X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Supposedly there is an ending with Deadpool in it...

yes there is after the credits
can anybody tell which marvel characters were imprisoned at the lab? i think the first one was toad... and did anybody else think that the frozen kid strykerwas staring at, would be omega red?

If I'm remembering correctly, the frozen kid was his son.

Emma Frost, Cyclops, Quicksilver.

Could somebody help out?

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Nermindee

can anybody tell which marvel characters were imprisoned at the lab? i think the first one was toad... and did anybody else think that the frozen kid stryker was staring at, would be omega red?

that frozen kid would be his son. from the X2 movie
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Nermindee

can anybody tell which marvel characters were imprisoned at the lab? i think the first one was toad... and did anybody else think that the frozen kid stryker was staring at, would be omega red?

that frozen kid would be his son. from the X2 movie

got it thanks for clearing that up hehe.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Supposedly there is an ending with Deadpool in it...

yes there is after the credits
Deadpool rumors will be starting soon. Raven Studio that made the Wolverine game for the move (which an excellent game, just a little repetitive) says that want to start work on a Deadpool game that is based on the comic book Deadpool and not the one in the movie. Supposedly they are pitching the idea to Marvel and Activision.

sounds interesting....
Not following the Comics again FTL...

However if you look past that it is still an ok film.

Originally Posted by Nermindee

can anybody tell which marvel characters were imprisoned at the lab? i think the first one was toad... and did anybody else think that the frozen kid stryker was staring at, would be omega red?

Nightcrawler was also one of the kids in the cage.
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

Not following the Comics again FTL...

However if you look past that it is still an ok film.

Originally Posted by Nermindee

can anybody tell which marvel characters were imprisoned at the lab? i think the first one was toad... and did anybody else think that the frozen kid stryker was staring at, would be omega red?

Nightcrawler was also one of the kids in the cage.
Are you sure? Where was he?

Overall the movie was OK...I thought there would be a better scene at the very end, but I was entertained.
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

Not following the Comics again FTL...

However if you look past that it is still an ok film.
Wrong, there's no scene of Bucky beating the crap out of Wolverine therefore this movie is horrible. Loved the soapbox derby with Sabertooththough.
Deadpool ending

There are DEF. future plans for Deadpool , but they BETTER leave Ryan Reynolds to play Wade Wilson
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by gentry187

Just got back from watching it. I've seen the bootleg before I saw the real deal. Although I already knew what the movie was about and what was gonna happen in the end, I still enjoyed the final cut 1000x more. The movie was good. But like some have posted before, the special effects were kicked down a notch from their previous x-men films. My only complaint was that I wanted to see deadpool more Matthew McConaughey... the REAL deadpool! I was kinda dissapointed by that but in the end after all the credits they brought my hopes back up
Oh wow. There's a guy tryin to be funny
You saw the midnight show of ghosts of girlfriends past.
So is the final Movie version exactly like the leak version?

If so the movie gotta be trash.
The movie was very disappointing, I don't see what's so hard about just following the comics. And they could have at least made up for by having betterspecial effects. I don't even know how they blew all that potential.
Originally Posted by htownhooper31

The movie was very disappointing, I don't see what's so hard about just following the comics. And they could have at least made up for by having better special effects. I don't even know how they blew all that potential.

Seriously. Like What the %@%!?

I remember growing up you'd see Comic book cats complain over the littlest %*%$!$@ things. I'd be like
. Then I grow up and they start making the movies for the %@%* I came up on andthey continue to just %@%! it up.
I just came back from watching it. I thought the movie could have been better. i think it was too much on thesad side and those endings were wack
Movie sucked as expected, Deadpool had so much potential but was cut way too short.
I hate how they tried to make this movie fit in with the x-men movies.
Without that, this movie could have been so good.

Spoiler [+]
They totally got Gambit and Cyclops powers switched.
Gambit's kinetic powers is supposed to make things explode, not not push by force.
While Cyclops powers are supposed to be a force not a hot magma like beam.
How can it be so inconsistent with what they showed in the x-men movies?

The ending after the credits was, well, horrible. They could have put more into it and maybe extend it.
Maybe let him walk around and close the whole thing by breaking the third wall.

They didn't need Stryker to explain what the adamantium bullets were going to do to Wolverine, the audience are smarter than that.
It totally killed the point. I honestly was guessing how he would lose his memory until he explained it.
They should have just showed him with the gun, shoot Wolvy and he wakes up without his memory.
I think the audience would have figured that one out themselves.

Also, they didn't show how or why Sabretooth wouldn't mention he is brothers with Wolverine in X-Men 1?
They give a hint that Sabretooth somewhat knows Wolverine in X-Men 1 but considering how close they are in this movie, they should have showed Sabretooth lose his memory too.

Minor criticisms...
Where the hell did Quicksilver go after he was released?
They should have picked a much hotter chick to play Emma Frost.
Wraith/Will.I.Am being stupid thinking his punches would kill Sabretooth.
I don't even think Wolverine and Sabertooth were ever really brothers in the comics...were they?? I might be trippin...
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