Did you see video when dude had a rat cooked into his hotdog buns

^^ real talk...do you know how much your going to have to pay just to get the big win food case lawyers? ..keep us updated though ..good luck man
they'll probably try to give u a coupon for 5 years of free cheeto's or somethin, where in turn you'll find more of these critters and keep gettingmore coupons, and with all those coupons, you could've saved a rain forrest in africa.

donate blood if you want to save a life.
Alright, I had to log in after some long time lurkin' just to post in this thread.

First of all, I can't really tell what is in that bag from the pictures, but its probably not a rat. I work at a Frito Lay plant that makes Cheetos(probably not the one that made that bag, but maybe) and it would be extremely difficult for a rat to end up in a bag, let alone make it all the way to theconsumer. Like someone said, it is probably a burnt seasoning clump or an extruded corn clump that got stuck in the fryer. Call the number on the bag, youwill get a free bag of Cheetos.
Originally Posted by BigTexHuh

Alright, I had to log in after some long time lurkin' just to post in this thread.

First of all, I can't really tell what is in that bag from the pictures, but its probably not a rat. I work at a Frito Lay plant that makes Cheetos (probably not the one that made that bag, but maybe) and it would be extremely difficult for a rat to end up in a bag, let alone make it all the way to the consumer. Like someone said, it is probably a burnt seasoning clump or an extruded corn clump that got stuck in the fryer. Call the number on the bag, you will get a free bag of Cheetos.
^Because apparently a fresh bag of Cheetos is what he wants out of this whole ordeal
^seriously a free bag of cheetos
get out of here with that non sense...I made the rounds to couple lawyers today and will probably be getting some detailsabout what my options are and what I can expect to go through and what the possible outcome i might receive...
Originally Posted by BigTexHuh

Alright, I had to log in after some long time lurkin' just to post in this thread.

First of all, I can't really tell what is in that bag from the pictures, but its probably not a rat. I work at a Frito Lay plant that makes Cheetos (probably not the one that made that bag, but maybe) and it would be extremely difficult for a rat to end up in a bag, let alone make it all the way to the consumer. Like someone said, it is probably a burnt seasoning clump or an extruded corn clump that got stuck in the fryer. Call the number on the bag, you will get a free bag of Cheetos.
obviously you should've just stayed logged off.
Call the number on the bag, you will get a free bag of Cheetos.
That's a way of them avoiding a lawsuit. If you wanna push through this on court, don't accept anything fromthem in exchange for the product you were complaining about.

And trust me, I always EAT those weird stuff that come out of my chips bag. Most of them are just burnt chips and they're very salty

thats probably just some clumped up seasoning or a deformed cheetoh that went wrong, nothing good will come out of you gettting lawyers. you will only spendlots of money and time for nothing. unless you can prove that is a frog or rat or whatever you think it is. you are not getting anything
Sorry for being realistic.

And what you actually get is a coupon, so I suppose you could get some Ruffles instead.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Call the number on the bag, you will get a free bag of Cheetos.
That's a way of them avoiding a lawsuit. If you wanna push through this on court, don't accept anything from them in exchange for the product you were complaining about.

And trust me, I always EAT those weird stuff that come out of my chips bag. Most of them are just burnt chips and they're very salty

i know once i accept something its over...and trust me you wouldnt eat this...it definitely isnt burnt and it definitely isnt salty as fas as ican smell

Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

thats probably just some clumped up seasoning or a deformed cheetoh that went wrong, nothing good will come out of you gettting lawyers. you will only spend lots of money and time for nothing. unless you can prove that is a frog or rat or whatever you think it is. you are not getting anything
that's why the bag has the distinct smell of a decomposing body not burnt cheeto's...
obviously i have to prove it but i'm positiveof what is in that bag so i will use whatever tools are at my disposal to handle the situation

Originally Posted by BigTexHuh

Sorry for being realistic.

And what you actually get is a coupon, so I suppose you could get some Ruffles instead.
and that's why i'm not calling them for a ridiculous coupon for a free bag of chips...why the hell would i want another bag of chips afterthat...its realistic only if i call them up and get a swap but if i pursue it through litigation i may be able to get more out of it than a bag of chips
but like dude said a couple posts up why would i want another bagafter finding a creature in it?
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by BigTexHuh

Alright, I had to log in after some long time lurkin' just to post in this thread.

First of all, I can't really tell what is in that bag from the pictures, but its probably not a rat. I work at a Frito Lay plant that makes Cheetos (probably not the one that made that bag, but maybe) and it would be extremely difficult for a rat to end up in a bag, let alone make it all the way to the consumer. Like someone said, it is probably a burnt seasoning clump or an extruded corn clump that got stuck in the fryer. Call the number on the bag, you will get a free bag of Cheetos.
^Because apparently a fresh bag of Cheetos is what he wants out of this whole ordeal


Well I wish you the best of luck with everything. I really hope you dont get owned
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

that doesnt look like a rat
I wanna say it looks like a frog kind of

EDIT: you should do something about this
...but don't take the L on this by taking NTs advice
Dang bruh I told you that i would have a brilliant plan split the money and we would of been good. The most you get is free cheetos for a whole year. How theyknow you didnt put that in there yourself. Cause Chetoos company lawyered up. Im telling you *%%* with me i can get you that guap.
wasn't there a guy with a cheetoh that looked like a maggot not too long ago. If anyone remembers taht thread
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