Y do chicks always ask how big it is... VOL. Do I measure in inches OR CM..

Jul 5, 2008
So i was talking to this chick i met last week...and lets just say things picked fast but then she asked If she could do be real honest with me....
i was like man not this...lol.
so she started asking me like random questions and one of them was sooohow big are you??

Now this isnt the 1st time that someones asked but i swear like do chicks expect an exact mesurement??? am i supposed sit there and whip it out right there andthen an put a ruler next to it
like i dont get what the reason for itis....But yea what do yall say when that happens??
They are literally asking you to show them at that point. Ever asked a chick how big her **** were? If so, what were you getting at? EXACTLY! When in doubtwhip it out, actually works.
If she's asking how big it is, that's a good sign.

If you're packing, just tell her what it is.

If you're not, just tell her it's big enough to hurt.
I've been asked that quite a few times.

That's one of the few times I see "whipping it out" as an option.
No we don't expect an exact measurement, we just want an idea of what your working with. If the girl is in front of you just pull it out b/c thats what shewants or say some slick &%$# like "why don't you see for yourself". Oh yeah and measure in inches.
Originally Posted by Kim1

No we don't expect an exact measurement, we just want an idea of what your working with. If the girl is in front of you just pull it out b/c thats what she wants or say some slick &%$# like "why don't you see for yourself". Oh yeah and measure in inches.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My kind of woman
Do it in CM, and tell her it's because you're from Europe and that you're not familiar with inches. She'll think you're cooler, then askher to convert it.
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