You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Men with daddy issues and can't overcome an easy problem by improving themselves
Another thing that grinds my gears is the price of razors. Every time I run out, i gotta drop damn near $30 for replacement cartridges
Switch to Dorco razors. You'll save a lot of money.
People who buy chargers that's not the only fast Sudan in the world everybody got one soon people get that income tax refund that's the first thing they think about
Wen I rap along to a song say the wrong word and sumone corrects me.....son I was freestylin.

Wen I wake up...turn on sportscenter then prepare a really good breakfast....sit down.....commercial |I
what sensitive people on nt or the screen names and avatars of some memmbers
People who buy chargers that's not the only fast Sudan in the world everybody got one soon people get that income tax refund that's the first thing they think about

I have no idea what these two people are saying and it bothers me.
I have no idea what these two people are saying and it bothers me.
:lol: me either

Wen I wake up...turn on sportscenter then prepare a really good breakfast....sit down.....commercial |I
The worst


When you find something on you wanna watch, but its on commercial.So you spend a minute looking thru the guide 4 another show to watch while waiting. When you finally find something else,its on commercial break too. Now imagine going thru that with 4-5 shows & be prepared to throw your remote at the damn wall :smh:
If that made any sense :lol:
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People that leave ghost chairs and cone back hours trying to front like they was first :lol:
When your mother/father/grandmother/grandfather asks you to do something for them, you do it, then go back upstairs and 10 mins later they call you down again. :smh:
People not being financially prepared for when something bad happens, or being wasteful with their money then having the stupid egg on the face look when more important things come up (especially when you knew they were coming up)
People not being financially prepared for when something bad happens, or being wasteful with their money then having the stupid egg on the face look when more important things come up (especially when you knew they were coming up)

Then they reach out to you for help and set your progress and nest egg back. Got you praying to God nothing bad happens till you're above water again.
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