Yo NT seriou talk, my butthole hurts vol. no #*$%

May 28, 2011
Since it's the weekend I can't consult my doctor, I've come home. Nothing on the internet has provided me with any good information, maybe someone here has experienced this same issue.
The other day a noticeably fat dump, bigger than usual and much tougher as well. However, during the excretion, there was no noticeable pain, I just realized it was a bit bigger and tougher than usual. After that @#$% though (pun intended) my %@@ has been hurting a bit... no $%$%. It's been a couple days now and I was hoping that it was going to go away by now but it hasn't. I just had surgery not too long ago and they provided me with stool softeners, so I just started using some of those. Honestly whenever I take a @#$%, it's not that bad and it's more the anticipation that hurts more than the process itself. Anytime that I have to clench my butt together though, there is a slight pain. Unfortunately I never realized how much butt clenching occurs throughout normal life until now; when peeing and stopping the flow, when laughing, when coughing, sneezing, etc.

If this doesn't disappear before the weekend is over I'm def. going in ASAP on Monday for a checkup. I honestly just think I need to heal and not take a @#$% but I take like two a day at least, not sure how I am going to cut this down.

What's the word NT, no butt jokes we on that serious talk right now 
Have you passed out anywhere before the symptoms?

you might need some anal stitching dude

pepper your angus
Like I said! All I did was go and take a !%*$! I was perfectly fine before that but now it's just very uncomfortable.
are you white? do you have white "Buddies"? you probally got Bro Raped? Peter North Stezz
You probably have hemorrhoids. My dude had em bad and had to have surgery. They can be up inside where u can't see em. Stay away from fried foods, drink applejuice
^^ I looked up about hemorrhoids. Thing is they usually associate them with blood but I haven't had any blood in my +@$@. Going to stay away from fried foods though
It's pretty common man. You have to make sure you keep fiber in your diet and drink lots of water.

I know for me whenever I have an especially hard stool, it's because I was eating cheese recently or foods high in fat. I make sure that I eat something green (spinach or broccoli are my favorites) at least every other day or an apple or some kind of fruit, and drink at least 8 cups of water a day. I'm also pretty active as well.

The biggest secret though is Tucks Medicated Wipes. Don't wipe your tail with those hard, abrasive tissues anymore. You can get a 100 ct for around $7 - steep but so worth it. Also, sitting in a tub of warm (almost hot) water up to your buttocks will help relieve some of the pain.

I've had my days of pain. But it definitely gets better man. You just have to learn your body.
Its probably a hemorrhoid. Yes its true that blood is commonly associated, but not necessary. One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is constipation, and trying to force a turd out too hard. I know this may be weird and gross, but when your in the shower feel around and see if you can feel a lump. Like someone above said, they sometimes are on the inside lining of your rectum, and if thats the case you make have to perform an at home "cavity search". If nothing else, take a peek in a mirror and see if you spot anything. Like i said, this may seem weird, but at least you can rule it out. I would be willing to bet large sums of money that this is what you have though.

GL to you OP. Take it easy on the can. Purchase some Prep H. Drink plenty of fluids, and try to change up your diet.
Real life....

That's happend to me... I was über constipated and took a big ol fat poo
I remeber I said after
"how the hell can people like It in the butt, hurts like a b" ( no Ayo)

Double up on the stool softeners or ask for stronger ones...
Just seems like you slightly ripped your *%!@ due to the size and hardness of your turd. I've done it before, it sucks.
Drink more water, eat more fruit and vegetables, and cut back on red meat so you could avoid future tough stools.
hemorrhoids are no joke man. Try to make sure you stay on top of your fiber/water intake everyday. Because when you don't your stool will be hard. And if you are someone that takes bathroom breaks normally this might cause some problems. I remember the first time I saw blood in my toilet water I thought I had an STD or something. I never thought anything about hemorrhoids. But yea, drink a lot of water and eat some oatmeal or something LOL.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

hemorrhoids are no joke man. Try to make sure you stay on top of your fiber/water intake everyday. Because when you don't your stool will be hard. And if you are someone that takes bathroom breaks normally this might cause some problems. I remember the first time I saw blood in my toilet water I thought I had an STD or something. I never thought anything about hemorrhoids. But yea, drink a lot of water and eat some oatmeal or something LOL.
hemorrhoids bro.
pics for the beast
Spoiler [+]
I don't know what surprises me more. This thread topic or how many helpful/serious replies there are. Early morning NT is on that mature swag today. I dig it.
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