XXXTENTACION shot and killed in Broward County

Charlamagne called this in a way. He has been speaking a lot on Takashi and all these rappers basically saying if you keep asking for it someday you gonna get it.

Hate to see a young man lose his life, but hopefully this can teach some of these kids that there are repercussions for your actions. One bad decision can cost your life so be smart out here.
i think by the age of 20 the idea of beating a woman should be a bad one.

idk how they do it in "da heightz", but "my brain is not quite developed" is a **** excuse for beating a woman, nearly killing a guy because he was gay, and threatening to stab someone in the vagina with a fork.

miss me with that

Yea no love over here for little man.
This is crazy, didn't like dudes music and don't know much about him. That sad song is dope tho. RIP to the guy, the killers are straight idiots
I’m not saying you control their emotions. But just being aware of things. Like my mom knew who kanye West was in 2008. Because it would’ve been a random question in a conversation. If my kid is bumping that Logic suicide prevention song on their iPhone all day. Maybe I wanna see what’s up. Even if they ignore you, just you leaving the door open is better than letting them go on their own
You can be aware all you want of what the kid is doing and going through but you need their cooperation to help them. Can’t just force it.
y’all thinking crazy everybody has to face judgment if xxx beat my sister to a pulp I would let the law handle it and if they don’t then god will you can’t defeat the devil by being the same as the devil :smh:

Screen Shot 2018-06-18 at 8.55.15 PM.png
Beating up a pregnant woman.

Yeah, he is definitely looking up to us right now. I wonder how many pitchforks have desecrated his *** already... hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahah

being 20 years old is no excuse. you a grown man. by 20 years old you should know beating women, assaulting people, and threatening others is not a good idea.

good job on snipping my post take ya cape off superman. if u read my post u'd see i aint making excuses for his actions, i literally said after that, when he's done doing his time for the punishment he gets from his sentencing, maybe it'll hit him like a ton of bricks n make him realize how bad what he did was, n maybe he dedicates his life into repairing that. we don't know if he would or not because he's dead. that sounds like im making excuses for him beating a woman? no, what im saying is dont discard ppl from society cuz they did wrong, reform them to be better ppl and have them devote their lives towards what they did wrong.
good job on snipping my post take ya cape off superman. if u read my post u'd see i aint making excuses for his actions, i literally said after that, when he's done doing his time for the punishment he gets from his sentencing, maybe it'll hit him like a ton of bricks n make him realize how bad what he did was, n maybe he dedicates his life into repairing that. we don't know if he would or not because he's dead. that sounds like im making excuses for him beating a woman? no, what im saying is dont discard ppl from society cuz they did wrong, reform them to be better ppl and have them devote their lives towards what they did wrong.
I definitely see where you coming from and there are millions that have the same views in regards to capital punishment.

However, what about people that sodomized children (plurar), robbed those kids of their childhood and potentially traumatize them for life and some into suicide. Do you think the offender should be punished and left to live their life possibly a good one ???? All while the victims still struggle?
I definitely see where you coming from and there are millions that have the same views in regards to capital punishment.

However, what about people that sodomized children (plurar), robbed those kids of their childhood and potentially traumatize them for life and some into suicide. Do you think the offender should be punished and left to live their life possibly a good one ???? All while the victims still struggle?

In my initial post (not the one you quoted), i made a few points. One of them was:

His death isn't karma nor retaliation—

It's just a murder/robbery. The people that killed him didn't have intentions of "we're avenging your ex-girl.

I believe that any action you make, especially a bad one, be prepared for the worst, for that action. So yeah, if I abuse somebody and get pulverized for it... I deserved it, but for THAT action only. If I abused somebody, but the next day I'm walking on the sidewalk and some white guy kills me because I took a shortcut through his suburbs and he doesnt like color ppl... Then that's an unrelated event. You don't say "oh karma gotchu" .. no. karma actually didnt get me, because i got bodied due to racism, not because im a terrible person.

furthermore, if the victim i abused the day prior heard of the news, that i died due to racism... does she even feel good? does she celebrate? does she even get her peace? is that what she wanted? i know it's a case-by-case situation, but more often I tend to hear that the victims want a face to face and want the abuser to acknowledge what they did wrong for real, apologize, and pay the price. in a sense they need "closure" and i doubt that xxxtentacion's victim right now is receiving that "closure." maybe im completely wrong, but i really don't think so.

so to answer your question,
if a victim takes it upon their own hands, yes i do think they should do whatever they have to to get back at their abuser.

if they go a different route, like through the law or whatever, then that's the route they take. in that case, the abuser pays the price according to the law of the land, and hopefully they come out better and learn to be sympathetic and have the character to devote their lives to the cause after that. if they don't, then they're just a piece of sh, esp if they continue their behavior... they'll only get into more trouble.
nah he's just a comic relief account, aka a troll. he goes in every thread, evaluates the mood, and then decides to post something that he knows most will disagree or react to.

i actually enjoy his posts and the commotion he causes. it's hilarious to see ppl falling for it.

damn. so you saying somebody on NT getting their KD on w/ the burners?

makes total sense given the threads he posts in. silly me for thinking ****** wasn't on that type of time on NT :smh:
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