Yo NT, will a girl of Islamic faith get with the times and date a black guy?


Nov 22, 2008
There's this chick in one of my classes that loves to flirt heavily...I'm pretty sure she's amuslim because her name is Aisha and she is not black and she also told me she's muslim..she kinda looks like kim kardashian with a smaller butt and biggercup size..i wanna find out if shes saving herself for marriage, i found out she's a virgin because within a conversation a guy said "maybe you shouldget layed (smooth right?) and she gave off a nervous laugh. without saying "yo ma iz u avirgin?"...anybody have a muslim girfriend that theyr sexualy active with?

in b4 YNS
I don't have an answer to your question...but IMO...Muslim women are a little easier to get at than Indian womenwho happen to be Hindi. Just my experience.
Lots of Muslim girls still smash. They are just more secretive about it.
yo i think i know who you are talking about.... LOL

what school do you go to? she goes out with some white dude or used to go out.?
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

yo i think i know who you are talking about.... LOL

what school do you go to? she goes out with some white dude or used to go out.?
I'm not going down this path.
find out if she really is muslim first...then just ask about her religion like you're really interested and kinda slip it in there...
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

yo i think i know who you are talking about.... LOL

what school do you go to? she goes out with some white dude or used to go out.?

PICS? Where the pics?
i doubt it.....

im trying to find out about one myself. pretty sure the answer is "no"

all of them are the same
Not bad...and you came with the digital portrait minutes after my request. Consider yourself an e-friend of minenow.
In America?

Slim to none.

Most American born Muslim women are westernized and aren't very religious.
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

yo i think i know who you are talking about.... LOL

what school do you go to? she goes out with some white dude or used to go out.?

PICS? Where the pics?

nah, her hair is longer and her boobs are bigger..her skin is slightly ligher too
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I don't have an answer to your question...but IMO...Muslim women are a little easier to get at than Indian women who happen to be Hindi. Just my experience.

Hindi = Language
Hindu = Religion
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