You ever have the bubble guts so bad?

^^^ did that in Philly

It was bad
Story time : A couple of months ago i was on the bus ride home and i was 100% fine, as soon as i step out of the bus my stomach starts killing me. I figure ill make it since its like a 7 minute walk nothing too serious. By the time i get to my block im sweating and i swear im about to #%*% myself. I make it to my door doing the doodoo dance and i cant even put the key in the hole cus im shaking so much and thats when a little slipped out and i goofed
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

That you have to take off all your clothes to drop the deuce? Damn I am at work butt naked in here
this was every summer from 12 to 24 

I think I finally got rid of my I.B.S. this year 
Originally Posted by SolexSup

Story time : A couple of months ago i was on the bus ride home and i was 100% fine, as soon as i step out of the bus my stomach starts killing me. I figure ill make it since its like a 7 minute walk nothing too serious. By the time i get to my block im sweating and i swear im about to #%*% myself. I make it to my door doing the doodoo dance and i cant even put the key in the hole cus im shaking so much and thats when a little slipped out and i goofed

I had them shts before with this chick I had vbeen trying to linkup with since forever.  All night long I was doing that gentle sway, back in forth, or tappin my feet fast as !#** trying to get that urge to subside.. 
you guys are doing it all wrong... these are better then baby wipes... not to wet, and strong enough....
wet wipes ftw. i gotta try the ones Triz posted.

I can't poop naked though, i dont see how ya'll do that
Haha a thread all about takin fat dumps! Worst feeling during school when your teachers will think your skippin if you take too long!
this thread is pure gold

I have stories about this subject

1. I was six years old in summer camp at Cleveland State. We were playing soccer on the field and my dude had to use the bathroom. He went to use the public stall, but it was locked. So he end up taking a dump in this alley on the side of the stalls lol then proceeded to wipe with old dirty newspaper lmao

2. When I went to Brazil in 05, I ate some chocolate pudding from this buffet..NEVER AGAIN..I was cool for like a day then following day around evening time my stock went to overdrive..the group I was with had to get a cab for me because I couldnt walk lol..Then my fellow student leader gave me some imodium instead of peptol bismol...So instead of stopping the carnage it made me +$* even more..I was sick for a week and my booty hole was sore as well It was so bad to the point I couldnt even swim in the hotel pool because they were afraid I was going to doodoo all over myself lol
I sharted in my grandma's shower during Easter 03

Also I once failed a college final cause I had to dump so badly. I just got up, test half-filled out, and dipped.

Wet wipes are the TRUTH.
Originally Posted by Cheese Wagstaff

I sharted in my grandma's shower during Easter 03

Also I once failed a college final cause I had to dump so badly. I just got up, test half-filled out, and dipped.

Wet wipes are the TRUTH.

weak bastards.  i accidentally ate some raw chicken the other day and didn't even have a problem.  the only thing i know that will kill me is little caesars.  but i puke not $$#$.  
I remember a month back I was running my 9 mile route, half way through I started feeling the thunder kick in.  I was in the middle of the city, but I knew none of these restaurants had a public restroom.. so I had to think quick and ran to the starbucks (you can always bank on starbucks) a mile ahead.  And I swear that was the worst pain and discomfort holding it in that I've ever had in my life.  Almost considered just going in my shorts and doing that 4 mile run of shame back home.  Got to starbucks and made that toilet suffer, smelled like chilis and sun dried tomatos and the toilet bowl had a layer of grease floating on top of the water.  
Man one time me and my boy decide to hit BWW for a laker game and we were waiting to be seated, so we head to pinkberry across, get some yogurt and all is good. Hit up BWW and I get 12 mango habanero wings. We get done and it starts to kick in thunderstorm brewing for

both of us. I had to drop him off first but he couldnt hold it after 15 mins dude made me stop an McDonalds, he was in there for 20 mins, meanwhile my stomach turning into category 3. When I drop him off that when it hits me bruh I felt it coming on, the first one is easy to hold in.

I continue to drive then half way to my house it hits me again, only this time its harder to hold in, dont have to clench as hard. About 8 mins later it happens again man this time it was not playing, i literally felt it at the tip of my butthole but i held my ground and pushed it back in.

Im like 6 mins away from my house, luckily I had gotten most green lights so im racing home, Couple mins later it happens again ( the more i held it in, the less time in between i had) this time i thought i was done man i had a CVS bag in the back of my car I was gonna pull over

and release in there but i prayed and I held it back, like a single drop leaked. About 3 mins away from home i happened one last time this time i knew i couldnt hold it in, i prayed so hard telling my self "if you let make home, i"ll do anything god" , DOG I WAS GOING TO %*@% IN

MY PANTS I REALLY SAID @*%# IT I DIDNT CARE!! man the lord answered my prayer i got through made it home, didnt even close the gate or car. Trying to open the door with my keys seemed like an eternity, i rushed through the living room holding my +%* clenching hard as I

could making sure nothing spilled. When i finally reached the bathroom i couldnt unbuckle, luckily i got that done but before i sat down i released some doo doo on the side of the toilet and and some on the floor. greatest relief i ever had in my life, spent 30 mins in there.

Originally Posted by Grimey

Originally Posted by blakep267

 Thats how Bears do it, its how I do it
why dont you just stay bucknekked all the time?  thats how bears do it. 

Originally Posted by Peep Game

or (in a public restroom) I wet up some paper towels and go to work.

lol so you wet the toilet paper at the sink before?  no hate but id be lol'n if i saw someone doin this.  you prolly just spit on it tho (.)

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

post to sn correlation
During my China vacation in the winter, I ate something that gave me the stomach flu/virus the morning of my flight home. My butt was on fire the whole flight SMH
One time I had to #!% so bad my arms/legs were in pain and I had a headache. I had been holding it in since lunch time because I was in the middle of class and didn't want to use a public stall. Felt like a new man once I got that demon out.
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