Yesterday my parents decide to tell me that I am adopted. I'm 21!!!!

BTW OP, hold you head up man. I'm sure once you get the time to think about it, you willl love your parents even more.
Adoption is a wonderful thing. Be thankful you were chosen.

You should try to find your biological father though. Show him wassup.
Hang in there, it's not the end of the world. Be happy that you have two parents and a family that loves you very much...that's more than what manypeople have.
My parents adopted a 2 year old when I was in college. I am curious how they are going to approach this topic. It is a very sensitive subject, but as long asthe family you know is holding you down feel blessed.
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

BTW OP, hold you head up man. I'm sure once you get the time to think about it, you willl love your parents even more.

yea. sounds like they and the rest of your family love you a lot and they were waiting for the right time/age to tell you (which I believe is quite common foradopting parents). It's understandable you have a lot of emotions having that type of info revealed to you but be happy...they love you and Im sure youcan see that.
OP I found out something very similar to this by accident. I wont get into specific details, unless you want to PM me about it but all I can say fromexperience is take some time to reflect.

You're gonna be mad. You're gonna question why your father didn't love you/think he could provide for you. You're gonna wonder what if.

Take time out and look at all the children who grew up knowing their biological mother/father and wish they had other parents. I had a friend in grade schoolwho I knew his mother was a junkie and his father was a seller.... he literally loved my parents and coming over for the weekends. I've been in yoursituation and can clearly say that I feel your pain......

This will make you respect them 1000% more and have a great outlook on life when it comes to family morale.....

Good luck bro. My inbox is always open if you need someone to talk to thats been in your position fam
that's tough man... i can't say i've been through anything like that but i
completely understand why your so upset. your parents made a mistake by not
telling you earlier. but there's nothing you can do-- continue to love the parent who raised
you and continue to go on with your life and don't focus on the "what if" situations...
Dang that's rough... I was always told I was adopted from as far back as I can remember- born in Japan to a single parent family, adopted by an Americancouple- but I know a lot of other adopted people who have been in the same situation as you; just know your parents love you for sure. Stay strong man.
Damn 21 tho ? I would have told my child when he/she was old enough to understand

if i was in your spot i would still see your current parents as real parents but i would ask them if they know the whereabouts of your biological father. if iwas you, i would like to meet my father.

Two people cared enough to raise you, feed you, shelter and clothe you all the while trying to protect your feelings and make you feel like you were their own.

A lot of people wish they had it so well.
Originally Posted by MECKS

o_O how are you going to come on here asking for advice, then be rude when i voice my opinion.

i see it this way. your parents are the ones that raised you. not the ones that "brought" you here. sure, it would have been nice for the 2 people that had sex to have you, raise you, but thats not how it happened.

I'm not saying that they shouldn't have told you earlier, I'm just saying realize THEY love you. wild sensitive...his comment didn't sound rude @ all.
Originally Posted by MJsaver


You had a good chilhood , just be glad for that.

A biological parent could easily be a piece of crap.

If your adopted parents provided a good and safe upbringing, thank them.
They loved you enough to raise you into a man, be glad for it. Although it might be a little weird knowing you were in another woman's stomach for 9 monthsbut in the end you're alive for now
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