Year One =Weaksauce

Originally Posted by funkdoctor73

I think Michael Cera is alright...Nick and Nora was an awesome movie. Jack Black has good movies and so/so ones. I like his movies alot actually. I may consider sneeking into this movie...


I would say go then. If you find Jack Black remotely funny then it will make this movie not terrible, not good, but not terrible. I still say Michael Ceracarried this movie though
Bunch of salt in this thread.

Random Q is hangover THAT good?......Mind you I did NOT find Superbad, Knocked UP, 40 YO virgin funny.

You have no sense of humor.
Jack Black is mad corny & obnoxious!! I can't stand dude!! But Mike is cool to me, he does his part in his movies & plays the role he's supposeto.

But man I wanted to take my Little brothers & sisters to go watch this for the weekend. Guess I'll ask them what they want to do, but MOST likelythey're still gonna want to watch it.
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