YO! A homeboy of mine... came out...


This %@!# is STILL up?
I only read the first page...but my thoughts are....

Its not that big of a deal if you dont make it one....YOUR BOY HAS A MAN!!!!!! Get over it and focus on the bride and groom....its not like everyone inattendance will be talking about how gay this man is...they wont even know........

I dont see the big deal with it....sounds like you are making it bigger than it is.....
If you do say something:

He will be immensley hurt and overreact about how "you all" can't accept him for who he is and the lifestyle that he can't help to live.Something like that is almost unforgiveable.

- exactly why alot of guys who come out the closet are selfish...if you dont agree with their life style you inconsiderate...well hell you shouldnt have beenfronting about who you were form the jump.

Just tell him to not bring his partner. That's not such an awful thing to ask even though it would be easy for him to interperate as a lack of support. Butif he is your brother he will hear and understand why.

That is the most unslefish thing to do...as a matter of fact he shouldnt have to be asked...should just understand its something he should do

What does the groom have to say?

yo...he my frat brother as well, and i talked to the groom and he all **!%#$ up and cant understand it...him and the gay dude were real tight...they ran tracktogether, and the fiance and the gay dude ex are sorority sisters. But the **!%#$ up part about it...i told Ant a long time ago i knew the cat was gay. Yet, ithink the whole coming out thing is he right...but he cant expect people to not have an opinion on it. I think the groom just feels like he been lied to, andthat fact he came out on facebook really makes it **!%#$ up in the grooms eyes...cause now it takes away from his special day.
I think everyone including the groom or at least the groom need to speak to the dude face to face not just over facebook. If you get everything out and do themeet and greet now, it really may not be that big of a deal. If you wait though you're only creating more anxiety.
What an opening post... man, uh... I don't even know to tell you the truth. If I come up with something appropriate, since this a real life situation andall, I'll PM you or message you on facebook. Damn bro, this is like really real life right here.
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