He's not soft. AB crashes those boards hard. He's alot tougher than Eddy Curry. I'd swap them in a minute.
I meet dood 2 weeks ago, humble cat....and long as hell.

He far from soft, he crashes hard and hustles for boards. plus like my man said, he only 22.
When looking at Beidrins it's easy to think he's soft because his skinny. But watching him play it's a whole diffrent beast. He gets his boards,backs in and is physical every time out
He' skinny, and not physically very strong, so he doesn't move people out the way, but its not because he doesn't want to or doesn't like thecontact. He plays hard and does what he can, he's just not big and strong enough right now to be movin a bunch of folks out the way. Its a physical thing,not a mental thing.
definitely not soft imo. he plays hard, and all he wants to do is rebound and play D. i've never seen him shy away from contact or back down from any otherbig men in the league
y'all are trippin. AB is the bball version of Dolph Lundgren.
He plays well for his size. At 6'11 and only 230 lbs he is asked to guard the other teams center every night. Of course he can't bang with guys 50lbs heavier than him, its impossible.
not soft.. he amazes me with what he does with his frame. He dunks everything around the basket and is really efficient with his put backs and catching theball within 5 feet of the rim. He catches everything and always knows where he is on the post. He never backs down and hes learning how to play against largerbodies without getting into foul trouble. I don't really know where you can get at calling him soft unless you haven't watched him play, its not reallya Warriors fan thing either. Hes the only decent true C on a team that has no one to defend big men, hes forced to play with much larger centers every nightand gets no help boxing out or anything.
First of all, i know JDotWong and he's a knowledgable NBA fan so he does know, for the most part, what he's talkin bout.

However, Andris is NOT soft man. Like everyone in here has pretty much said, dude goes out there and bangs with the rest of them. His frame and neatly styledhair might make him look like a pansy, but Andris is no sucka.

It's alright man, don't get mad cause the Warriors are legit and the blazers are falling like Alicia Keys. You guys always have next year to lookforward to.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by frontrunner4life

as charmin

Outside of Bynum, Andris is better than every single center on "your" teams.


Why are you stonefacing him? It's true look at frontrunner's "Teams" and Goose is better than every Center on those teams except Bynum
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Define "soft".

Because if you're talking "soft" like he plays smaller or weaker than his size, then you're basketball opinion has officially been disqualified from NikeTalk. He's 22 for crying out loud.

I'd never want to see you post again. Ever.
hahaha that vid up there. i love how beans just knees nash in the shoulder and posterizes amare.
Originally Posted by skips kicks

I meet dood 2 weeks ago, humble cat....and long as hell.

He far from soft, he crashes hard and hustles for boards. plus like my man said, he only 22.

he's not soft.

he's one of the few big men i see in todays game that maximizes his abilities and opportunities.

he crashes the boards hard and he cleans up around the basket.

i hate the warriors and i live i nthe bay. i watch all of their televised games. but this guy is a hustler and a player.

as a guy whos watched the team for many seasons hes like a taller better brian cardinal without the range.

hes the kinda guy you want on your team.
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