YO! October 2009 Pick Up Post vol. NBA Preseason!!!

UPS man dropped these off this morning...

Originally Posted by minimalist sole

Originally Posted by casekicks

^^TV is sic..But be careful about leaving it on when you're not watching it..Samsungs are infamous for "breaking" prematurely..

so far all i heard about this one is that it buzzes, but good lookin out. i can't wait to mount it, but gotta paint first.

I don't know about that. I actually still own the Samsung GX tv and it still works great. It's not my main tv but I occasionally use it and I'vehad it for almost 15 years...

I don't know about all models, but Samsung tv's are pretty legit.
Some pick ups for the end of september and to start off october

Penny IV's for really cheap

Oly 1's from a fellow nter

Tennis Balls!!


I'm so hyped to have these>>
AML VII for a few bucks under retail

so comfortable, air bag is enormous(no bruno), pretty good materials, very happy to have them.
May not appeal to some of you dudes, but they're one of my grails for work. Santoni Florence Goodyear, retail $945. One of the sturdiest most comfortableshoes you'd ever put on, will last a lifetime. All handmade.
airmaxes, those look amazing. Been looking for a pair like that for my wedding date but in black. How much did you pay if you don't mind?
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