You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Not sure why everyone on NT assumes ho first. Contrary to popular belief on NT, not every girl is a jump.
Don't worry man. Dudes who think like that either had sloot sisters, a sloot mama, or a combination of both. That or some sort of emotional scaring
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Chevy fanboys.... Yall not the only cool automaker bruh.

A**hole managers that try and spark up convo with u while you work.... BRUH! I don't wanna talk to u, I don't like u.

When Im cooking some cheesey garlic bread and get up to check it and it's not done... Only to come back a few minutes later and it's burnt...

Scavenger Smokers

When people borrow your stuff and keep it forever.
Chevy BMW fanboys.... Yall not the only cool automaker bruh.

When Im cooking some cheesey garlic bread and get up to check it and it's not done... Only to come back a few minutes later and it's burnt...
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Posts longer than 2 sentences
You get mad about two sentences? That's not a lot.
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Waiter that expect to get tipped after bringing our food cold and after other customers who got here after us gets their food first.. Only brought out da egg rolls and spring rolls fresh tho..
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Waiter that expect to get tipped after bringing our food cold and after other customers who got here after us gets their food first.. Only brought out da egg rolls and spring rolls fresh tho..
To add to what you just said, when the tip is already included in the bill and the waiter was a horrible one :smh:
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Societies slick ways of racism, I can at least know " hey that guy doesn't like black people"
 if you racists, just say it so you can stay out of my way and I can stay out of yours
Whenever someone calls an asian person "jackie chan"

Bruce Lee.....thats cool
Jet li even.

But jackie chan.....nawwww.
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