this movie is not even worth watching for free. I suggest everyone just boycott it
Originally Posted by RFX45

Apparently, there is two different ending after the credits.
One with Deadpool and one with Wolverine.
Ending description is in the spoiler but can anyone confirm?

Spoiler [+]
Wolverines after credits ending involves him going or being in Japan.
The other ending is Wolverine in Japan at a bar. Some asks "Are drinking to forget?" He responds "No...to remember."Corny...yes
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by RFX45

Apparently, there is two different ending after the credits.
One with Deadpool and one with Wolverine.
Ending description is in the spoiler but can anyone confirm?

Spoiler [+]
Wolverines after credits ending involves him going or being in Japan.
The other ending is Wolverine in Japan at a bar. Some asks "Are drinking to forget?" He responds "No...to remember." Corny...yes

Thanks for the confirmation.
I think I would have rather seen that than the Deapool credit ending.
Concering Sabretooth not saying anything about Wolverine in the first movie, in the comics there was something where some guy (most likely Stryker) who messedwith his mind. He erased his mind and brought Sabretooth to a more beastlier animal like state of mind. That could even explain why he didn't even talk inthe X-men 1. All he did was growl, so if there is a sequel they should bring him back and do something related to that to explain why he had no lines ordidn't recognize Wolverine. I liked the movie. It wasn't gonna be an Oscar winning movie. Just a fun summer action film.
Originally Posted by carlosnwa

Concering Sabretooth not saying anything about Wolverine in the first movie, in the comics there was something where some guy (most likely Stryker) who messed with his mind. He erased his mind and brought Sabretooth to a more beastlier animal like state of mind. That could even explain why he didn't even talk in the X-men 1. All he did was growl, so if there is a sequel they should being him back and do something related to that to explain why he had no lines or didn't recognize Wolverine. I liked the movie. It wasn't gonna be an Oscar winning movie. Just a fun summer action film.
He actually asked Storm to scream for him in X-Men 1 so he could speak.
It's true, things could have happened between this movie and X-Men 1 but it doesn't make sense for Sabretooth to return to Stryker after the event inthis prequel.
I just think they should have explained it or showed how he lost his memory as well, I mean they took the effort to explain Wolverines so it wouldn't hurtto give Sabretooth 5 minutes of movie time to explain his memory loss.
It was pretty good

only thing I didnt like was how they didnt show how Wade dies any how he is just captured.

Im praying for a deadpool spin off

How I felt...

Spoiler [+]
"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

Apparently what you do best, doesn't involve laying your origin there in an interesting fashion.

I'm not going to summarize what the movie is about, we all know the character, be it through the X-Men movies that have featured the character or the comic book universe.

Early in the beginning of the movie, we're treated to a montage of wars that the Wolverine and Sabertooth have participated in (which is the ONLY thing of note in the entire piece imo). From this point forward the move could've been a serious character study on the psyche of the ol' canuckle head.

What makes him so tortured? Why can't he remember his past, as we've been told in the X-Men movies? What it is with the major blood feud between Creed and Logan? Why should we fear him so?

The scribes behind this movie are David Benioff and Skip Woods. Benioff is responsible for some ok material. Skip, on the other hand wrote <i>Hitman</i>, and <i>Swordfish</i>. The old adage "two heads are better than one" definitely is proven wrong here (these two couldn't write themselves out of a Sunday word jumble). Their dialogue in the is cringe inducing. Especially at the beginning. I was irked early when Silverfox is telling a story of a moon and her lover (she's killed shortly after). At the end, the translation of the protagonist's name is what lead Logan to take up the name "Wolverine" when he links back up with Weapon X. Scene just reeks of cheese and cliche.

I wish it ended there, but it persists.

We follow Wolverine ad he tracks down his old acquaintances for clues, and to avenge his girl.

We've seen this before. Several times. These movies are strewn about the 80s. Like shells on a beach.

Only difference is, our characters have powers.

Towards the middle of the story, we come across many characters of the Marvel universe that we have become endeared to through comics and film.

Unfortunately, they serve no purpose what so ever in advancing the story. Nor do they really work <i>within</i> the story. Shoehorned, into the film is what they have been. They're just an instruments for which FOX bait you to see the movie, and to allude to future FOX "Origins" projects. They've got a lock on future "X-Men Origins" stories, I believe.

The end up wraps predictably.

However, there is one event that just says, "eff writing a good conclusion".

Logan's famous for not remembering his past, and the way they decide to play this out, is buy having Stryker shoot him in the head with an adamantium bullet...


Seriously. An adamantium bullet. No joke.

You'll notice that I didn't mention much of the other characters in the film.

Two reasons for this:

1) Don't really care for 'em, this is a Wolverine origin story anyhow.

2) They weren't really used effectively.

Furthermore, the effects are nothing to write home about.

As a couple of other reviews have stated, the claws look terribly cgi and fake.

How they went from jagged bone claws to sublimely pollished knives is beyond me.

Fight scenes are pretty tame too.

The set piece in which Wolverine meets Gambit, looks TOO fake. Almost as if it came off the lot for Smallville.

For a character this is supposed to be all about violence, rage, and confusion. We don't really get that. Unfortunately the movie was pegged at pg-13.

I believe if we had an "R", it would have been just a bit better.

The lack of character development and exploration is definitely hindered by the film's running time.

A measly 107 mins. Just imagine if we had a rated "R" 2 hour Wolvie origin.

Lastly, I'd like to say that it could've been directed better. However, its plainly evident that Gavin Hood was bullied into what FOX wanted.

Had he been left to his own devices we would've seen some memorable shots, great cinematography and in depth character exploration. You can see his best work in the movie "Tsotsi".

In closing, as Wolverine savant of the comics, I'd say this is some ol' ishkabibble.

As a fan of great film and cinema, I'd tell you to see this at a matinee or just rent it.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Ok, how exactly do I do the spoiler tag thing?

Julius F. Wrek
Type "

Then type what you don't want to be seen.

Then type "[/_spoiler]" without the underscore.
I don't know how to quote but for RFX45, I know he said that line but it was so small and insignificant. And remember, Stryker doesn't always askmutants to join him. Sometimes he forces them. So that could work if somehow Stryker was able to screw with Sabretooths mind and degenerate his mind to aanimal like mode and barely clutter words, like he barely did in X-1. IDK I'm just throwing out ideas for a sequel possibility to help the chronology ofthe film. If a sequel comes into play we all know its gonna be based in Japan. so who knows
Nice write up Julius. OH and I heard the game has a nice rated R feel to it. I'm dl the demo as we speak
I'm very disappointed in the Deadpool/Wade execution as well. Also, isn't Gambit supposed to have a cajun accent? Or was that only from the cartoon andnot the comics? I was hoping to hear that. That's the Gambit that I know.
Why are people trying to tie in Xmen Origins and Xmen 1.

Its pretty obvious that they didnt think of making a origins movie back when Xmen 1 came out, or i could be wrong but i dont think so

I just dont understand how they hyped up all these other characters like Gambit but they only had like 5 minutes of air-time each
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


How I felt...

Spoiler [+]
"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

Apparently what you do best, doesn't involve laying your origin there in an interesting fashion.

I'm not going to summarize what the movie is about, we all know the character, be it through the X-Men movies that have featured the character or the comic book universe.

Early in the beginning of the movie, we're treated to a montage of wars that the Wolverine and Sabertooth have participated in (which is the ONLY thing of note in the entire piece imo). From this point forward the move could've been a serious character study on the psyche of the ol' canuckle head.

What makes him so tortured? Why can't he remember his past, as we've been told in the X-Men movies? What it is with the major blood feud between Creed and Logan? Why should we fear him so?

The scribes behind this movie are David Benioff and Skip Woods. Benioff is responsible for some ok material. Skip, on the other hand wrote <i>Hitman</i>, and <i>Swordfish</i>. The old adage "two heads are better than one" definitely is proven wrong here (these two couldn't write themselves out of a Sunday word jumble). Their dialogue in the is cringe inducing. Especially at the beginning. I was irked early when Silverfox is telling a story of a moon and her lover (she's killed shortly after). At the end, the translation of the protagonist's name is what lead Logan to take up the name "Wolverine" when he links back up with Weapon X. Scene just reeks of cheese and cliche.

I wish it ended there, but it persists.

We follow Wolverine ad he tracks down his old acquaintances for clues, and to avenge his girl.

We've seen this before. Several times. These movies are strewn about the 80s. Like shells on a beach.

Only difference is, our characters have powers.

Towards the middle of the story, we come across many characters of the Marvel universe that we have become endeared to through comics and film.

Unfortunately, they serve no purpose what so ever in advancing the story. Nor do they really work <i>within</i> the story. Shoehorned, into the film is what they have been. They're just an instruments for which FOX bait you to see the movie, and to allude to future FOX "Origins" projects. They've got a lock on future "X-Men Origins" stories, I believe.

The end up wraps predictably.

However, there is one event that just says, "eff writing a good conclusion".

Logan's famous for not remembering his past, and the way they decide to play this out, is buy having Stryker shoot him in the head with an adamantium bullet...


Seriously. An adamantium bullet. No joke.

You'll notice that I didn't mention much of the other characters in the film.

Two reasons for this:

1) Don't really care for 'em, this is a Wolverine origin story anyhow.

2) They weren't really used effectively.

Furthermore, the effects are nothing to write home about.

As a couple of other reviews have stated, the claws look terribly cgi and fake.

How they went from jagged bone claws to sublimely pollished knives is beyond me.

Fight scenes are pretty tame too.

The set piece in which Wolverine meets Gambit, looks TOO fake. Almost as if it came off the lot for Smallville.

For a character this is supposed to be all about violence, rage, and confusion. We don't really get that. Unfortunately the movie was pegged at pg-13.

I believe if we had an "R", it would have been just a bit better.

The lack of character development and exploration is definitely hindered by the film's running time.

A measly 107 mins. Just imagine if we had a rated "R" 2 hour Wolvie origin.

Lastly, I'd like to say that it could've been directed better. However, its plainly evident that Gavin Hood was bullied into what FOX wanted.

Had he been left to his own devices we would've seen some memorable shots, great cinematography and in depth character exploration. You can see his best work in the movie "Tsotsi".

In closing, as Wolverine savant of the comics, I'd say this is some ol' ishkabibble.

As a fan of great film and cinema, I'd tell you to see this at a matinee or just rent it.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by RFX45

Apparently, there is two different ending after the credits.
One with Deadpool and one with Wolverine.
Ending description is in the spoiler but can anyone confirm?

Spoiler [+]
Wolverines after credits ending involves him going or being in Japan.
The other ending is Wolverine in Japan at a bar. Some asks "Are drinking to forget?" He responds "No...to remember." Corny...yes
But what about the supposed Deadpool one?
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Why are people trying to tie in Xmen Origins and Xmen 1.

Its pretty obvious that they didnt think of making a origins movie back when Xmen 1 came out, or i could be wrong but i dont think so
It's true that they didn't plan it but they tried so hard to make it make sense for X-Men 1 that we all knew he was goign to forget allhis memories by the end of the movie.
That right there somewhat kills the ending, then they insult our intelligence and explain how he would lose his memories and then proceeds to do what wasactually said.

carlosnwa wrote:
I don't know how to quote but for RFX45, I know he said that line but it was so small and insignificant. And remember, Stryker doesn't always ask mutants to join him. Sometimes he forces them. So that could work if somehow Stryker was able to screw with Sabretooths mind and degenerate his mind to a animal like mode and barely clutter words, like he barely did in X-1. IDK I'm just throwing out ideas for a sequel possibility to help the chronology of the film. If a sequel comes into play we all know its gonna be based in Japan. so who knows

Like I said, we don't know what happened between the prequel and X-Men 1 but it would just be nice to hint at Sabretooth's memory loss.
Maybe they'll touch on it in the sequel, if they make any but then again, they would have to make Wolverine remember Sabretooth again and then he wouldhave to lose all that memory all over again.
It will be an endless cycle unless they make a movie after the events of X-Men 3 where the writers are free to write whatever they want without restrictions.
Maybe getting aay from Fox will be a good idea too. Theya re only contracted to do one Wolverine movie right?
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