Your favorite NT moment.

Sep 2, 2007
My favorite of all time has to be waaaaay back when henz got everybody to use the star gif as the avy that used to be by your name on ezboard ten changed it topr0n
I haven't been here that long and my NT posting pattern is pretty irregular but that thread from about a week or 2 ago where old boy posted this girl'snumber and then y'all went and found his auntie's house and @$+%.
kennE with the tennis rackets
hbw beefs. i cant lie, dude was hilarious and entertaining
ny blackout, cali run this town
harlem shake story
old school wdywt in general lol
when jpthe3 exposed method man and jrose5 and roasted them was the best ..good times..good times
yahoo answers. fuuu threads.... bulletproof vest... crank and his cousins fifi or whatever its called ....
Ima have to say the HARLEM SHAKE STORY!! That was pure comedy... Real funny read.

Then we can't forget the epic threads.

Baby Dill exposing Ruben (Retired Jordans)
Steve I$$ Vs. Niketalk ( MethodMan and Jrose was proving all he said was lies) Full of NT Patriotism gifs and pics lmao
EddyMac getting exposed also as a fraud. ( He took the circle pictures of kicks)

Recently, the Smush story about him smashing a NT'ers girl.
Too much...

Is Dirty a Big guy?, As A ____ Guy, When we could only reply with a new thread, The night Obama won, Batman Vs. Spiderman Thread The thread where theydude's teeth looked like CB34s
Dude who waited to fight an NTer. Dude had pictures and the whole 9.

I cant remember his username. I just remember he used to always say 'enh.[emoji]8482[/emoji]'
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Too much...

Is Dirty a Big guy?, As A ____ Guy, When we could only reply with a new thread, The night Obama won, Batman Vs. Spiderman Thread The thread where they dude's teeth looked like CB34s
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]????[/color]
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