Yo NT whats the secret to obtaining a 4.0

Originally Posted by RellNye

Originally Posted by raskass 2050

but the most important thing to remember is that 4.0 does not always translate to success in the real world.
Probably the most important thing one should know going into college. Four guys at GS graduated from Penn w/ a cumulative 2.7 GPA and are running things there now. High grades only apply for grad school really. When it comes to employment you get the job by selling yourself and experience. There are people w/ 4.0s who don't amount to anything after school because they only focused on books and not the other aspect of college (social).

More props to you wanting to get a 4.0.

EDIT: Seeing how all grades are curved/inflated at the end, no one really has a 4.0 before it. Just work hard and don't stress grades, college will be over before you know it.

yea jobs can care less if you get a 4.0.
I've gotten a 4.0 twice but with 12 or 13 creds. However, last semester I came close and had a 3.9 with 19 credits. Here's my methods while stillhaving a good social life.

-Sit in front, ask questions, and participate (This helps you remember material without even studying)
-After class, review your notes and make study cards
-Go to office hours if necessary
-Review study cards/notes every day or every other day
-Work, work, work every day and take no longer than 15mins break every hr (This includes hw and just studying even if you don't have a test)
-When you're reading make notes in your book: highlight, underline; study info that wasn't cover in class or extra info about what you learned in class
-Sleep well, eat well, and don't overdo the partying and get hangovers
-Reward yourself only on weekend by partying a night or two
1) say no to procrastination
2) develop good study habits. learn what you need to know and minimize the stuff you don't need to know ie don't copy everything down (unless it'sall the important stuff)
Having a limited social life and going out rarely for 4yrs isn't that bad and will translate into serious $$$ in the future, plus you'll graduate fromundergrad at ~22 which means you'll only be legally drinking for 1yr. So you won't be a complete square like NT makes it seem but I can guarantee youthat later in life all these with the great social life while you were studying will not be making nearly as much as you. Study your !*@ off and even if youdon't have a "social" life right now it'll pay off and you'll have plenty of time to develop that.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Having a limited social life and going out rarely for 4yrs isn't that bad and will translate into serious $$$ in the future, plus you'll graduate from undergrad at ~22 which means you'll only be legally drinking for 1yr. So you won't be a complete square like NT makes it seem but I can guarantee you that later in life all these with the great social life while you were studying will not be making nearly as much as you. Study your !*@ off and even if you don't have a "social" life right now it'll pay off and you'll have plenty of time to develop that.
Pretty much.

Let the frat boys and guys partying 7 days a week come up to you and 15 years and say something along the lines of.

"Sir, did you approve of my vacation for February?"
. Today's nerd is tomorrow's senior management.
Time management, perseverance, dedication, and sacrifice. It ain't easy but it's definitely possible. Trust me, once you get a taste of the 4.0, itbecomes an addiction.
- Sleep good
- Don't let any female distract you
- Log off AIM and just read
- Get off NikeTalk

Sadly I'm not doing any of those tonight but I am about to. Gotta aim higher this quarter!
Study with smarter people...pick easy classes and for classes that u need, pick the easiest professors...

Get inspired, read about success stories and figure out if a 4.0/'A' average is what you really need....If the answer is Yes, motivate yourself...Studyhard, it's like anything in life...

But like a lot of people before me said, you have to sacrifice...you don't have to be in the library 24/7 but you have to make sure School is #1 (afterGod, family, and friends of course)....

And like many people have said, grades have no relevance on success...you might get a nice entry level job but that doesn't guarantee anything...a lot ofHS dropouts run huge companies, make sure you're learning and applying what you're learning in your everyday life...you'll have a greaterappreciation for learning and won't dread going to class....make it enjoyable, work hard, and have a reason for getting good grades...

Another benefit for good grades are merit awards...I've received scholarships, awards, traveled to NY/Anaheim all expense paid - not only for havinggrades, but for being well rounded as well....a 3.6 + school involvement + community service + part time job + selling yourself > 4.0 + no social life + noconnections + no idea why they needed a 4.0....I've had semesters where I got a 4.0 and semesters where I got lower, it's all relative on whatyou're doing, etc....

For me, I want to go grad school, I always try my hardest in everything I do, and I enjoy learning....sounds cheesy but thats just the way it is....Good luck,PM me if anyone needs advice on scholarships/internships/general advice....Later
I recommend using rate my professor to choose a professor for your course. Then make sure that you are organized and I can not stress this enough on point withyour readings. Take good notes and always ask the teacher ?'s when there is something that you do not understand. Participate in class also that waymaterial stick in your head. But always study.
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