[/Your Girl having Male friends\]

Anyway, in the end, it's lose-lose. Either you just say nothing and are powerless... Or if you say something you come off as weak.

This is what I hate. And I agree, I can't see the need for 1 on 1 time either. I can't ever understand that.
im cool with it for the most part (im not the type to tell her who she cant and cant chill with).. but i swear some of these friendzoned bums stay trying their hardest..
 im like 
 most of the time. 
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

if she wanted to she could. If she wants to cheat on you, she will. No matter what you do. I also have a huge ego and think i'm the @%$ so if she gets withanyone else, she'd just be slummin'

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Gello 201

Always that one simp!! There to "catch" her if she falls. I always tell the breezy to ask him if he wants to smash....he WON'T say no. How much of it is JUST friends then?!

...That's a dumb way to go about it, though.

What self respecting heterosexual man wouldn't deny a chance at sex from, at the very least, a mildly attractive female? Assuming he isn't committed,that is.
a dude who can, JUST BECAUSE

You play with fire enough, you're gonna get burned.

Therefore, you don't allow her to play with fire as much as you possibly can.

YES, if she wants to cheat, she probably will. But remember, we're all human; Just because her intentions are good within the relationship, doesn't mean she's immune to screwing up.

SO... limit her opportunities for screw-ups and, in my opinion, your situation is that much less volatile.
depends on how "friendly" they are....I wouldn't be comfortable with my girl actually chillin with a dude.
having male friends is ok only if it's guy friends at work. F that chill out side of work unless its a group thing .

I have girl's as friends tho but i don't try to smash or anything. depends on the guy i guess
is this a serious question?
. no $++! she can have male friends, gay friends, white friends, black friends, green friends who the @$%! cares. there is something called trust, and if you and your girl dont have it then you lost
Originally Posted by Squalie413

[h3]People who get jealous shouldn't date good looking people. real talk
this is a very good response.
i just got 1 thing to say: confidence and trust.

you trust your girl and your confident of your relationship, your solid.
a relationship is nothing without trust.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

gonna do what they wanna do regardless....
Basically. I used to be real insecure about that but now I'm like "*@%# it" she gon do what she wanna do regardless, she's smart enough to not fall for any game and what not so I don't care anymore.  She don't really mind me havin female friends who I text alot. Now as far as me goin out w/ em to dinner and %!!#, would never do it out of respect, she like my lil sister anyway.
Originally Posted by ca5perrr

Originally Posted by Squalie413

[h3]People who get jealous shouldn't date good looking people. real talk
this is a very good response.
i just got 1 thing to say: confidence and trust.

you trust your girl and your confident of your relationship, your solid.
a relationship is nothing without trust.

but who isnt jealous tho? everyone is too some extent
What I don't get is why people automatically say, "If you trust your girl then there shouldn't be an issue." Well that isn't the issue. The issue is your girl being in a 1-on-1 encounter with a male that you KNOW has some sort of interest in her from a sexual standpoint. Unless the dude is 100% gay, I can't see how there is no interest there at all. Plus if he WANTS to do something, how can she STOP him. Yea she can put him in his place or speak up, but say if the dude's hands start to move to places it has no business being, what can she do to STOP that? Nothing. So to prevent that situation from even happening, I would want my woman going anywhere 1-on-1 with another male.

Has nothing to do with trust. And a lot of times, these women are so naive and blind when it comes to the intentions of these male friends. They can't be this stupid
Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by gORJESS

I personally don't have any male friends. Most males don't know how to respect a girl when she has a boyfriend. I had a few here and there that I would talk to more towards the beginning of my relationship but now that my boyfriend & I have been together almost 2.5 years I don't talk to like any of them any more. Maybe a wave if I saw them but that's about it.

As for my boyfriend, he doesn't really chill with any chicks but he has this like group 5 girls that he grew up with that are annoying as hell and all $%#!+ with like 5 kids by the time they were 18, they don't phase me cause me >>>>>>> them ANY day.

But I dont know how I would react if one day he was like " Oh im goin out to eat with so & so" Id probably be like alright I'll be ready in five lol.

Ya'll will unfortunately get bored of smothering eachother realfast .... People need to be able to socialize with both sexes ..
Socialize with other sexes (not your sig. other) makes people happy and not bored? Didn't know that.
Originally Posted by Twig1026

9 times out of 10 they like your girl, have been with your girl, your girl likes them...its a lose-lose situation. She might stop talking to them just tosatisfy you but if you ever break up they will regain contact with the quickness...I'm going through that right now. They say stuff just to ease your mindbut I never expect them to follow through because I'd probably do the same thing
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What I don't get is why people automatically say, "If you trust your girl then there shouldn't be an issue." Well that isn't the issue. The issue is your girl being in a 1-on-1 encounter with a male that you KNOW has some sort of interest in her from a sexual standpoint. Unless the dude is 100% gay, I can't see how there is no interest there at all. Plus if he WANTS to do something, how can she STOP him. Yea she can put him in his place or speak up, but say if the dude's hands start to move to places it has no business being, what can she do to STOP that? Nothing. So to prevent that situation from even happening, I would want my woman going anywhere 1-on-1 with another male.

Has nothing to do with trust. And a lot of times, these women are so naive and blind when it comes to the intentions of these male friends. They can't be this stupid

if it ever went that far, to the point where hes layin' hands on her.  Then you can pull out.

But if you're just taking an educated guess that this male is trying to get inside her pants.  Why not just be oblivious to the situation.  Personally, seeing is believing.

Its not like shes this #1 overall draft pick in the NFL where you invest millions in that prospect.
--Male friends? As in plural? Girls are naive.
--One male friend has smashed before. One is smashing as we speak and another will smash in the future.

--Real talk.
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