Xbox 360 or PS3?

May 27, 2006
I need help. I've been contemplating this for a while, but I still can't decide. I'm finally going to get one, but they both have their advantages(and disadvantages) so I'm pretty stuck in the middle. (BTW, I know there are official threads, but I wanted opinions from both sides and people whoaren't hardcore gamers and don't go to the official threads)

Here are the pros and cons (that I have gathered), but there probably are more which I am unaware of.

Pros: has blu-ray (and is probably the best one available)
slightly better graphics
more reliable
free online
built in wi-fi
Cons: not as many good games
online not as good
games/hardware generally cost more
system costs more (not too much of a problem though)

Xbox 360
Pros: lots of good games
online more fun
i know more people with Xbox's as opposed to PS3's
Cons: have to buy a wi-fi adapter
have to pay for online
no blu-ray
less reliable (even with the new chipsets they're probably not as reliable as the PS3)

What makes it really hard is the blu-ray vs. games. The PS3 has some good games, but not nearly as many as the Xbox. On the other hand, the PS3 has blu-ray andI wouldn't have to buy a blu-ray player. My brother might get an Xbox, but if he doesn't then I have to choose between an Xbox 360 and PS3. The priceof the system isn't too much of a factor, so it doesn't play a big part in the decision, but the price of games/hardware is a factor. RRoD
- I'm really wary of getting a system only for it to fail; I've neverhad a system fail on me before and I already hate hearing it happens to other people. I'd be really pissed if it happened to me. I'm really stuckbecause when I make a list the pros and cons for one it doesn't outweigh the pros of the other.
doesnt the elite have wifi?

i traded my 360 for a ps3 and i couldnt be any happier
PS3 All day. Metal Gear Solid 4 ftw! I only want a 360 to play Halo 3. I ain't paying that much for 1 game. I better get it as a gift or something lol.
I got a 360 because the PS3 is too expensive, and I've been very happy with my 360. PS3 also doesn't have many games that I'd play.
Seriously you can get a 360 for 199 and a Sony or Panasonic blu ray player for about 150-180. You just gotta shop around.
we have wii, 360 and PS3 in our house. The XBOX gets played the most and the PS3 has been played maybe 3 times in the last 6 months. Never had any proplems wihany of the systems though, just prefer the XBOX
Originally Posted by calibeebee

we have wii, 360 and PS3 in our house. The XBOX gets played the most and the PS3 has been played maybe 3 times in the last 6 months. Never had any proplems wih any of the systems though, just prefer the XBOX

same here. I prefer my 360. I bought a PS3 for MGS4, beat it in a week and I've dabbled with Socom here & there. At least I have a reason to buildmy blu-ray collection now
Originally Posted by gusyouout

Pros: has blu-ray (and is probably the best one available)
slightly better graphics
more reliable
free online
built in wi-fi
Cons: not as many good games
online not as good
games/hardware generally cost more
system costs more (not too much of a problem though)

Xbox 360
Pros: lots of good games
online more fun
i know more people with Xbox's as opposed to PS3's
Cons: have to buy a wi-fi adapter
have to pay for online
no blu-ray
less reliable (even with the new chipsets they're probably not as reliable as the PS3)

(i have a ps3 and i've been looking into a 360)

- some games look better on 360 and some look better on ps3 so i don't think ps3 has better graphics it just depends on the games (gta iv looks better on360 than on ps3 (ps3's was really dark) but then again i think most of the games that look better are because they were ported to ps3)

- the gaming online isn't bad at all on the ps3... it mostly depends on your connection it's just live is slightly better with more support seeing thatyou would pay for it (like they would actually do something about explicit sns and would catch on to people who cheat in games quicker)

- for games i read an article on ign or something and it had a year in review for console exclusives and ps3 got the most that got a +9 rating ( if i were toget a 360 i think i would probably only get gears2, fable 2, and left 4 dead)

- i guess online would be more fun on xbox live if you know more people on live than psn

this is my 2 cents and most of this is what i read online or heard from friends/ family that have xbox 360
i'm happy with my ps3 but like you i dont know as many people on psn

also uncharted 2, god of war 3, and killzone 2's about to come out -- that's my only biast statement
Originally Posted by mattfoley7

Seriously you can get a 360 for 199 and a Sony or Panasonic blu ray player for about 150-180. You just gotta shop around.
but you dont wanna get the arcade pack cause it doesnt come with a hdd

360 pro blu-ray player
$300 + $150 = $450
ps3 is terrible, soo is wiii. i got the xbox too its soo much better than those 2 and alot smaller than that cinderblock of a ps3, i could build a house withthose things
For me (and I'm just speaking for myself), the only games that I want to play are either multi-platorm...(COD4, Prince of Persia, Madden, Fallout 3) or PS3(Ratchet&Clank, Killzone 2, FFXIII versus, MGS4).

And even though I love my ps3, the mere fact that for 80% of the population price is king, and value is overlooked, means that I'm stuck with my ps3 andmost of my cheapskate-%%% friends have 360. This is perhaps the most compelling reason for me to get a 360.
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

For me (and I'm just speaking for myself), the only games that I want to play are either multi-platorm...(COD4, Prince of Persia, Madden, Fallout 3) or PS3 (Ratchet&Clank, Killzone 2, FFXIII versus, MGS4).

And even though I love my ps3, the mere fact that for 80% of the population price is king, and value is overlooked, means that I'm stuck with my ps3 and most of my cheapskate-%%% friends have 360. This is perhaps the most compelling reason for me to get a 360.
So you're saying only cheap people buy 360's? Really?

Considering games cost $60 nowadays, a decent 360 runs $300, wifi adapter is 100, controllers are like $50, and you have to pay for Xbox the hell you were able to deduce that the Xbox 360 is a system for "cheapskates" I just don't know.
I say Xbox 360 without question. For me it comes down to the games and I guess it's a matter of preference but I like Halo and Gears of War alot more thananything I've played on PS3. And Xbox Live and the inclusion of achievements just sweetens the deal. PS3 is great multimedia wise, but as a gaming systemXbox dominates.
Originally Posted by DG Kyrk 33

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

For me (and I'm just speaking for myself), the only games that I want to play are either multi-platorm...(COD4, Prince of Persia, Madden, Fallout 3) or PS3 (Ratchet&Clank, Killzone 2, FFXIII versus, MGS4).

And even though I love my ps3, the mere fact that for 80% of the population price is king, and value is overlooked, means that I'm stuck with my ps3 and most of my cheapskate-%%% friends have 360. This is perhaps the most compelling reason for me to get a 360.
So you're saying only cheap people buy 360's? Really?

Considering games cost $60 nowadays, a decent 360 runs $300, wifi adapter is 100, controllers are like $50, and you have to pay for Xbox Live the hell you were able to deduce that the Xbox 360 is a system for "cheapskates" I just don't know.
games cost $60 (moot point, equivalent for both systems)
a decent 360 runs $300 (yes, but entry model vs entry model...its still at least a 33%, if not more, pricedifference)
wifi adapter is 100 (optional)
controllers are like $50 (moot point, equivalent for both systems)
Xbox Live subscription (i'll give you this one)

and please note...I didn't say that it was a system for cheapskates. I said, my friends were cheapskates. And I said, that most of the population whenpresented with a potentially superior buy in a big-ticket item, will opt for the cheaper just to get in the game (word to vizio televisions).

I know there are gonna be some other heads who feel some kind of way about that post too. Check your feelings at the door. I'm just stating my opinion.

I don't hate on xbox. I just feel its inferior as far as the full package is concerned. If you want to say, "but I don't even care about highdef disc media, I just wanna play games," than I feel you, xbox is probably better just on the strength of xbox live, but for me, blu-ray can not bediscounted and the inclusion of what is arguably the best blu-ray player period in a system for a paltry extra hundred or so dollars over the competitor isdefinitely a steal. That is what I mean by value.
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