Xbox Live seems to be doing much better than PSN

I had both and they both seemed like the same thing to me. I could careless about online play though. The in game experience is what matters to me. Except withCOD that game is crack online.
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

^like what? im really asking. I don't see what more i would need about an online service other than it's ability to work, which psn does.
"Netflix, Party chat, Windows Live messenger integration, Recent player list, which lists the last 50 players a user has played with, Access to Xbox Live Marketplace content, including new game content, games and movies."
im guessing u never used PSN
- they have recent player list ( same 50 players as xbox) and they also have a marketplace which has the same things as xbox
Yeah I have, but do they have Netflix? And do they have a party chat that can hold 100 people (I think)
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

But Killzone is whack though
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

^like what? im really asking. I don't see what more i would need about an online service other than it's ability to work, which psn does.
"Netflix, Party chat, Windows Live messenger integration, Recent player list, which lists the last 50 players a user has played with, Access to Xbox Live Marketplace content, including new game content, games and movies."
im guessing u never used PSN
- they have recent player list ( same 50 players as xbox) and they also have a marketplace which has the same things as xbox
Yeah I have, but do they have Netflix? And do they have a party chat that can hold 100 people (I think)

Actually there is a program called PlayOn which you can use Netflix on the PS3 so it technically does but not officially.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by i3allistic

it better be making money, since it charges you for almost everything ..(name change, new themes, new avatar
) ...but i do admit the chat system is nice, but i just got tired of paying $50 a year
tired? I'd assume you have had xbox live for what 4-5 years? thats about 200-250$, and that last you 5 years and I bet you spent 300$ on a pair of kicks
you better be on some sarcasm +%@% right now, being in thesfiv thread asking for a free trial.

plus i get all my flix from the net, %$+@ a netflix.
lol, I have only paid $50 for XBL back in 04 or 03 cant remember but since then I havent spent a dime and I prolly have changed my name like 100+ times andmade like 50+ accounts.

Damn I feel bad for yall paying this much for something that should be free
if you do a little homework (by this i mean, tuning into the a 360 thread every other week) you can get 13 months of live for $28-$30. For example, theoriginal deal in 07 was's $38-10 using google check out deal. Recently, stores like bestbuy/toysrus had it for $29.99.
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

^like what? im really asking. I don't see what more i would need about an online service other than it's ability to work, which psn does.
"Netflix, Party chat, Windows Live messenger integration, Recent player list, which lists the last 50 players a user has played with, Access to Xbox Live Marketplace content, including new game content, games and movies."
1. Netflix is ONLY for gold members (who pay $50 a year), plus PSN (which is FREE) can acess PlayOn (which is FREE) which can access Netflix and Iwatch the same movies for FREE that you pay $50 service for. There also there PSN VideoStore too.

2. WLM :yawns:

3. PSN has a recent player list that shows the last 100 people you played in ANY game.

4. How's having access to XBLM better than PSNS? Like PSN doesn't have new game content, games and movies too?

I have a 360 and this is the worst list ever. Try again,
. The only thing XBLhas over PSN is voice messaging and cross game chat but def not worth $50 a year though

Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Yeah I have, but do they have Netflix? And do they have a party chat that can hold 100 people (I think)

... to bad that ain't true fam,
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

^like what? im really asking. I don't see what more i would need about an online service other than it's ability to work, which psn does.
"Netflix, Party chat, Windows Live messenger integration, Recent player list, which lists the last 50 players a user has played with, Access to Xbox Live Marketplace content, including new game content, games and movies."
um PSN has all that chump, not netflix but u have the ability to stream/rent movies from the ps3. FAIL.
Also I'm pretty sure everyone here can afford $50 a year for XBL but it's just the principal of it. Playing online SHOULD befree. The only subscription you should pay for on a game is MMORPGs.

but as I said XBL is better but PSN is getting there slowly.
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