You just woke up from fainting after hitting the $400M lottery. What do you do now?

Buy a time machine.....any time I'd need another $400mil I'd just go back to the time when I originally passed out and retrieve it.
In this exact order.

1) Pay off all my immediately family and best friends' debts.
2) Set my finances to begin earning for me as well as locking away a substantial portion of the money for retirement and future generations.
3) Leave the country and travel the world for 1-2 years. This serves two purposes: One, cause I want to see the world. Two, because I want to be forgotten by all the people who don't matter that will think I should help them financially.
4) On my return (if I even choose to return) I'd buy a nice house, in a nice middle class neighborhood, and live quietly and comfortably with my family. Very few extravagances.
great answer.... i'd only add weed, a bunch of it
Take care of close family & friends who've been there for me.
Open several accounts and put 100k in a CD account til it maximizes in interest.
spend conservatively
buy NT and bring back the wait period.
Stunt so hard muhf_'s wanna fine me.

I'd be an eccentric philanthropist.

I'd travel the world with my charity and see to it that all the money I donated went directly to where it needed to.

First thing I'd do is see how long I could live normal before cashing in.
Help my family and friends.
Keep $20m for myself.
Donate the rest of it to schools and nonprofit community programs and such.
Buy a time machine.....any time I'd need another $400mil I'd just go back to the time when I originally passed out and retrieve it.

View media item 554945

you dont understand the theory of time travel. that wouldn't work.

if your future self goes back in time to recover the 400m your past self passed out on...then your past self would not have the 400m at the time he was going to buy the time machine, henceforth you'd never have been able to go back in time to rob yourself anyways. stop trying to scam the space time continuum...I'm not saying you aren't smart enough..I'm just saying.
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I'll do mostly what everyone is saying with debt and student loans. But I would also finish my degree in undergrad and get my masters.
Buy a time machine.....any time I'd need another $400mil I'd just go back to the time when I originally passed out and retrieve it.

View media item 554945

you dont understand the theory of time travel. that wouldn't work.

if your future self goes back in time to recover the 400m your past self passed out on...then your past self would not have the 400m at the time he was going to buy the time machine, henceforth you'd never have been able to go back in time to rob yourself anyways. stop trying to scam the space time continuum...I'm not saying you aren't smart enough..I'm just saying.

in his defense, no one really understands how time travel works
you dont understand the theory of time travel. that wouldn't work.

if your future self goes back in time to recover the 400m your past self passed out on...then your past self would not have the 400m at the time he was going to buy the time machine, henceforth you'd never have been able to go back in time to rob yourself anyways. stop trying to scam the space time continuum...I'm not saying you aren't smart enough..I'm just saying.

I love when NT tries to make sense of things as outlandish as time travel
set my family and friends up nice
do one crazy week long trip in a foreign country with my closest friends
and then start figuring out ways to keep the money stacking
Buy a time machine.....any time I'd need another $400mil I'd just go back to the time when I originally passed out and retrieve it.

View media item 554945

you dont understand the theory of time travel. that wouldn't work.

if your future self goes back in time to recover the 400m your past self passed out on...then your past self would not have the 400m at the time he was going to buy the time machine, henceforth you'd never have been able to go back in time to rob yourself anyways. stop trying to scam the space time continuum...I'm not saying you aren't smart enough..I'm just saying.

in his defense, no one really understands how time travel works

Exactly, which is why it's just a theory, but there's still logical concepts lol.
I'd buy my boiz audi's and have a race to las vegas
id get enough white to last me for a month

what can you do with an island?!
bruh you can move there and start ur own utopian society! :lol:
but seriously though!
grab an island, set up tree houses for like 30 people, and have it be a haven where only you or your friends can go

not letting anyone else in:smokin
no new friends :smokin :smokin
He-man woman hater's club :smokin :smokin :smokin
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1. Find out how much I have after taxes+fees

2. Pay off parents' debt and mortgage

3. Buy my parents a nicer house in a nicer area

4. Buy real estate for myself

5. Go on a vacation

6. Start my own fund and make the money grow

Honestly, my life wouldn't change so much.
Make sure the fam is straight.

Start breaking ****

Walk around slapping people in the face, then give them $100.

Watch the world burn.

OD off life in about a month
pay off my student loans,
buy a car,
pay off my mothers house,
invest/buy land
continue to work, like I'm still broke
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> Hire worlds finest engineers
> Build ironman suit
> be iron man
> reprogram Siri into Jarvis
> :pimp:
Go to work and do something similar to the first 15 seconds of this

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What are you guys talking about with that "Keep quite about it/ Don't tell anybody about it"

You know you're going to be on every damn news broadcast/ Yahoo/ all that shhhh.

Besides all that investing/relocating fam/paying off debt/hooking the fam/friends up...

I'd be on my Will Smith "Seven Pounds" steez and help random people out who really deserve it...

It's fun thinking about all the good I would do with all that money, and all the outlandish unnecessary **** I'd do as well.
Id start lookin for a nice house in a gated community somewhere.
Then just get up and leave and tell only a few people.
Just walk into Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, Porsche dealerships and buy a lot of cars.
Travel most of the year to most major cities and go sight seeing.
Buy stock and properties & just watch the money pile up.
My life would mostly consist of traveling and buying nice things. I dont like partying/smoking so.........
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Pay off my parents house, tell no one, and continue to live life regularly. Open up my own plaza to have people rent it out. :pimp:
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What are you guys talking about with that "Keep quite about it/ Don't tell anybody about it"

You know you're going to be on every damn news broadcast/ Yahoo/ all that shhhh.
You can keep it anonymous.

1.Drop out of college, but I would still live at school and when we go out always pick up the tabs.  

2. Rent a yacht in the south pacific with all my boys, a ton of escorts, coke, booze, and see how long we can go for.

3. Buy a M5

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