Your girl ever find your "personal" stash? Vol. Naked Pics

Originally Posted by Yes its That Dude

never get caught
what you do is: 1. sign up for a gmail account (with another password that you don't use anywhere else)
                                      2. send the pics you get to gmail account
                         3. only use this email for your stash collection
that's what i do...
or use dropbox upload to dropbox icloud which stores it and stream to your computer when needed
Pics of said pics.
Man y'all are bringing back memories. I remember I had a lot of very very naughty pics that I used to share with the homies for bragging rights. I kept everything in my Smart Phone I had back in High School.

Long story short, I graduated, and that summer I got a new phone and never looked back. Like a year passed by and my family and I moved to a new house... my girl was helping us moved and stumbled upon my old phone.

She was like "Awww baby... remember you use to use this phone?" And my dumb*ss was like "Haha oh yeah... probably still has our corny High School conversations too!" And she was like "Haha OMG really?!? Let's check"

As soon as she said the word "check" my eyes blew up soooo f*cking HUGE! And all I could think of for that split second was that this relationship is going to end because of all the vaginas and booty pics she's about to see.
Originally Posted by jdi23

Nah, but some kids at my church saw some girl giving me head on my phone. I usually move everything to the vault, but that day I slipped and let them play with my phone. Next thing I know I hear slurping in the waiting area of the church. I'm like damn that sounds familiar. So I go in there and sure enough they are in there watching me get mopped off. I was embarrassed but at least no other adults were around so it worked out.

Don't mean to take joy in your pain, but this is pretty funny man. I'd say "delete" them, but of course, I said earlier, move them to the cloud.
What the hell kind of excuse did you use OP. Why not be honest? This was BEFORE you girl. What the hell can she do/say about that?
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Man y'all are bringing back memories. I remember I had a lot of very very naughty pics that I used to share with the homies for bragging rights. I kept everything in my Smart Phone I had back in High School.

Long story short, I graduated, and that summer I got a new phone and never looked back. Like a year passed by and my family and I moved to a new house... my girl was helping us moved and stumbled upon my old phone.

She was like "Awww baby... remember you use to use this phone?" And my %@%%%%+ was like "Haha oh yeah... probably still has our corny High School conversations too!" And she was like "Haha OMG really?!? Let's check"

As soon as she said the word "check" my eyes blew up soooo !*$!@#! HUGE! And all I could think of for that split second was that this relationship is going to end because of all the vaginas and booty pics she's about to see.
Why you no finish story
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Have had a yahoo email account for this sole purpose for about 5 years now! lol.
I use yahoo for no other purpose.


I also have a Live account as a back-up
Originally Posted by solefood229

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Have had a yahoo email account for this sole purpose for about 5 years now! lol.
I use yahoo for no other purpose.


I also have a Live account as a back-up

i use to do this but my FB got hacked once
got paranoid
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What the hell kind of excuse did you use OP. Why not be honest? This was BEFORE you girl. What the hell can she do/say about that?

I told her that the only reason they were on my "Recent Documents" folder was because when I went to delete them, the files ended up in there because "all files go there first before you delete them".

She bought it...sort of.   Luckily for me, she is not too tech-savy.
When we moved into our new place and were still in the process of unpacking and I was away on training for work....she went through some of our video tapes and wedged in between was a video made with an old girlfriend from a few years ago.  She watched the whole thing I think and her only concern was that the previous girl did things better and she became hell bent on a mission to prove she could put it down the best.  I recommend this trick.
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Man y'all are bringing back memories. I remember I had a lot of very very naughty pics that I used to share with the homies for bragging rights. I kept everything in my Smart Phone I had back in High School.

Long story short, I graduated, and that summer I got a new phone and never looked back. Like a year passed by and my family and I moved to a new house... my girl was helping us moved and stumbled upon my old phone.

She was like "Awww baby... remember you use to use this phone?" And my dumb*ss was like "Haha oh yeah... probably still has our corny High School conversations too!" And she was like "Haha OMG really?!? Let's check"

As soon as she said the word "check" my eyes blew up soooo f*cking HUGE! And all I could think of for that split second was that this relationship is going to end because of all the vaginas and booty pics she's about to see.
Why you no finish story

I like to keep it interesting, you know, the suspense! On some DBZ to be continued.... "On the next draagoonn balll Z"

Alright, so here's what happened. I didn't think much of it because I thought the phone wouldn't turn on because I assumed the battery was dead. But then she presses the side button and I can hear the music that meant it's turning on, and well...

... you know how they say before you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes? Well pretty much the same sh*t just happened. It's like in one second all the sh*t I have ever done, all they crazy pics and videos I made, all the kinky crap I pulled just flashed before me.

I remember I was holding the box full of clothes. And as soon as I heard it, I dropped the box and tried to grab my phone. Then she obviously suspects that i'm bothered so she starts playing with me, laughing around asking me what's in it, while moving the phone away from me. She finally slowly puts the phone in front of my face... and I politely just

smacked it out her hand. Then she was like "What the hell was that for?" I played it off by apologizing and laughing it off. And I asked her if we could just hurry and get the boxes in the car so we can go home and

eat. She was like
"alright" and kept it moving. As soon as she left the room, I grabbed the phone, took the memory card out and hid it so she could never find it again.

The end.
Originally Posted by killabee

My girl never found my stash. There was one time however , her and I was on the computer and i subconsciously went to a porno website

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

When we moved into our new place and were still in the process of unpacking and I was away on training for work....she went through some of our video tapes and wedged in between was a video made with an old girlfriend from a few years ago.  She watched the whole thing I think and her only concern was that the previous girl did things better and she became hell bent on a mission to prove she could put it down the best.  I recommend this trick.

weird as hell to me that she watched the whole thing, she was prolly turned on by it.......
think about that for a minute.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

I eventually delete them. Just don't care to be keeping them all that long.

This, but

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

I could never delete my pics though. I did that a couple times a few years back, and I regret it. Still wish I had some of the pics I deleted.

hahah this thread>>>>

every single female I've ever been with has sent me nudes. All of them! haha! and I kept them allll loll. $%!* i still got old ones from hs when we were underage...I keep those in the pedo file. lol. nah really though, i see no reason in erasing them. theyre mine. why ya shorty on ya computer anyways? my lil mama wanna use the internet, i toss her that smooth ipad and just layup like a finger roll. I got nudes of these my !#%# and exes everwhere...laptops from emails, cellphone from pic messages, i've had some of these !#%# send me nudes through facebook lol. its so real out here lol

never been caught and dont plan on it.
I'll share my story

I kept said pics all on a flash drive. So one night the gf his having printer issues and has a paper due the next morning and asks if she could use one of my flash drives. This was pretty late in the night so I wasnt thinking straight and said yeah.
 The next morning I get a phone call and she is livid. Talking about why the F#*@ when she plugged the drive into the library computer all these naked pics of girls popped up and how embarassed she was and it was all my fault, she is just going off on me over the phone.

Meanwhile im on the other side of the phone thinking OH $@#! deny deny deny. I come up with the story that I downloaded some stuff from NT  
 and the pics must have been included in the zip files. She really didnt buy it.
Originally Posted by rowenarrow

Originally Posted by finnns2003

No way she finds it. I work in IT.
This we IT nerds must stick together. CCNA in 2 weeks
Anywho yeah man. Lock your computer she uses guest account, when love is in the picture rid yourself of the evidence. No need to hide the that hard fam, if this chick is your girl she has a chance to be better than those pics, do you want to ruin that for so jpeg of a chick from your past....not worth it.

You should however share them with the crew, keep all images of you out of it of course, but hell we family right you had them long enough, stop be greedy
Originally Posted by finnns2003

No way she finds it. I work in IT.

Even though I don't bother keepin pics like that but I aint never been caught with a history of
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