You can't trust everyone around your children

Hide ya kids... Hide ya wife... On some real serious **** too...
Preach brother, preach. 
I'm desensitized to alot of things due to the internet but this story got me mad/angry forreal

Little ones ain't even have a chance at life

After working in a prison for 3 years alongside many child molestors and all around mentally unstable individuals (who seemingly led "normal" lives in the real world), I couldn't in good faith put my little daughter in the hands of strangers at daycare.  

It came down to doing that or me quitting my job to be a stay-at-home dad.  I did the latter.  I'm sure most would say doing that is extreme, and it probably is.  But luckily my wife is able to pretty much make up my lost income by working a few extra shifts per pay period (nursing ftw). 

Seeing stories like this just confirms for me that we made the right decision for our family.    
Very disturbing....i hope she wasn't hired off Craigslist. :smh: RIP to those little kids. She's gonna rot in hell >:
Man this sounds like some paranormal ****. What kind of person just snaps out of the blue?
you just do not know who you can trust. Hopefully when the time comes I will have a close enough family or friend I can trust.
Whenever I walk around the Brooklyn Heights area and see so many of these nannies especially since hearing about this it makes you wonder who are the people you leave in the care of your kids to.
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i avoided this story cuz i knew i'd feel terrible about it....

i wonder why people snap like that.
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